Russian Federation Patent RU2161392

METHOD FOR PROCESSING sugar beet seeds

METHOD FOR PROCESSING sugar beet seeds

Name of the inventor: Mikhailov, etc .; Kotlyarov NS .; Winter PI .; Grigoryan ZS
The name of the patentee: Kuban State Agrarian University
Address for correspondence: 350044, Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina 13, KGAU, FEC
Starting date of the patent: 1999.03.15

The invention can be used in agriculture. The invention consists in that the seeds are soaked for 12-18 hours in an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide with a concentration of 0.01-1.0% and the flow rate of the working solution 3 liters per 1 kg of seeds. Then the dried seeds. Such treatment of sugar beet seeds can increase the yield of this crop.


The invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to the technology of cultivation of sugar beet.

There is a method of cultivation of root crops (see. AS 332800, USSR, cl. A 01 G 1/10, 1970), which carried out the fertilizer, autumn tillage, sparse Seed sowing seeds small norms, at the same time carry out a deep presowing loosening hilling roots to enhance their stability in the soil.

The disadvantage of this technical solution is insufficient supply of seed moisture, which is the normal condition for determining the germination of sugar beet as a spring moisture deficit in the topsoil appears very negatively on seed germination and further growth of sugar beet plants.

and discloses a method of growing beet (Durrant MJ et al Experiments to determine the optimum advancement treatment for sugar beet seed ... Seed Sci and Techonol, 1987, 15, N 1, pp 185 -.... 196 - prototype), in which seeds are soaked in water for 3 hours and partially dried in air and later stored in a wet condition prior to sowing. Such preposevnoe soaking sugar beet seeds in water stimulates germination.

The disadvantage of this method is insufficiently high efficiency. For this reason, pre-plant seed soaking in water sugar beet has not found practical application.

The technical solution to the problem is to increase the effectiveness of pre-sowing soaking sugar beet seeds.

Object is achieved in that the method of processing of sugar beet seeds comprising the seed soak and air drying, the seeds are soaked in an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide at a concentration of 0.01 - 1.0% of the working solution at a rate of 3 liters per 1 kg of seeds.

The novelty of the claimed proposal stems from the fact that by soaking seeds in a potassium hydroxide increases their field germination by 20-30%, stimulated plant growth and result in increased root crop yield by 25 - 35%.

According to the patent and scientific literature has not found the same technical solution, which gives grounds to judge the inventive proposed solution.

A method for processing sugar beet seeds is as follows: sugar beet seeds are soaked in 0.01 - 1.0% solution of potassium hydroxide for 12 hours and dried in air to a free-flowing and seeded into soil in such a state.

The table shows the specific results of the experiment carried out at the experimental field of Kuban State Agrarian University in 1988.


A method for processing sugar beet seeds comprising the seed soaking and drying them in air, characterized in that the seeds are soaked for 12 - 18 hours in an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide at a concentration of 0.01 - 1.0% of the working solution at a rate of 3 liters per 1 kg seeds

print version
Publication date 08.03.2007gg