"Grad Petrov"

«Град Петров»

Radio "Grad Petrov" was created with the blessing of Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vladimir in 2000. Our programs for 17 hours daily (c eight in the morning until after midnight) can listen to the residents of St. Petersburg at a frequency of 1323 kHz medium wave. Internet Radio "Grad Petrov" has an ecclesiastical and cultural and educational orientation, talks about the life of the Church today.
Every day on the air of radio "Grad Petrov" out literary, historical, musical programs, programs for children and youth. We cooperate with many clergymen of the St. Petersburg diocese, professor of Theological Academy, faculty of St. Petersburg State University, the staff of the Hermitage, the Russian Museum and other cultural and scientific centers of our city. Radio "Grad Petrov" emerged with the support of well-known Russian listeners of radio station "Voice of Orthodoxy", broadcasting from abroad in Russian in 1979. "The voice of Orthodoxy" was created through the efforts of great people, devotees of the business, the true Russian patriots, Helena Petrovna and Evgeny Paton POZDEEV. Permanent chairman of the radio station was, and remains archpriest Boris Bobrinsky, until recently, Dean of St. Sergius Theological Institute in Paris.
Internet Radio "Grad Petrov" in his work tries to focus on the good traditions of the "Voice of Orthodoxy" - is a rejection of all political activity and debate with the traditional Christian denominations, creating programs based solely on the positive experience of the Orthodox tradition, as well as the use of the works of contemporary programs Orthodox theologians and preachers.

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