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Russian Federation Patent RU2283194



Name of the inventor: Svatovskaya Larisa B. (RU); Maslennikova Lyudmila Leonidovna (RU); Yakimova Natalia (RU); Khoroshavina Evgenia (RU); Smirnova Tatiana (RU); Krivokulskaya Miroslavovna Anna (RU)
The name of the patentee: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Railways Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation Posts" (RU)
Address for correspondence: 190031, St. Petersburg, Moscow Avenue, 9, PSTU Russian Ministry of Railways, the patent department.
Starting date of the patent: 2005.01.11

The invention relates to a waste processing liquid containing oil, in particular of used mineral oils for (OMM), not subject to regeneration gas formed during transport, but also in rail transport. A method of disposing of waste mineral oil includes transport it to the brick factory and the use in the manufacture of building bricks of a raw mix consisting of clay and otoschitel - Cherepovets granulated slag. The used mineral oil is mixed with said slag in a ratio of 1:10, the resultant mixture was added to the clay in an amount of 20 wt.%, Molded brick firing in an oxidizing atmosphere is carried out at a temperature of 960-1000 ° C and held at the maximum sintering temperature for at least an hour. Technical result: the production of ceramic bricks, is characterized by increased bending strength, low thermal conductivity crock.


The invention relates to a waste processing liquid containing oil, in particular of used mineral oils to not subject the regeneration gas formed during transport, but also in rail transport.

Known methods for disposing of oily liquid wastes including masloothodov by burning in furnaces of various devices and at a temperature from + 800 to + 1100 ° C, which ensures the completeness of combustion of organic matter, and does not lead to excessive formation of oxides of nitrogen from air. (Bison NI, NA Sharpova "Environmental protection and ecological safety in railway transport" CMD M .: Russian Ministry of Railways, 1999, s.265-266).

The disadvantage of these methods is the need to build a site for the processing of waste mineral oil with expensive equipment for the incineration of waste mineral oil, and the problem of recycling the resulting dry residue containing heavy metals.

The closest to the proposed invention is a method of manufacturing a ceramic brick comprising the use of waste of mineral oil (patent RU 2052417 C1, B 04 C 33/00, 20.01.1996, 6 pp.), Characterized in that in the manufacture of ceramic building bricks from the mixture, comprising clay and granulated slag for reducing fractures in drying bricks in the press die fed waste oil, which is uniformly applied to the timber, and then cut into a timber preform, dried, and fired in a tunnel kiln.

The disadvantage of this method is the insufficient degree of recycling of used mineral oils because the used mineral oil is applied only to the thin film stretcher and binder surface brick - raw, moreover, not neutralized heavy metals contained in the waste.

Object of the invention - the creation of a more economical and environmentally sound method of recycling waste mineral oil.

The technical result is achieved by a method for disposal of waste mineral oil, through its transportation at the Brickyard and the use in the manufacture of building bricks of a raw mix consisting of clay and otoschitel - granulated slag as granulated slag used Cherepovets granulated slag, waste mineral oil mixed with said slag in a ratio of 1:10, the resultant mixture was added to the clay in an amount of 20 wt.%, molded brick firing in an oxidizing atmosphere is carried out at a temperature of 960-1000 ° C and held at the maximum sintering temperature for at least an hour.

Direct addition of the waste oil in a ceramic charge adversely affects the physical and mechanical characteristics of the bricks and by isolating layers decrease in cohesiveness clay, which leads to the loosening of the ceramic structure of the charge and as a consequence, reduction of strength and frost resistance. In this regard, the waste input is proposed mineral oil on a backing of Cherepovets slag having active sites on the surface of a Bronsted acid type, and type of Bronsted bases.

The resulting effect is more economical and environmentally safe method for processing spent petroleum oil based on the fact that for mixing the spent mineral oil Cherepovets slag oil adsorbed on the active sites of the slag surface by the type of Bronsted acids are bound, and heavy metal cations that are in the waste mineral oil are adsorbed on the active sites on the surface of the slag type Bronsted bases. Ceramic brick firing process occurs in an oxidizing atmosphere with an oxygen excess of 10% and held at the maximum firing temperature plus 960-1000 ° C for at least an hour, leading to complete combustion of waste of mineral oil and binding of heavy metals in insoluble silicates. Thus, there is complete neutralization of waste of mineral oil, since study of aqueous extract of brick samples with input Cherepovets slag in an amount of 20 wt.% showed no petroleum products and heavy metal cations. Temperature range for firing bricks from 960 to 1000 ° C is dictated mineralogical composition of fusible clays used in the manufacture of bricks. In this range, there are physical and chemical processes, forming a brick structure with the required performance. So when firing bricks below 960 ° C is not achieved the necessary strength and frost resistance, as when firing up to 1000 ° C, the water absorption of bricks is below 6%, which is not allowed according to GOST 530-90 requirement.

When using mineral waste oil mixture to Cherepovets slag in the production of ordinary ceramic bricks arise passing effects: it improves the quality of the finished product - the resulting brick has a high bending strength due to a stronger clutch Cherepovets slag with clay matrix; improved thermal properties shard by increasing the porosity, reduced thermal conductivity of the shard; reduced use of non-renewable natural resources (gas, sand).

Example of embodiment

Cherepovets granulated slag is a waste of metallurgical industry with the module size M cr = 2.5, the chemical composition of the granulated slag Cherepovets is presented in the table.

Waste mineral oil, for example, marks MS-8P, T-22C is transported to the brick factory, unloaded, and then mixed in a pug mill with Cherepovets granulated slag in a ratio of 1:10, is added to the clay as otoschitelya and has passed all production cycles, taken in a brick production.

Ceramic brick firing process occurs in an oxidizing atmosphere with an oxygen excess of 10% and held at the maximum firing temperature plus 960-1000 ° C for at least an hour, leading to complete combustion of waste of mineral oil and binding of heavy metals in insoluble silicates.

The inventive method has the economy, since disposal of waste mineral oil at the place of its formation is reduced to a simple, low-cost transportation operations at the Brickyard, and then mixing with Cherepovets slag and use this mixture as otoschitelya in the manufacture of bricks, in this case there is a complete neutralization of waste mineral oil. This ratio of mineral oil and waste slag 1:10 Cherepovets selected to provide oil-retaining ability and good flowability of the mixture. With this method eliminates the need for storing used mineral oil in landfills, which is beneficial to the environment and reduces the cost of processing the waste mineral oil.

To use the waste mixture with mineral oil Cherepovets otoschitelya as slag in the production of ceramic bricks additional investments are not required, as instead of building sand into a hopper is filled with the resulting mixture, followed by the process of brick production mode is different from the traditional mode.


Method of disposing of used mineral oil by means of its transport brick factory and use in the production of building bricks of the feed mixture, comprising clay and otoschitel - granulated slag, characterized in that the granulated slag is used Cherepovets granulated slag, waste mineral oil is mixed with said slag in 1:10, the resultant mixture was added to the clay in an amount of 20 wt.%, molded brick firing in an oxidizing atmosphere is carried out at a temperature of 960-1000 ° C and held at the maximum sintering temperature for at least an hour.

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Publication date 12.12.2006gg

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