Russian Federation Patent RU2089063

Detoxifier herbicidal residues in soil

Name of the inventor: Oleshchenko I.N .; Jelly A.T .; Chubenko AP .; Goshkadera PK .; Shvetsov, NI Shilovsky .; Lyalyakina NP .; Bogatikova EH .; Savchak LA .; Pogorelaya LD .; Koltsov NS .; Galaktionova GV .; Poznań NL .; Spiridonov YY
The name of the patentee: All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection; Research Institute of plant protection chemicals; All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1991.01.28

The invention relates to plant protection agents, in particular the protection of seeds from crop herbicide toxic residues in the soil. It is proposed to use the ethyl ester of N -fenilsulfonilglitsina formula

C 6 H 5 SO 2 NHCH 2 COOC 2 H 5

detoxicant as herbicides and derivatives hlorfenoksialkan- hlorpiridinkarbonovyh acids metoksihlorbenzoynoy chloroacetanilide acid and in the soil. It applied by treating the seeds before sowing of crops in an amount of 0.1-0.5% by weight. In a field experiment on spring wheat detoksikant on soil contaminated with picloram, increase wheat yields by 5-15 t / ha.


The invention relates to the means of protection of plants, in particular, the protection of seed crops by residues of toxic herbicides entering the soil in case of violation of the use of technologies, adverse weather conditions or when making a systematic them. The accumulation of herbicide residues in the soil reduces the yield of crops and increases the contamination of consumed products.

Antidote anhydride is known to use 1,8-naphthalene dicarboxylic acid as protectants herbicide of structural formula

However, this substance is not actively relatively persistent herbicides, such as picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trihlorpikolinovaya acid).

The aim of the invention is the removal of toxic herbicides.

It is proposed to use as a detoxicant herbicide residues in the soil N-ethyl fenilsulfonilglitsina structural formula

C 6 H 5 SO 2 NHCH 2 COOC 2 H 5.

Use of substances as claimed detoxicant herbicide residues in the soil was not previously known. The claimed compound is synthesized by a known method.

The structure of the ethyl ester of N -fenilsulfonilglitsina confirmed by IR and PMR spectra.

The field and laboratory experiments with spring and winter wheat, studied the use of ethyl ester of N -fenilsulfonilglitsina as detoxicant herbicide residues in the soil such as picloram, dialen, Senghor, Douala.

example 1
Seeds of winter wheat were treated with an acetone solution of ethyl N-fenilsulfonilglitsina in an amount of 0.1-0.5% by weight of the seeds sown into the soil contaminated with the herbicide picloram. In parallel, the winter wheat seeds were treated known detoxifier anhydride naphthalene-1,8-dicarboxylic acid (prototype) and seeded into soil contaminated picloram.

Experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions in the following ways:

  1. Control detoxifier untreated seeds were sown in the soil, uncontaminated herbicide.

  2. The herbicidal control detoxifier untreated seeds were sown in the soil contaminated with the herbicide.

  3. Experience detoxifier treated seeds were sowed in soil contaminated with the herbicide.

Volume pots of 0.5 liters. Each vessel was inoculated with 10 seeds. The soil was wetted in vessels up to 70-80% PX and the humidity was maintained continuously for 20 days. Then the above-ground part of the wheat plants were cut and measured its mass.

The effectiveness of detoxification of the herbicide was determined by the mean value of the mass of the aerial parts of the plants in the experiment, referred to the weight of the plants in the herbicidal control. The repetition of the experience of five times.

Statistical analysis of experimental data carried out using Student's t-test, the level of probability F = 0,90. When the actual t> t table the differences between the experiences are authentic.

The test results are shown in Table. 1.

Detoxifier herbicidal residues in soil. Russian Federation Patent RU2089063

example 2
Seeds of spring wheat was wetted with water at the rate of 15 l / m, and treated with ethyl ether pulverulent / V-fenilsulfonilglitsina in an amount of 3 kg / t of seeds. Seeds were sown planter tractor in a field experiment on plots of different herbicide picloram background (experiments I and II). The area of experimental plots of 7.2 m 2, repeated five times. detoxicant Efficacy was determined by the weight of the crop of spring wheat in an experiment, referred to the weight of a grain plots in the herbicidal control. The reliability of the experimental results was evaluated by Student's t- kriteniyu actual compared with Student t-criterion tabulated at P = 0,90.

The experimental data are summarized in Table. 2.

Detoxifier herbicidal residues in soil. Russian Federation Patent RU2089063

example 3
Seeds of wheat dusted N -fenilssulfonilglitsina ethyl ether in an amount of 3 kg / t and seeded into pots with soil contaminated with the herbicide dialen previously. Experience later performed similar experiments, described in Example 1. The experimental data are summarized in Table. 3.

example 4
Seeds of wheat dusted with ethyl ether N -fenilsulfonilglitsina in an amount of 3 kg / ton of seed and seeded into vessels with the soil contaminated with the herbicide pre Senghor. Further course experiment as in Example 1. The results of the experiment are shown in Table. 3.

example 5
Seeds of wheat treated with ethyl ether N-fenilsulfonilglitsina in an amount of 3 kg / t and seeds were sown in the soil, the herbicide dual previously contaminated. Further course experiment repeated as in Example 1. The results of the experiment are shown in Table. 3.

Reliability of results of experiments described in Examples 3, 4 and 5 were assessed by Student's t -test actual versus Student's t -test tabulated at P = 0,90.

The positive effect of using N-ethyl fenilsulfonilglitsina for a new purpose is as follows:

1. N-Ethyl fenilsulfonilglitsina on 43-90% reduces the toxic effect of the herbicide picloram on wheat plants. The effectiveness of protection of wheat seedlings from herbicide damage increases about 2 times detoxicant with increasing dose from 0.1 to 0.5%

2. Proposed detoksikant 1.5-2 times more active for picloram than anhydride naphthalene 1,8-dicarboxylic acid (prototype).

3. The protective effect of the ethyl ester of N -fenilsulfonilglitsina from herbicidal action picloram affirmed experience on spring wheat in the field.

4. The effect of ethyl N- detoxification fenilsulfonilglitsina against herbicide picloram residues, DIAL, Senghor and Douala in the soil is shown in the range of 44 to 100%


The use of ethyl N -fenilsulfonilglitsina formula

as detoxicant herbicide residues in the soil.

print version
Publication date 03.12.2006gg