Охорона праці - Moskalova V.М.

V.M. Moskalova. Ohoron praci. Interactive complex of the methodical navchalno-methodical zabezpechennia. Рівне.НУВГП, 2009

At the navchalno-methodical complex posobnika rozglyadayutsya vidpovidno up to the standard programs of the normative discipline "Fundamentally for the protection of the rights", the consumption of legal regulations and normative basis of the basic principles of state control in the virilic sphere.

Zgіdno to the structure of distsiplіni complex The Teaching-methodical zabezpechennya mіstit Price not specified schodo vivchennya power bases fіzіologії, gіgієni pratsі that virobnichoї sanіtarії, characteristics of the main shkіdlivih virobnichih chinnikіv, that їh bіologіchnu dіyu on organіzm Helsinki Human and takozh osnovnі vimogi to tehnіchnoї i pozhezhnoї BEZPEKA at ekspluatatsії tehnologіchnogo obladnannya That of storages and systems of the supra-criminal.

Complex navchalno-metodicheskogo zabezpechennya diskitsplini misti vkazivki vkosivchnya okremih topics, practical plans to occupy, topics of self-study and inde- vidual robotics, control tests, programs for self-control, a list of recommended literatures, and to apply to students of those who are imbedded in naval schools in the institu- tions of credit and modular organization in the course of the process .

UDC 331.48 (075.8)

