Directory of diseases (letter C)


SATTOSALPINKS - see Adnexitis

SAKROILITE - inflammation of the sacroiliac joint. The inflammatory process can spread to the synovial membrane (synovitis), affect articular surfaces (osteoarthritis) or the entire joint (pan-arthritis) .... more

SALMONELLOSE is an infectious disease characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations - from asymptomatic carriage to severe septic course. It often occurs in the form of gastrointestinal forms ... more


SARKOIDOZ (syn: Bénia-Beka-Schaumann disease) is a systemic disease with a chronic course characterized by the formation of specific granulomas in various organs and tissues. Sarcoid granulomas differ from ... more

SARCOMA - malignant non-epithelial tumors of various histogenesis. Most often occur at a young age. There are angiosarcoma - a tumor of vascular tissue; Myosarcoma - muscle tissue; Osteosarcoma - bone ... more

SUGAR DIABETES (syn: sugar disease, sugar diabetes) - an endocrine disease caused by a deficiency in the body of the hormone insulin or its low biological activity; Characterized by violation of all ... more

MAIN DIFFERENTIAL-DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE KETOACIDOTIC DIABETIC COME AND HYPOGLYCEMIC COME The hyperosmolar coma is relatively rare. It develops usually in patients older than 50 years. Hyperosmolar coma is distinguished by the absence of ketoacidosis (and accordingly odor ... more

LIGHT - FACE - increased sensitivity of the eye to light, usually associated with irritation of the endings of the trigeminal nerve, embedded in the tissues of the anterior part of the eye - conjunctiva, cornea, iris, ciliary body. Due to ... more

Pig - see Epidemic mumps

SEBOREYA - a pathological condition of the skin, characterized by increased secretion of sebaceous glands and a change in the normal composition of sebum. Observed in 50 - 60% of boys and girls. The cause of seborrhea development is ... more

SENESTHOPATHY - spontaneously arising pathological sensations, not having a somatic basis, usually painful and painful; Are manifested by a feeling of burning, squeezing, tightening and are accompanied by the experiences of their ... more

SEEN FEVER - see Pollinosis

SEPSIS (generalized purulent infection) is a common severe infectious disease that results from the spread of infection from the primary focus in connection with the violation of mechanisms of local and general immunity .... more

CARDIAC ASTAMA is a dyspnoea with a sense of suffocation caused by acute stagnation of blood in the pulmonary vessels due to the difficulty of its outflow into the left ventricle of the heart. The cause is a narrowing of the left atrioventricular ... more

HEART FAILURE is a pathological condition in which cardiac output does not meet the needs of the body due to a reduction in the pumping function of the heart. The cause may be overload of the heart with an increased volume of blood ... more

Symptomatic ulcers of the stomach - acute or chronic focal lesions of the gastric mucosa, not associated with peptic ulcer. Symptomatic stomach ulcers are: a) "medicinal" ulcers (with prolonged ... more

SYNDROME OF LONG - SLEEPING - see Long-term compression syndrome

SYNDROME of polycystic ovaries - ovarian hyperandrogenia; Violation of hormonal (increased formation of male sex hormones androgens) and generative (the process of egg maturation) of the function of the ovaries. The reason is ... more

SINUSITI - acute or chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. It can be one- or two-sided with the involvement of any sinus or all paranasal sinuses from one or both sides (the so-called ... more

SYPHILIS is a chronic venereal disease caused by pale treponema. Pathogen - pale treponema, having the form of a thin spiral-shaped filament from 4 to 14 microns in length with fine uniform curls. Outside ... more

Sklerodermia is a progressive disease characterized by changes in connective tissue with the development of sclerosis and obliterating lesions of arterioles; Is manifested by densification of the skin, and in the systemic nature of the process ... more

WEAKNESS - an irreversible impoverishment of mental activity with the loss or decline of knowledge and skills obtained in the past and the impossibility or difficulty of acquiring new ones, arising as a result of transferred ... more

SNOWLIGHT (syn: somnambulism, sleepwalking) - see Sleep, sleep disturbances

CONSCIOUSNESS, infringements . Criteria of impaired consciousness are: 1) detachment of the patient from the surrounding with a difficult, fragmentary and indistinct perception of it; 2) different types and degrees of disorientation (in place, time, ... more

SLE, sleep disorders are divided into insomnia, hypersomnia and parasomnia. Insomnia is a condition defined as dissatisfaction with sleep, "insomnia." Insomnia can be associated with a disturbance of falling asleep, frequent night ... more

AIDS - see HIV infection

STARCHESKOE SLABOUMIE - mental illness, beginning mainly in old age, caused by brain atrophy and manifested gradually increasing disintegration of mental activity to the degree ... more

STENOCARDIA is a symptom of acute myocardial ischemia, which is expressed by an attack of chest pain. In the vast majority of cases, angina refers to the manifestations of coronary heart disease and is identified as one of its ... more

STEREOTYPES - involuntary, repeated repetition of patients with monotonous, meaningless movements or individual words, often meaningless phrases. Motor stereotypy is observed in organic lesions ... more

STOLBNYAK is an infectious disease characterized by tonic stress of skeletal muscles and attacks of tetanic convulsions caused by the defeat of the central nervous system by the toxin of the pathogen. In Russia ... more

Stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa. It can have a traumatic, infectious, allergic origin, arise as a result of intoxication with salts of heavy metals. Inflammation of the mucosa ... more

STOP - a state of complete immobility with mutism and a weakened reaction to irritations. Depressive stupor develops at the height of depression and can suddenly be replaced by a frantic excitement with suicidal ... more

FUDDERS - paroxysmal involuntary contractions of muscles, one of the forms of hyperkinesia. They can occur with various diseases of the nervous system - epilepsy, meningitis and encephalitis, craniocerebral trauma, edema ... more

SURVIVAL DISEASE - an allergic disease that occurs when parenterally administered with the therapeutic or prophylactic purpose of serums or their preparations containing large amounts of protein. Is manifested by fever, pain in ... more

CHILD TIF is an infectious disease characterized by a cyclic course, fever, marked intoxication, rose-oly-petechial rash, and damage to the vascular and central nervous systems. Currently ... more