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The discovery of a new physical effect. "Electrostatic rotation."

Opening new physical effect

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Body consisted of three metal spheres, hanging in the air on the thin metal wires.

The opening, which is likely to affect the change of many laws of physics, chemistry and nanotechnology, researchers have identified a new physical phenomenon - "electrostatic rotation," which under the influence of electricity, and in the absence of friction, leads to rotation.

Since the electric force - one of the fundamental forces of nature, this leap forward in the understanding of the unknown laws of nature can help show how to react to each other small molecules and atoms in nature to form the body, liquids and gases that make up the material world around us.

Scientists Anders Wistrom and Ermik Khachaturian from the University of California observed rotation of objects in an electrostatic field. Body consisted of three metal spheres, hanging in the air on the thin metal wires.

The observation results were published by researchers at the Applied Physics Letters. When a DC voltage was filed on wires on the sphere, they began to rotate until the stiffness of tension wires did not stop their further rotation. The observed electrostatic rotation is not expected and it could not be explained in accordance with the existing theory.

Wistrom and Khachaturyan commented on the results: "Experimental and theoretical work in our laboratory has shown that the combined effect of these reactions to the electric field is asymmetric force, if the load is lying on the surface of a sphere has been asymmetrically distributed in the experiments, we were able to control the distribution of the load. by changing the relative position of these three spheres.

While hypothesis Thomson of electrical potential brought to the physics of new knowledge, and on the basis of these laws are created and operate modern electromagnetic technology, we now understand that his definition of electric potential was not accurate, "Wistrom said." We observed effects are particularly evident It occurs when the spheres are very close to each other. "

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Publication date 25.05.2003gg