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As far back as the 1890s, Nikola Tesla developed a new type of electric generator that does not consume any fuel and draws energy from the environment. This is exactly what the financial backers of Nikola Tesla did not like. Having invested tremendous resources in the development of the AC power supply system, they had no interest in introducing a more noble, but less profitable energy supply system . And there is nothing strange that it was the development of such systems that served as a turning point in his career - most of the later discovered inventions of Nikola Tesla were not implemented. One of his experiments is a mystery car that could bury all gasoline engines, forever. With the support of Pierce-Arrow Co. And General Electric in 1931 , Tesla removed the gasoline engine from a new car of the firm "Pierce-Arrow" and replaced it with an electric motor of AC power of 80 hp. Without any conventional external power supplies. At the local radio store, he bought 12 electronic tubes, a few wires, a handful of distressed resistors, and collected all this household in a box 60 cm long , 30 cm wide. And a height of 15 cm . With a pair of rods 7.5 cm long. Sticking out. Having strengthened the box from the back, behind the driver's seat, he pushed the rods and announced "Now we have energy." After that, he drove by car for a week, driving it at speeds of up to 150 km / h . Since there was an AC motor on the car, and there were no batteries, the question arises, where did the energy come from?

I hope that there is no need to explain once again that the space itself has an internal structure, therefore, it can serve as a source of energy, it is only necessary to properly organize the process of extracting such energy. The current physical laws and rules that we use to solve practical problems are absolutely not consistent with the concept that has recently been clarified. Or it is better to say this: they are true only for the previous field of knowledge, but do not take into account that there is a relationship between space and time with energy, matter and fields. And it becomes clear that occasionally there were incidents, which only confirm our ignorance in matters of structuring space. One such example can be the fact of resonance in electrical engineering, which was demonstrated by the former secret physicist Andrei Melnichenko (Magazine "Light", N6 / 97, pp.26-29) . And besides this there are numerous experiments, powerful research developments both in our country and abroad, which definitely confirm we are still in captivity of the former knowledge. I will give just a few examples for a brief introduction:

A) in a simple flat electric capacitor consisting of two plates, the presence of a force that moves the capacitor towards the positively charged plate is detected;
B) specially designed coils can produce a field that is not shielded and has a number of characteristics common to the gravitational field;
C ) disks are able to rotate constantly due to the forces of electrostatic interaction. The design includes permanent magnets. A machine with a diameter of 20 centimeters produces about 200 watts of power, a large machine has a diameter of 2 meters and produces about 30 kW;
D ) The device includes a central core with a coil, around which are located eight peripheral coils. After the primary pulse in the coils, pulses are alternately generated, which creates a rotating magnetic field in the central coil;
E) an inverted field is detected in the ring magnet;
E) a simple electric arc connected in series in the secondary circuit of the electromagnetic transformer leads to an increase in power in the load and a decrease in the power consumption in the primary circuit of the transformer.

However, it is not for nothing said: when you increase knowledge, you multiply grief . Is it because many people are not eager to learn! So it seems easier for them to live. And sometimes no verbal explanations will not help to set up such an interlocutor for the right wave. In fact, you rest against the blank wall of complete rejection and irritation, and the immunity of the interlocutor in such cases is added by your firm belief that even interesting hypotheses are very difficult to transfer from one head to another. Why does this happen? Why is the thinking of ideas and already created inventions so slow? I myself tried to answer this question, and here's what conclusion I came to. Yes, I have no desire to interfere in astronomy, physics, mathematics, all the more knowledge I have for this is not enough, but these sciences themselves, nevertheless, did not bring us closer to understanding the problems of the universe, but rather, on the contrary, at the current stage of development, on the contrary Pushed the person away from the truth. Stupidity you say! By no means. The very term "energy" appeared in the beginning of the XIX century , it was introduced into the mechanics of Jung. And then, there was a disconnect, the scientists did not fully agree what to mean by the word energy - whether this work, movement or known to all a variety of types of radiation. In general, the physical essence of this term is still incomprehensible. And if physicists more or less agreed to use this term when considering the action of energy in any processes, then it can not already appear in cosmological models.

