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Manufacturing technology for varnishes
musical instruments


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Italian lacquer

Under Italian varnish is meant as is well known, transparent oil varnish covering stringed instruments Amati, Guarneri, Stradivari and other Italian masters. the composition of the varnish recipe lost around 1770 From the pores of the violin as a general all stringed instruments covered alcohol varnishes and rarely dark brown oil. Because of this, we consider benefiting lead recipe Italian varnish, created by well-known Russian violin maker A. Lehmann.

Before you act the ground, you need to take care of the color of the beam. Well polished wood covered with an aqueous solution of brown sepia ink (the liquid extracted from cuttlefish). At what time of the paint, imposed very moderately broad brush, dry, grind very fine beam flint paper also covered with a layer of colorless, hastily drying oil varnish. Then log back to sand the same small flint paper, but this time with a wooden butter, after which it was dry wipe with a clean cloth and cover with a round soft brush colored lacquer that dries very quickly, so that the next day is already fit for grinding flint paper oil or water. Colour varnish composed of colorless (it is best to take the amber oil with a strong drying), which is mixed well worn paint in tubes: brown, red and yellow.

To cover the violin quite 2 tablespoons of varnish, paint but not more than 2 coffee beans. mozhnopotreblyat following paints: Indian and Japanese yellow lacquer Robert No 7, brown paint, asphalt and the park-a varnish. It is best to be colored lacquer on a silver platter. First release from a tube paint, carefully rubbing her glass pestle, made up nail polish and thoroughly mixed with the paint. Then, taking a round brush, slowly applied lacquer tree. Lacquer dries immediately, but can not because the brush should be held in one room more than 2-3 times. We must beware of the soil to act with glue and varnish of alcohol, which is too deeply enters into the beam also strongly affects the sharpness of the instruments sound. Fast-drying oil paint, against, almost did not come into the beam also forms the ground, which does not crack and does not obluplyaetsya like alcohol. After varnishing brush should immediately rinse in kerosene, but then wash with soapy water.

It remains to note that the coating lacquer Italian Lehmann significant number of new plus old stringed instruments gave very good results.

Alcohol varnish for violins

Take 1 share of mastic, 5 elements of alcohol, 2 parts of turpentine, linseed oil 2 items, mix, allow to stand for weeks with frequent shaking and poured a clear liquid (The Brit and Gol. Drugg).

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