Directory of Diseases (letter T)


BASIC PROPOSALS OF FRUIT - the position of the fetus in the uterus, which is, that is, located above the entrance to the mother's small pelvis, the pelvic end of the fetus. Occurs in 3-5% of parturient women. It is customary to distinguish between the gluteal (flexion type) and the foot ... more

HEART TAMPONDA - see Hemopericard

Tahikardia - increased heart rate for resting conditions. At normal body temperature in a healthy adult in a prone position, the number of heartbeats usually does not exceed 80, and in the position ... more

Tendovaginitis is an inflammation of the tendon sheath that occurs when a pathogenic microflora penetrates into it or as a result of dystrophic changes in the synovial tendon sheaths. Distinguish infectious and aseptic ... more

TENIARINHOZ - helminthiasis from the group of cestodiasis, characterized mainly by damage to the upper part of the human gastrointestinal tract. It occurs everywhere, mainly in areas of intensive ... more

THERMAL IMPACT - a serious pathological condition, caused by a general overheating of the body. There are thermal shock caused by the primary influence of high ambient temperature, heat shock, ... more

TICKI - repetitive rapid involuntary non-rhythmic movements, usually involving a limited group of muscles. Isolate motor tics, vocal tics, sensory tics (unpleasant bodily sensations, passing at ... more

Thyroiditis is an inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland of an infectious or immune nature. Patients complain of pain in the neck, which radiates to the back of the neck, the lower jaw. Sometimes there is pain when ... more

THYOTOTOXIC CRISIS - see Diffuse toxic goiter

TOXICOSE OF PREGNANCY - pathological conditions of pregnant women, causally related to the developing fetal egg and, as a rule, disappearing in the postpartum period. Toxicosis, manifested in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, usually ... more

TOXICOMANIA - diseases characterized by pathological predilection for substances not considered as drugs. There are no medico-biological differences between drug addiction and substance abuse .... more

TOXOPLASMOSIS is a parasitic disease characterized mainly by the defeat of the nervous system, lymph nodes, muscles, myocardium, eyes, enlarged liver and spleen. The causative agent is Toxoplasma gondii -... more

TONSILLITE CHRONIC - chronic inflammation of the tonsils. It is more common in children, very rarely in people over 60 years of age. The development of the disease is promoted by unfavorable climatic conditions and working conditions (dust, ... more


Nausea is a kind of painful sensation in the epigastric region, chest, mouth cavity, often preceding vomiting and often accompanied by general weakness, sweating, hypersalivation, cooling of the extremities, ... more

TRACHOMA is a chronic infectious disease of the conjunctiva and cornea, which is characterized by its infiltration, the development of follicles and the formation of scars. Pathogen trachoma - protozoa, one of the varieties ... more

TREMOR ( trembling ) - involuntary rhythmic vibrational movements of the body or its individual parts (often the limbs and the head). Allocate a tremor of rest, postural (postural) and intentional tremor. Postural tremor ... more

CRACK OF REAR PASSAGE - see Anal fissure

TRIKHINELLOZ - helminthiasis from the group of nematodes, characterized by fever, intoxication, pain in the muscles, facial swelling, skin rashes, eosinophilia of the blood, and in severe cases - damage to the internal organs and ... more

TRICHOMONOSIS is a parasitic disease of the organs of the genitourinary system, caused by the simplest - vaginal trichomonas. In most cases, the disease is transmitted sexually. The urethra is affected ... more

THROMBOZ - lifelong coagulation of blood in the lumen of the vessels or cavities of the heart. A thrombus is a condensed mass of coagulated blood. The leading factors in the pathogenesis of thrombosis are damage to the walls of the vessels, deceleration ... more

THROMBOFLEBIT - acute inflammation of the vein walls with the formation of a thrombus in its lumen. In the development of the disease, several factors are important: the slowing of the blood flow, the change in its composition, the disorders in the blood coagulation system, ... more

THROMBOEMBOLY - Acute clotting of a blood vessel with a blood clot that detached from the place of its formation (on the wall of the heart, the vessel) and got into the circulating blood. As a result of thromboembolism, the blood flow in the vessel ... more

THROMBOEMBOLY OF PULMONARY ARTERIES - acute blockage of the pulmonary trunk or branches of the arterial system of the lungs by a thrombus formed in the veins of the great circle of blood circulation or in the right half of the heart. It is always a complication of any ... more

TROPHOBLASTIC DISEASE is a disease of the trophoblast (part of the fetal egg) from which the placenta is formed. The development of trophoblastic disease is possible not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth and abortion. Allocate a simple ... more

TUBERCULOSIS is a chronic infectious disease caused by mycobacteria of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis of the respiratory system is more common; Among extrapulmonary lesions, the prevalence of tuberculosis of the urogenital system, the eye, ... more

TUBOTIIT (syn: eustachitis) - inflammation of the auditory (Eustachian) tube. Acute tubo-otitis develops when the inflammatory process spreads from the nasal cavity or nasopharynx to the mucosa of the auditory tube, ... more

TULAREMIA is an acute infectious disease with a natural foci characterized by fever, intoxication and lymph node involvement. In Russia, the incidence is predominantly sporadic. The causative agent is ... more

TUNNEL NEUROPATHIES occur due to compression of the nerve in the osteo-fibrous-muscular canals. Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by compression of the median nerve at the wrist level. Patients usually complain about ... more