Directory of Diseases (with the letter O)


HERBAL - see Alopecia

FALL (syn: syncope) - a sudden loss of consciousness of a non-epileptic nature due to a diffuse decrease in brain metabolism caused by a short-term decrease in cerebral blood flow. Fainting in this or that ... more

ODONTOGENIC BRUSH - see Tooth cyst

Anticipation - violation of the frequency, rhythm or depth of breathing, accompanied, as a rule, by a sense of lack of air. It can be associated with a violation in any part of the act of breathing, in which the bark is involved ... more

OBESITY - a pathological condition characterized by an increase in body weight due to excess fat deposition in the body. Depending on the excess weight of the body in relation to the so-called ideal mass, they are isolated ... more

BURNS - tissue damage caused by high temperature, acids, alkalis or ionizing radiation. Depending on the etiological factor, thermal, chemical burns, electric burns are distinguished ... more

FENCES - skin damage caused by prolonged cooling. It occurs with a constant, albeit slight cooling (work outdoors in cold wet weather or in damp areas, wearing tight unheated shoes and ... more

OLIGOFRENIA is a group of diseases, different in etiology and pathogenesis, the main manifestation of which is congenital or acquired in the first 3 years of life, dementia and difficulty in social adaptation. The reason ... more

OMOZOLOLOST - a limited thickening of the horny layer of the skin, which develops on the site of repeated mechanical stimuli (pressure, friction), which contribute to local circulatory disturbance and keratinization .... more

OMsk HEMORRHAGIC FEVER - infectious disease from the group of hemorrhagic fevers; Characterized by a mild hemorrhagic syndrome, fever, cardiovascular and nervous system damage. Natural foci ... more

OPISTOTONUS - convulsive posture with a sharp arching of the back, tipping the head back with support only on the back of the head and heels, stretching the legs, bending hands, hands, feet and fingers due to tonic muscle contraction ... more

BENDING LIKE - see Herpes zoster

TUMORS (syn: neoplasms, blastomas) - abnormal growths of tissues, consisting of qualitatively changed cells that become atypical with respect to differentiation, growth pattern and others ... more

ORNOTOZ (syn: psittacosis) - an infectious disease characterized by intoxication, lung damage and a tendency to prolonged course with exacerbations. The causative agent of ornithosis refers to chlamydia. It is stable ... more

ORCHIT - inflammation of the testis. It is more common in case of epidemic parotitis, influenza, tuberculosis. Tuberculosis orchitis develops usually as a result of the spread of the inflammatory process from the epididymis to the testicle .... more

ACUTE RESPIRATORY VIRAL INFECTIONS (ARVI) is a group of acute human infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets and characterized by primary respiratory damage. SARS are the most common infectious ... more

ACUTE ANIMAL - a clinical syndrome that develops during injuries and acute diseases of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space and requires urgent surgical care. For an acute abdomen are typical ... more

LADY QUINK (syn: angioneurotic edema, giant urticaria) - acute, suddenly developed, limited edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and (or) mucous membranes. More common in women; In children and persons ... more

BRAIN HOSE. If the substance (cells) of the brain of any etiology (trauma, intoxication, ischemia, etc.) is damaged during the first hours, the filtration of the liquid part of the plasma into the intercellular space of the brain increases .... more

OTIT is an inflammation of the ear. There are external, middle and inner otitis media. External otitis media. Isolate otitis externa (auricle of external auditory canal) and diffuse (diffuse) external otitis ... more

FABRICATION - tissue damage caused by exposure to low temperatures. Factors contributing to frostbite include high humidity, strong wind, tight shoes and clothing, alcohol intoxication, ... more

DISEASE - sudden involuntary discharge into the oral cavity of gas from the stomach or esophagus, sometimes with small portions of the contents of the stomach. Normally, there is always a gas in the stomach that stimulates its motor and ... more

OTLOZAYKA EYES OF THE EYE is a disease in which the connection between the retina of the eye and the pigment epithelium is broken. It is observed more often in the pathology of the retina and vitreous body, with myopia of a high degree. Due to physical ... more

COOLING OF ORGANISM - the state of the body caused by the effects of cold, and characterized by general and local reactions. In conditions of the predominance of heat transfer over the heat production, cooling leads to a decrease in body temperature, ... more