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Russian Federation Patent RU2091004

METHOD FOR PRODUCING molded tablets from peat

METHOD FOR PRODUCING molded tablets from peat

Name of the inventor: Inisheva LI .; Dementieva TW .; Maslov SG
The name of the patentee: Inisheva Lidia Ivanovna
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1995.04.11

Use: in the agriculture and forestry in the production of molded nutrient substrates based on peat for growing seedlings. The inventive method of production of peat pellets, which includes the preparation of peat, lime, introduction of macro- and micronutrients, forming a section of the rod with simultaneous application of seed, with the preparation of peat use peat moss, in which a binder is added lowland peat medium or high decomposition degree of 70-75% humidity in an amount of 5-15%, and then molded with seed pills are dried to 45% moisture.


The invention relates to the production of molded nutrient substrates based on peat for growing seedlings and can be used in agriculture and forestry.

There is a method of production of molded substrates of peat (SU, USSR N 545290, A O1 G 9/10, BI N 5 Publish. 05/02/77), comprising the preparation of a peat substrate, the processing of lime solution to pH 4-7, the introduction of the solution macro- and micronutrients, introduction of surfactants to a moisture content of 93-97% mixing, molding, drying to a moisture content of 15%

The disadvantage of this method is the use of expensive surfactants, which are used as the sulphates or sulphonates of fatty acids to improve the water absorption capacity. mass, and drying to a moisture content of 15% requires a lot of energy, and when such a moisture peat loses its optimum physical and chemical properties.

It is known and the method for the preparation of seedlings blanks device (DE, 3430563 N, A O1 C 1/04, A O1 G 9/10, publish. BI N 9, 27/2/86). The method involves the use of blanks in the form of a cylindrical tube section. The blank comprises a shell rapidly erodible in soil filled with filler, which is used as a mixture of peat particles with foam (polystyrene, polyurethane). And can be added to the granular fertilizer. A layer of filler is formed into a thin rod core, wrapped with a shell, which is then cut off the individual workpiece. The seeds are fed into the packing at a certain distance from the ends of the workpiece. The disadvantage of this method is the use for improving the strength of the rod polymeric materials foreign to plants.

The aim of the invention to provide a composition based on peat uncoated tablets with high strength and environmentally friendly.

This object is achieved in that the peat moss previously proizvestkovanny to pH 5-7, mixed in a proportion of from 5-15% moor peat, milled to a particle size of 3-5 mm. The resulting mixture solution was made by macro- and microelements. The mixture is then formed into a rod is cut into tablets, which contribute to a certain depth seeds. Tablets seeds are dried to a humidity of 45%

A method of manufacturing molded tablets peat as follows

Peat with low decomposition degree is fed into the car, a rotary loader is unloaded onto a conveyor which feeds it into the separator. Peat, wood is separated from impurities enters the crusher. There also from the hopper through the weighing device according to the conveyer drive serves dosage portion of calcareous materials.

The mill and milled peat mixed with lime material, and then moved to a screw mixer where proizvestkovanny peat mixed with a solution of nitrogen, potassium, phosphate salts and trace elements. The last act of the bunkers by weight on the conveyor device into the drive. The mixer simultaneously with macro- and microelements prepared lowland peat fed in an amount of 5-15% by volume of the moldable mixture.

The resulting torfomassa shaped auger or stamp press. Molded into a rod cut mixture into tablets, wherein the seeds are introduced into each. Tablets are fed to conveyor has dried, the chamber is then cooled, packaged on a packaging machine kipuyut paketoukladchikom.

Obtained by the proposed method of peat nutritious substrates have sufficient strength, characterized by small size, contained in the exchange and non-exchange conditions of nutrients and trace elements in sufficient quantities for the growth of plant seedlings, economical in production due to a decrease in the drying and pressing costs, allow to get environmentally friendly products.


Process for producing molded tablets of peat for growing seedlings, including the preparation of peat, lime, introduction of macro- and microelements, a rod forming segment with simultaneous application of seed in peat molded tablets, characterized in that, in order to increase the strength of the rod in the preparation of peat peat moss is used in which as a binder are added lowland peat medium or high decomposition humidity 70 to 75% in an amount of 5 to 15% and then molded with seed pills are dried to 45% moisture

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Publication date 06.03.2007gg

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