BUSINESS FM - the first business radio.
Every 15 minutes at a frequency of 87.5 - an overview of current events in the country and the world, news of the markets (a review of quotations of securities, exchange rates, raw material prices), information on resignations and appointments, the weather in the financial capitals of the world. Every 30 minutes - news and events of leading Russian and foreign companies and corporations, monitoring of the business press: newspapers, magazines, Internet publications, world radio and television. Recognized exchange analysts Oleg Bogdanov (from 08:00 to 14:00) and Grigory Beglaryan (from 18:00 to 22:00) follow the developments in the world markets from the moment of the opening of the exchanges to the end of the auction. Only on Business FM is the concept of Breaking News - news is heard at the moment when they appear on the tape of news agencies or happen in the world - not a second of delay.

You can also listen to Business FM using the Windows Media Player or Winamp via a direct link.

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