Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV

Kiev 2003

Theory and practice of personnel management : Teaching method. T33 benefit. / Auth. GV Shchyokin . - 2 nd ed., The stereotype. - К .: МАУП, 2003. - 280 s .: ill. - Bibliograf. At the end of Sec.

ISBN 966-608-343-4

In the proposed manual, based on the widespread use of modern scientific concepts, the basic concepts and methods of the world cadre management are revealed, as well as the personnel management system of domestic enterprises. Sociological and psychological methods for studying the effectiveness of personnel work in production are presented.

For students of colleges, students of the system of retraining and advanced training of personnel, as well as teachers and employees of personnel services.


1. Evolution of management
1.1. Industrial Management
1.2. Professional Management
1.3. Entrepreneurial management
2. Human Resource Management
2.1. The emergence and development of human resources management
2.2. The Human Resource Management Cycle and the Manager Function
2.3. Procedures for the management of human resources
3. New in the theory and practice of personnel management
3.1. New concepts of human factor use
3.2. HR strategy and planning
3.3. The Role of Human Resources Management
4. Personnel service and its functions
4.1. Requirements for Human Resources Personnel
4.2. Organization of the Personnel Service
4.3. The role of personnel services in the formation of production teams and their development
5. Objectives and basic methods of personnel management
5.1. The components of the personnel management system
5.2. Methods for evaluating employees
5.3. Socio-biographical analysis as a means of assessing an employee
6. Vocational orientation: organizational aspects
6.1. Career guidance in the USA and Canada
6.2. Vocational guidance in Western Europe
6.3. Career guidance in Japan
7. Continuing education: the concept and its implementation
7.1. The emergence and content of the concept of lifelong learning
7.2. Education and business
7.3. Organization of in-house training
8. Personnel management as a dynamic system
8.1. The subject, tasks and content of personnel management
8.2. Principles and methods of personnel management
8.3. Personnel management mechanism
9. Personnel services - means of implementing the personnel policy
9.1. The main directions of restructuring the work of human resources services
9.2. Professional qualification requirements for personnel
9.3. Methods of personnel selection and training
10. Planning and forecasting in work with personnel
10.1. Planning for work with personnel
Section 10.2. Forecasting in personnel management
10.3. Social planning in production
11. Methods for determining the need for personnel
11.1. Planning of the number and composition of employees
11.2. Determination of the need for specialists
11.3. Methods for calculating the need for workforce
12. Staffing and professional orientation
12.1. Distribution of young professionals and young workers
12.2. Recruitment through employment authorities
12.3. Organization of vocational guidance work in industry
13. Organization of work with management personnel
13.1. Analysis of the qualitative composition of management personnel
13.2. Qualification of management personnel
13.3. Principles and methods of work with the reserve of managers
14. Staff turnover and ways to reduce it
14.1. Workforce turnover analysis
14.2. Managing the turnover processes
14.3. Adaptation of young workers and improvement of the socio-psychological climate in the workplace
15. Management of discipline and wages
15.1. The main types of violations of labor discipline
15.2. Organization of work time accounting
15.3. Management of motivation and remuneration of labor
16. Methodological and diagnostic materials for vocational guidance work
View Sample Section 16.1. Methodology for determining the direction of professional interests of schoolchildren (map of interests)
16.2. Differential diagnostic questionnaire for students' choice of future employment
16.3. Test "Communicative and adaptive worker in the team"
17. Materials for the selection of management personnel
17.1. Methods for determining organizational and creative abilities
17.2. Test "Determination of the degree of motivation to achieve"
17.3. Test "How to plan a business career"
18. Materials for attestation and work with reserve
18.1. The method of determining the complex evaluation of the personality of the manager
18.2. Methods for conducting expert assessment of business and personal qualities of managers and specialists of enterprises and organizations
A questionnaire for assessing the business and personal qualities of managers and specialists
18.3. Test "Evaluation of management effectiveness at the enterprise (in the organization)"
19. Materials for the assessment of relationships in the team
19.1. Test "Determining the causes of difficulties in dealing with others"
19.2. The test "Aggressiveness of character"
19.3. The test "The authority of an employee in a team"
20. Materials for self-evaluation of managerial work
20.1. The test "The ability to organize their work"
20.2. Test "The ability to work with documentation"
20.3. Test "The ability to conduct business meetings"