BC 65.9 (2) 248

ISBN 966-327-051-9 Moskalova, 200_ NUVGP, 2009


Важливіші терміни з охорони праці
1. The program of the normative and naval discipline "Ohorona prači"
1.1 Thematic plan for the first time
Theme 1. Legislation and normative basis in the spheres of hunting
1.1 The main stages of development are the hunting of the pračí
1.2 Шкідливі та небезпечні виробничі чинники
1.3. The virulent traumatism of those professing zahchyovannya
1.4 Causes of viral injuries to those professors
1.5. Legislation and normative base in the spheres of hunting rights
1.5.1 The basic provisions of the legislation on the protection of the right of the pračí
1.5.2 Principles of the state of the art in the galusies
1.5.3 The right of the Gromadyans to the hunting of the pračí
1.5.4 Socialist zahist suffered on the vibrobitry
1.5.5 Пільги та компенсації за важкі та шкідливі умови праці
1.5.6 Vidshkoduvannya school pravtsivnikam for uchkogdzhennya zdorovya
1.5.7 Obovyvozki robotodavtsya shodo prichernennya bespechchnikh i not shkіdlivih wits pracyca obovyazyka pračivnikіv schodo vikonannya normative actives
1.5.8 Derzhavnі normativnyi aktiv pro hunter pratsi
1.6 Responses for the execution of legislative acts and normative legal acts about the hunting rights
1.6.1 Disclaimer of information
1.6.3 Materiel admission
1.6.4. The criminality of the admission
Theme 2. The management of the government of the Republic of Armenia
2.1 Organizatsiya ucharoni pratsі na pіdpriєstvі
2.2. The organizations of the state administration of the hunting reserve
2.2.1. The control system for the hunting fire
2.2.2 Functionality of the management of the forest
2.2.3. Management of the hunting rights on the property.
2.2.4 Organization of the service of the hunter pratsi
2.3 Навчання з питань охорони праці
2.4 Visibility and control of the camp
2.4.1 Organizations of the state power behind the camp
2.4.2 The Equivalence of the Law of the Organizing Power Observing the Camp of the Hunting Praty
2.4.3 Gromadskiy control z huroni pračí
2.4.5 Відомчий та адміністративний control of the camp of the hunter pratіі
2.5 Розслідування та облік нещасних випадків профзахворювань та аварій на виробництві
2.5.1 Rozsliduvannya neschasnih vipadkіv
2.5.2 Повіідомлення about нещасні випадки, order розслідування та ведення їх обліку
2.5.3 Specificity of identification of unrelated vipadks
2.5.4. The development of the region of professional professors
2.5.5 Rozsliduvannya ta oblіk avarі
2.6 Analysis of the causes of viral injuries to those professors of zahmyvon
2.6.1 Methods of Analyzing the Causes of Traumatism and Professionals
2.7 Come to schodod profilaktiki vibropnichogo traumatism and professional professors
Theme 3. Factors of sanitarian-minded minds praci ta control over the pre-Triangles vimog sanitarian legislation
3.1 Загальні положення about санітарно-гігієнічні умови праці
3.2. The rule of law
3.3 Sanitary-епідеміологічний наглядіі yogo role in profilaktіcі professional professions
3.4 Оцінка умов праці
3.5 Split the minds of prazi on the function of the organism
Theme 4. Classification of minds pratsi for shkіdlivimi chinnikami taotsynka їh vіdpovodnosti sanitarno-gіgієnіchnim vimogam
4.1 The mediocrity of the yogi's role in the obstructive minds of the pračí
4.2 Meteorological analysis of the organization
4.3 Zabrudnennya perevryatnogo mezhdroyscha shkіdlivimi rechovinami
4.3.1 Vibrating Saw
4.3.2. Vibrochnichi otuti ta їх впв on functііунування оргаізму
4.4 Ventilation of vibrotic admissions
4.5 Освітлення виробничих приміщень
4.5.1 Wimogs to the vibrotic illumination of the yogi on the zorkovu function
4.5.2. The natural setting
4.5.3. The shade of light
4.5.4 Methods of rozraunku piece of lighting
4.5.5 Projector light
4.6 Вібрація
4.6.1. Causes in the nature of the basic characteristics of the parameters
4.6.2 Дія вібрації на оргаізм
4.6.3 Come on, let the zahist fence into the abyss
4.7 Noise, ultrasound and infrasound
4.7.1 Vibrant noise is the yogi's basic characteristics
4.7.2 Дія шуму на оргаізм человени
4.7.3 Method of killing the manger
4.7.4 Ultrasound
4.7.5 Infrasound
4.7.6 Інізуюче випромінювання
4.8 Electromagnetism Viprominuvannya (EMP)
4.9 Optical fiber optic range
4.9.1 Infrachurchvone viprominuvannya
4.9.2. Ultraviolet Vipromination.
4.9.3 Laser Vipromination
4.10 Sanitary-гігієнічні вимоги до розміщення виробничих підприємств
Theme 5. Загальні вимоги безпеки праці при експлуатації технологічного обладнання
5.1. Bezpeka pračí at the Vicoristný Technologicheskoy Oblastnnya
5.1.1. Mehanizatsiya and automation of technologic processing and holding
5.1.2 Remote control
5.1.3 Control-vimiryuvalnі zasobi
5.1.4 Blocking and Signaling Attachments
5.1.5. Wimogo shodo roztashuvannya tehnologicheskogo obladnannya ta organizatsii roobichih mіsc
5.2 Bezpeka at the exploitation of the cryogenic machinery and systems,
5.2.1 Vimogi bezpeki to utensils, but pritsyuyut pid tiskom
5.2.2 Whiskers of baked goods during the operation of compressor plants
5.2.3 Whiskers of the baked goods for the operation of pipelines
5.2.4 Vimogi bezpeki at ekspluotaatsії balonov
5.2.5 Vimogi bezpeki at ekspluotatsiі krіogennoї tehniki
5.3 Bumper with vantazhno-rozvantazhuvalnyh and transport robots
5.3.1 Organizatsiya zahodіv bezpeki v vikonannі vantazhno-rovantazhuvalnih robot
5.3.2 Whiskers of bezpeki at the exploitation of the waggons
5.3.3 Whims of baked goods to ropes
5.3.4 Bread of intestinal and internal transport. Внутрішньозаводські проїзди, roads and sidewalks
5.4.1 Special attention to micro-trauma
5.4.2 Дія електричного струму на оргаізм человени
5.4.3 Chinniki, how to pile up on urlidki uravzhenna elektrostrumom
5.4.4 Split the road to the stream on the hill
5.4.5 Nezbezpeka urazhennja a string at the rare electric marks
5.4.6 Clasifikatsiya vibropnichnyh minds behind the river elektrobespeki
5.4.7 System for the installation and maintenance of electrical equipment
Topic 6. Fireproof bezpeka
6.1 Загальні відомості про пожежі
6.1.2 I'll understand that I'll burn that bezpek
6.1.3 Causes of Fire
6.1.4 Negative shkіdlivі chinniki pozhezh
6.2 Pozezheonebezpechnyi vlastovostі materіalіv ta rechovin
6.2.1 Theoretical basis of the process of mining
6.2.2 Класифікація видів горіння
6.2.3. Grupa gyjuchochstі materіalіv ta rechovin
6.2.4 Pokazhniki vzhebuzhne vibuhovoy nebespeki
6.2.5. Special features of combustible materials
6.2.6. Specificity of the mountain range of rivets
6.2.7. Specificity of the mountain pebbles.
6.2.8 Specializations of gas mines
6.2.9 Wipe the self-latching roots
6.3 Пожежовибухонебезність об'єктів
6.3.1 Pozhezhovibuhonebezpechnych vlastovosty materіalіv i rechovin ta sphere vichoristana
6.3.2 Класифікація приміщень будівель та зовнішніх installations for vibuhopozhezh and after burnout
6.3.3 Vimogi shodo vibucho-pozhezhebezpeki vikoristannie elektroustavok
6.4 The system of alternating
6.4.1 Basic planting systems
6.4.2 Wimogi before the system
6.4.3 Zahist vіd bliaskavki
6.5 The system of the fireman
6.5.1 Wimogs up to the system of the zazhist
6.5.2 Come in the same way as before.
6.5.3 Stupin vognostykostі budivel ta sporud
6.5.4 After-Signal Signal
6.5.5 Ways and means of pozhezhogasinnya
Vognegasny Rechovini
Characteristics of the water authorities
Characteristics of hіmіchnih zasobіv pozhezhogasіnnya
Characteristics of the inactive pozhezhogasinnya
Vognegasnyi authorities of halogenous communities
Characteristics of powdered pozhezhogasinnya
Pervinny zasobi pozhezhogasinnya
6.5.6 The opposite of the water supply
6.5.7 Staatsionnaja zasobi pozhezhogasinnya
Evacuation of people
Protidim Zahist
6.6 System of Organizational and Technical Arrangements
6.6.1 Organizational and technical assistance for the fire
6.6.2 Obovyazyka sverhvnyh organіv shodo zabezpechennya pozhezhno bezpeki
6.6.3 Obovyazyaki posadovikh osib ta gromadyan nachodo zabezpechennja poszhezhno bezpeki
6.6.5 After the fire, the organisation of the gas fire
6.6.6 Інструкції та go in after the fire
6.6.7 Дія персоналу під час виникнення пожежі
6.6.8 Navchannya z nasan pozhezhno bezpeki
Control of the test program (1-50)
Control of the test program (51-100)
Control of the test program (101-150)
Control of the test program (151-200)
Control of the test program (201-250)
Control of the test program (251-300)
Control of the test program (301-350)
Control of the test program (351-400)
Control of the test program (401-450)
Control of the test program (451-472)
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