Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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To get started, download the conversion table for chemical elements
Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of neutron physics

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Neutron physics argues that in nature there are no atoms in the form of a nucleus with electrons - this is a delusion. Hence, atomic and nuclear physics are false science! (Not looking at the achievements).

From neutron physics follows an unambiguous conclusion about the existence of a set of parallel worlds, in which there is life. For example, a person dying, loses his physical shell, and his so-called soul - the energy and intellectual essence carries into the parallel world, from where, incidentally, we come. Man as a person is immortal!

In fact, it is close to the teachings of the Buddha.

In neutron physics, an atom is a six-pointed hedgehog (remember the Cartesian coordinate system x, y, z from school), and the elements differ in the length of needles. The needle consists of fives of neutrons, which are pressed in one direction. For clarity, let's look at the billiard table, where two white balls lie, spin them in opposite directions and dock. At identical speeds of rotation they will start to move in a straight line. Put the third black ball in front of them motionless and, when they come to him, they will start moving it in the same direction. Assuming that the speed of spinning of white balls is high, they will crush the black ball to the side of the table and stay in that position for a long time.

Let's take another such triple and let it go along the same straight line until it rests on the first three, then the third, and so on ...

So the needles of a hedgehog grow. In space, a black ball - the neutron is pressured not by a pair of white balls - neutrons, but by a quadruple, which gives a total of five.

In neutron physics, an atom is a six-pointed hedgehog ...

If the edge is replaced by the Hydrogen atom, which consists of two quadruples compressing one neutron, and five more such needles are docked to it, we get a six-pointed balanced hedgehog. Each needle has a permanent magnet from the neutrino.

The hydrogen atom in ordinary physics consists of one proton, and in neutron physics of nine neutrons, that is, they are smaller and each consists of almost three hundred neutrinos.

If we split nine neutrons of Hydrogen Atom and its magnets, we will get more than three thousand neutrinos.

In other words, neutron physics is more complex in structure and simpler to understand in n × 10 3 times compared with conventional physics.

Neutron physics provides explanations for all phenomena, as stated in textbooks, and anomalous.

Let us verify the complete assortment of the hedgehog model of all properties of the nuclear model of the atom:

  1. Short-circuit (there is no explanation for old physics) - the interaction of neutron spherical bodies;
  2. The presence of energy layers (shells) of electrons is a layer of neutron quintuplets in hedgehogs;
  3. The presence of magnetic spins - permanent magnets of needles;
  4. Creation of an electron cloud - a conditional ball surface obtained as a result of rotation of a hedgehog around two axes.
  5. Overlapping of electron clouds - for two Hydrogen atoms - end connection of needles for the second type (covalent bond, overlapping of S-orbitals).
    Form P - orbitals - twisted needles of a hedgehog in the form of a cone with a vertex on the Hydrogen atom.
    Σ - connection - connection of needles of hedgehogs in the first type with the form of p - orbitals, i.e. Overlapping each other, both longitudinal and at an angle (like swords)
  6. The transformation of the elements is the loss or addition of one layer of neutron quintuplets in hedgehog needles in the transition from one chemical element to the next or previous one when compared in the gaseous state. All elements are born from gases.
  7. The change in the aggregate state of chemical elements - isotopes - the presence of needles of different lengths in the hedgehogs.
  8. Radioactivity is the loss of the end fives of neutrons in needles of hedgehogs under the impact of free neutrons of the gravitational flow and local chain reactions of the element itself.
  9. > Α, β, γ - radiation. Α-packet from the end two neutron quintuplets consists of 9 or 10 pieces of neutrons having an accelerating mechanism and squeezed additionally by an intrinsic magnetic field. The flux of low density of α-packets under the action of accelerating forces is α radiation. If we present the α - package as a rocket, then the nose will be on the nose of the rocket, and at the stern - the south pole. When the rocket moves from below our sheet up its rotation around its own axis will be on the left - to the right.

    Β - radiation is a flux of low density of free neutrons with their magnets, obtained as a result of the decay of α - packets and end fives of neutrons of hedgehogs. In a directed magnetic flux, neutrons with their magnets take the direction of the flow.

    Γ - radiation - fragments of destroyed neutrons that can have their own magnetic fields if they are sufficiently twisted, but basically they do not have time to do it due to the constant process of destruction as a result of all sorts of collisions that translate it into x-ray radiation and then into the magnetic flux.

  10. Artificial radioactivity of non-radioactive elements is the attachment of packets to hedgehog needles with the overcoming of the magnetic repulsive forces. At the same time, the north pole of the needle is connected to the north pole of the package.

If liquid oxygen is cooled to even lower temperatures, the rotation of the needle screws will slow down and a crystallization process will begin, in which we get the needle connection with each other and the formation of the metal Oxygen lattice.

It is reasonable to ask the question: "Why is the loading of brain gyruses in a literary work?" We already noted earlier that nobody was able to give an answer to the main question of being. What is the reason?

Our solar system, not to mention the Earth, has tiny dimensions even in relation to its own galaxy, and the answer lies in the expanses of the Universe and, until we get acquainted with its device in at least a crude form, we, like the previous thinkers, will uselessly mentally Pushing within your own planet. I do not have complete clarity about the design of the universe, but it is obvious that it consists of many galaxies. Having dealt with one galaxy, the principle can be safely transferred to the rest and formally cover the entire universe to infinity.

Neutron Science gives a completely new and incredible view
About the world around us.

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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 15.12.2003gg