Directory of diseases (in letter B)


Basalomya - see Tumors, skin tumors

BACTERIEMIA - the presence of bacteria in the blood. Penetration of the pathogen into the blood is noted in many infectious diseases and is an obligatory or possible component of their development. The number of microorganisms per unit of blood volume ... more

BALANTIDIAZ is a protozoal disease characterized by the formation of ulcers in the colon, diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. The disease occurs mainly in the form of sporadic cases, mainly in pigs ... more

DRUM PINS - a bulbous thickening of the end phalanges of the fingers, caused by hypertrophy of soft tissues and deformation of the nails. It is assumed that this is due to the change in the vascularization of the nail bed, with the peculiarities of its capillaries ... more

Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the large gland of the vestibule (Bartholin gland). The causative agents of bartholinitis are gonococci and staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, Trichomonas, etc. Bartolinite often develops due to ... more

WHITE HOT - see Alcoholic psychosis

BELI - discharge from the sexual organs of a woman. Physiological excretions from genital organs are uninvolved, mucous, do not cause skin irritation and mucous membrane of external genital organs. The number of selections increases somewhat ... more

BELMO - persistent opacity of the cornea due to its scar change. It arises as a result of severe inflammatory processes (keratitis, trachoma, corneal ulcers) or eye injuries of various origin ... more

PREGNANCY is a physiological process, during which in the body of a woman from a fertilized egg develops a fetus capable of extrauterine life. More often pregnancy is observed as a single fruit, it is possible to develop two ... more

PREGNANCY NECK is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy, in which attachment and development of the fetal egg occurs in the cervical canal. Distinguish true cervical pregnancy, when the placenta is located in the cervical canal ... more

BUMMER - see Sleep, sleep disturbances.

INFERTILITY - the inability of people of childbearing age to reproduce the offspring for 1 year of regular sexual life (sexual intercourse at least once a week) without contraception. Approximately 30% of cases of infertile marriage are due to ... more

BEKHTEREVA DISEASE (syn: ankylosing spondylitis) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the spine and joints. Most often sick male face at a young age. The cause of the disease is unknown, and its development is given importance ... more

Roughness is an infectious disease from the group of zoonoses that occurs after biting or moulting the infected animal, characterized by the defeat of the central nervous system. Sporadic cases are registered in most countries of the world ... more

BLEFARIT - inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. The cause is a local effect of chemical, physical or mechanical factors, bacterial infection (more often white or golden staphylococcus); The inflammatory process can spread to ... more

BLEFAROSPASM - spasm of the age-old part of the circular muscle of the eye. Can be tonic and clonic. Tonic blepharospasm is a persistent spastic closure of the eyelids due to tonic convulsions of the circular muscle. Develops reflexively in response to ... more

BLIZOROUCHOST - (syn: myopia) - visual impairment, in which the subjects under consideration are clearly visible only at close range. In newborns, the eyes are usually farsighted. As the child grows, the size of his eyeball ... more

BLIND TYPH ENDEMIC - (syn: rat typhus, rat rickettsiosis, endemic typhus) - an infectious disease characterized by benign cyclic course, fever and the appearance on the skin of a rose-papular rash ... more

BLINDING KIDNEY - see Nephroptosis.

Pain in the neck and upper extremities - pain localized in the neck (cervicalgia) or in the neck and arm (cervicobrahialgia), may be vertebrogenic (caused by the pathology of the spine) or unverebrogenic, skeletal-muscular ... more

Pain in the thoracic cage (thoracalgia) - is associated with the defeat of internal organs, bone-cartilaginous structures of the chest, myofascial syndrome, diseases of the spine and peripheral nervous system or psychogenic ... more

Pain in the lumbar and lower limbs - in the prevalence of lumbar region (pain in the lumbar or lumbosacral department) and lumboishialgia (back pain radiating to the legs). In acute intensive pain in the lower back ... more

BOTULISM is a disease caused by botulinum toxins; Occurs as a result of eating foods containing these toxins and is characterized by a predominant lesion of the central and autonomic nervous system ... more

BRADICCARDY - reducing the heart rate to 60 or less in 1 min in an adult (up to 100 in newborns, up to 80 - 70 in children from 1 to 6 years of age). The frequency of cardiac contractions from 45 to 60 per minute is sometimes found in practically ... more

BRED (syn: delirious syndrome) - a violation of thinking, which occurs in many mental illnesses. It is extremely important to conduct its correct and timely diagnosis. The main signs of delirium: 1) is a consequence of the disease and ... more

BRONZE DISEASE - see Adrenal Insufficiency.

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, in which the bronchial tree becomes permanently sensitive (hyper-reactive); Occurs with attacks of suffocation. When under the influence of various stimuli ... more

BRONCHITIS is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi. There are acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis and chronic bronchitis. In the development of acute bronchitis the main role belongs to infection, mainly viral, less often viral-bacterial and ... more

BRONCHOECTAZA - irreversible local enlargement of the bronchi with a change in the structure of their walls. The shape of the enlarged bronchi is different, more often there are cylindrical and saccular bronchiectasises. They may be limited. They can be ... more

Brucellosis is an infectious disease of people and animals, characterized by chronic course, defeat of the musculoskeletal system, nervous and reproductive system. It is widespread everywhere. The causative agents are brucellae. For a person ... read more

Bruce TIF - infectious disease from the group of intestinal infections, characterized by ulcerative lesions of the lymphatic apparatus of the small intestine, cyclic flow, bacteremia, symptoms of intoxication, skin rash ... more

BULIMIA is a pathologically increased feeling of hunger, usually accompanied by the consumption of excessively large amounts of food (polyphagia). A frequent cause of bulimia is the disruption of the functions of the central mechanisms of formation ... more

BULLAR PARALICH - clinical syndrome of the medulla oblongata, characterized by a disorder of swallowing (dysphagia), speech (dysarthria), phonation (dysphonia) and atrophy of the muscles of the tongue. When bulbar paralysis is affected ... more

BURSIT - inflammation of articular bags in the region of the elbow, a large trochanter of the femur, in the popliteal fossa, in the heel (Achilles) tendon, heel bone, etc. It arises as a result of mechanical damage ... more