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Ankylosis - a complete lack of movement in the joint as a result of fusion of the articular ends of the articulated bones. It may be due to damage of the joints, prolonged immobilization of a limb, as well as infectious, destructive, or sometimes degenerative process in them. Depending on the type of tissue that connects the articular surface, isolated bone (true) and fibrotic (false) ankylosis. The latter may be accompanied by pain, which are enhanced with functional load. In order to recognize the nature of ankylosis radiography. Distinguish ankylosis in the functionally favorable (convenient) and disadvantageous (awkward) position.

Ankylosis in a vicious (disadvantageous) position and fibrous ankylosis with pain are indications for surgery (osteotomy, arthrodesis, arthroplasty, arthroplasty).

Prevention of ankylosis is an early appointment movement in the affected joint. To prevent the onset and progression of osteoarthritis in the neighboring joints due to the enhanced load them sick recommend permanent occupation therapy, physical therapy.

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