So let's expand this question differently and shift the emphasis to the area of ​​relations. I know that many of the answers come up there. No, I'm not against progress and I do not support extreme measures - return to caves for example. Still missing! However, what did the machine civilization bring us along the path of so-called scientific and technological progress? Created us better living conditions than, for example, 100 years ago. I agree on the one hand electricity, radio, television, machine tools, cars, coziness, and on the other? What do we pay for it? Stresses, heart attacks, premature diseases, fumes, mud, impending climate change, catastrophe. The existence of people themselves under threat, so that the conditions are not only comfortable, but also ridiculous, unworthy for the existence of intelligent beings. It is doubtful to assert that "homo sapiens" withers from generation to generation, judging by the existing trend on the contrary - we are degrading, if we do not want to see the future. And in my opinion the situation is even worse, our society has long been immoral. Some live for money, pleasure, career, entertainment, convenience. People are "gifts"! Others vegetate, live one day, driven into a corner by a cruel, squalid life and unable to change anything. Than not a slave system. We get a salary! Is it? But how much for all we pay! A deep ongoing crisis in time, in which there is no way out. Those people from whom the fate of the whole planet could depend, are satisfied with their position and luxury which surrounds them and clearly do not intend to change anything in the existing situation. Their gas and oil, and other industries bring in excess of profits, which, they believe, will not be enough for everyone. They are not concerned with morality, poverty, dirt, they are able to ignore all the disasters that sweep past them, but which they still observe from the windows of their limousines. What is ecology, the main thing is that there is enough air for their life, or at least the bunker will be built on a huge plot in a pine forest with clean air-conditioned air. The same tendencies and causes of stagnation in many structures, where there are hierarchical ladders in the skies. Science is not an exception to the rules. Arrangements, which exist between scientists, insignificantly bring us closer to the truth. And why? Higher spheres interfere and they would have to sit out their time, so as not to jerk, and retire to a decent pension. That's why they continue to look for black cats in a dark room, which is also not there - "that's a worthy exercise." Why just invent something that is not. And did it bring us even to the answer: "Where are we from and why?". Or we will continue to live in the role of uneducated observers who do not know the goals of the creation, purpose, or structure of our world. Meanwhile, all the original already exists for comprehension, stretch out your hand and read it. This is laid not only in tens of thousands of books, but exists in legends and even astrological forecasts, horoscopes, in every living creature on this planet that not only live and die, but also bear the key to many mysteries that have not yet been revealed. Yes, of course, there are other patterns that are recognized by scientists as mysticism, nonsense and heresy unworthy of their "light" heads. After all, everything that can not be explained with the help of formulas has always been rejected by them. But, in my opinion, immorally all the strength of resources, physical, mental and, sorry, money, pledged to uncover the unknown and to promote it for the benefit of people, spend on preserving their worth, their own chair and study, and experiences that do not give anything , Except for endless disputes.

But let us return to the existing astrology, horoscopes, which are able to orient us not only to other knowledge, but also to the characters of people, their inclinations and deeds, as well as to describe their future. And for this it is necessary to know very little - the year of one's birth, month, time and sometimes place. There are, of course, differences and sometimes gross inconsistencies between horoscopes (in China, for example, believe that the birth of a new life does not occur at the time of the birth of the child, namely at the time of conception, where the future man gets everything, including the soul ). But the meaning, the information embedded in them works and is absolutely definitely assimilated by us. Yes, we can reject this ancient knowledge, joke and do not even take such predictions seriously. But it is impossible not to agree that such knowledge creates a spatial spiral of multiple return to the point of birth of a person, by the time when mysterious unconscious updates happen to him. How does this happen? It's very simple, the body of any person absorbs from the space throughout the year a huge amount of subtle energy identical to its own energy, but still alien to it. And only a completed cycle in time and in space is able not only to turn the axis of a planet or a star, but also to dump all the energy of a person and again to fill it up at the same moment in the right kind embedded in space from the very moment of its emergence as a living being. How does all this happen? You have heard about Odeu Vu , about the spiral development of history, when events that occurred in past history are repeated even in details. The same happens with any isolated object, any homogeneity or living organism. The very movement of matter in the universe, fields and energy create the prerequisites for creating the moment of rotation of matter around its axis and along its orbits. Yes, we ourselves do not produce this action, we are only involuntary companions and accomplices of the planetary scenario, when the planet passes through the existing orbit and completes for each of us the next turn, a point in space and time, when cosmic energy invades each time to correct everything. In fact, this is a timeless, self-regulated stream guided by time. There is another approach, in which each of us (at any time), if desired, can appreciate the method of Indian yogis (rotating dervishes). Performing such an exercise of rotation around its axis every day (and left to right), you can achieve interesting results. A little that the biofield of a person is leveled and even grows, other transformations are taking place - the body is stabilizing. Of course, this does not happen immediately. But a little that the diseases progressing before the beginning of the classes (this method) - disappear, it is not all yet - after a while there are other transformations that are noticeable to your friends, your body grows younger, wrinkles disappear on the face, the gray hair disappears, the entire body rejuvenates. I specially gave this example to show that we know very little more. And do we know all kinds of energies for example? Definitely not! We can guess, of course, that even an idea is material and can be transported in space over huge distances almost instantaneously. But these subtle energy structures are so complex in cognition that we are forced to retreat every time. Apparently we will not understand the mechanism of space-time yet, we do not realize that this node can not be untied and decomposed into components, only then will the concept of energy release and possible impact on time itself come. Here, for example, how unordinaryly approached the problem of Tesla's time: "If an individual can have a displacement of the peg in time, then you can practically change the age. If someone's time binding is shifted to twenty years ago, the body's age reserve will change accordingly . "

They write me through the mail and some of the opponents ask for formulas, they need proofs, and sometimes they blame me for not having them. But look out the window, watch TV, what our Earth is turning with that attitude to life, to everything sensible, to each person specifically.

Yes, it was necessary 100 years ago to listen to a man named Tesla. And imagine how the Earth would look with the kind of energy that he offered.

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Date of publication 25.10.2004гг