Russian Federation Patent RU2251833

Method of soya cultivation

Method of soya cultivation

Name of the inventor: Oksenenko IA (RU); Pigorev IJ (RU); Berezina LV
The name of the patentee: Kursk State Agricultural Academy. II Ivanova
Address for correspondence: 305021, Kursk, st. Karl Marx, 70, KGSKHA, patent department
Starting date of the patent: 2002.02.08

The invention relates to agriculture, in particular for joint cherezryadnym soybean crops with other crops. The method includes the joint planting soybean rows alternating with other crops with the distance between the rows 45, 60, 70 cm, the use of herbicides, inter-process and combine harvesting. Soy crops are sown in the joint alternating rows of yellow lupine with a ratio of 1: 1. The invention improves the yield of soybean, the drawbacks of common crops.


There is a method of joint planting of soybeans with corn, when cultures are planted in the same field in alternating bands: one seeder sowing corn, soybeans and other (II Month soybean cultivation in Europe:... SIGHTSEEING inform - M .: VNIITEISKH 1984 .., 68 p .; Crop textbook edited by GS Posypanova -. M .: Kolos, 1997, p.62).

Strips of tall corn create favorable heat, water and air modes, reduced wind speed, resulting in increased soybean crop.

A disadvantage of the method is the absence of interference on the development of corn soybean root exudates through because of the large plants to remove bands from each other, reducing the effectiveness of the joint between the two cultures crops. In addition, the difficult treatment of crops with herbicides of different kinds of crops.

Known and joint planting soybeans with corn alternating rows (VN Stepanov Joint corn and legumes -.. M .: Publishing House of Knowledge, 1962, p.17).

The disadvantage of this method is the alternation of the soybean rows with rows of cereals maize, which limits the use of herbicides and does not allow to grow soybeans for grain. Joint planting soybeans and corn can be removed through a row of combines only the green mass and silage.

The aim of the invention is to remedy these shortcomings joint planting of soybean with other crops, increasing yield of soybean.

The goal is achieved by the fact that for the joint cultivation of soybean alternating rows using yellow lupine, which, unlike other species of lupine and other legumes have a high ability to capture in the soil free nitrogen from the air and on the poor fertility of acid soils. On poor soils, yellow lupine and has increased the capacity of mobilization of phosphoric acid. This allows you to place and soybean crops on acid soils poor in fertility, because in joint crops of yellow lupine with soybeans on these soils fed by the accumulation of lupine biological nitrogen and phosphorus, which increases its yield. On the poor fertility of the soil with high acidity soybean root nodule bacteria that fix nitrogen from the air, do not develop, and so even when making mineral nitrogen soybeans on said soils gives high yields of grain. But it is a mixture of yellow lupine and on poor soils gives high yield.

What is new is that there is no way of joint cultivation of soy with other grain legumes and, in particular, with the yellow lupine, which is characterized by the ability to fix nitrogen from the air and on acid soils, where soy independently without yellow lupine can not develop and produce high yields .

The advantage of this method is the possibility of using herbicides and other methods of farming, as soy and lupine belong to the same family of legumes.

Soy and yellow lupine ripen at the same time that does not interfere with mechanical harvesting. A mixture of soybean grain and fodder yellow lupine has high energy efficiency and protein feed and can be used for the production of high-grade feed for livestock needs.

The advantage of this method is the fact that soy crops in joint with yellow lupines can be cultivated not only in the fertile soils of the southern regions of the country, but also to the poor fertility of the soils of the northern regions of Russia, which expands the range of its distribution and use in the national economy.

Example. Soybeans / grade Belgorod 48 / and yellow lupine / grade fast growing 4 / plated with alternating rows of 5 May planter FTA - 12V with a row spacing of 45 cm, the rate of soybean seed and lupine 300 thousand viable seeds each culture.. After germination held small inter-row tillage cultivator Administration of Main Canals - 54, and in a phase of formation of trifoliate leaf crop treated with herbicide - Bazagranom rate of 3 l / ha. Harvesting of soy and lupine held simultaneously on September 15 harvester DON - 1500 soybean crop in a mixture of lupine seeds was determined by the ratio.

The method can be widely used in climatic zones of the Russian Federation, where soybeans, due to the poverty of soil fertility, gives a low yield.

Results Accounting grain yield are shown in the table.

options Grain yield, kg / ha Average increase
1 2 3 c / ha %
1. Control: Soybeans in a clean crop 11.4 12.1 10.9 11.5 - -
2. Experience: Soybeans in the crop with lupine 15.3 14.7 15.8 15.3 3.8 33.0
NDS 05 - - - 2.86 - -


The method of cultivation of soy, including joint planting alternate rows with other crops with the distance between the rows 45, 60, 70 cm, wherein the soybean crops in alternating rows joint plated with lupine yellow in a ratio of 1: 1.

print version
Publication date 09.03.2007gg