UNIVERSE, Neutron Physics and Neutron Chemistry

Physics. The discoveries in physics.

Valery F. Andrus

"Our goal is to develop a means of obtaining energy from reserves, which are forever inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use the intake and consumption of any kind was" material "carriers Now we are quite sure that the realization of this idea is not far off:.. Development opportunities this concept lies in the fact, that would be used for the engines at any point in the planet's clean energy surrounding area ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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Learn the basic concepts of Neutron Physics

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The synthesis of element POSITION Neutron Physics

We talked about the artificial synthesis of elements and mentioned that it is not the elements and molecules and even alloys. At first glance it may seem that this is a hypothesis, and this is the case in some other way. To put an end to the "i" in these arguments, we turn to nuclear chemistry.

"... The subject of nuclear chemistry are reactions in which there is a transformation of elements, ie, changes in the nuclei of their atoms.

Spontaneous decay of radioactive atoms discussed above (we will return to it), is a nuclear reaction in which the starting point is a single core. Other reactions are known in which the nucleus is reacted with a proton p deuteron (core deuterium atom February 1 H) d, the alpha - particle α, neutron or photon n γ (usually gamma - rays). It was possible to cause nuclear transformations and under the influence of fast electrons. Instead of α-particles (nuclei 4 He) sometimes use a core of a lighter isotope of helium 3 He. In recent years, increasingly used to bombard atomic nuclei accelerated nuclei of heavier elements up to neon.

The first nuclear reaction, carried out in the laboratory, was the reaction of (Rutherford, 1919).

Reactions Rutherford.

In this reaction, nitrogen reacts with the nucleus of helium nucleus having large kinetic energy. Two new nuclei as a result of the collision: 17 About Oxygen and Hydrogen 1 N. The core 17 O is stable, so that the reaction does not give rise to artificial radioactivity. In most nuclear reactions produce unstable isotopes, which are then transferred by a series of radioactive transformations into stable ... "

For convenience, and contrast, divide the material into small pieces with explanations.

Cores we have, but there is a six-pointed hedgehog with nitrogen (14 of N), which is bombarded hedgehog helium (4 He) consisting of a hydrogen atom and six fives neutrons for "planes" cube.

Looking at the final result of the reaction, we can safely say the following:

Nitrogen hedgehog with six needles per needle attached one to five of the relative weight of 0.5, to yield a hedgehog with relative mass of 17 - Oxygen. We know, each new layer is a new element of fives.

I could hedgehog Nitrogen get all six fives in the destruction of a hedgehog Helium? Of course, could not. For a hedgehog oxygen needed to break a lot of urchins helium, creating a neutron flux, like gravity, with the same pattern of growth hedgehogs. This stream could not coincide with the gravity. As a result of the destruction of Helium remained intact and some cubes of Hydrogen. Excess neutrons - or a free thermal carriers or radiation. The result of the reaction - is the desired equation is not true, because it does not take into account the excess flow of neutrons. I hope you remember that the neutron by NP 9 times smaller in mass than the one to which there is a comparison to the reactions. We continue.

"... According to Remy, nuclear reactions can be classified by analogy with conventional chemical reactions.

Most artificial nuclear transformations occur so-called displacement or substitution reactions. For example:

displacement reaction.

displacement reaction.

When writing nuclear reactions, often used shorthand in which the bombarding knocks and particles are separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses, which is recorded before the original character, and after - the resulting atom. For example, the above reaction is, for the first time realized that Rutherford can be written as: 14 N (b, p) 17 O.

In such a recording give more examples of substitution of nuclear reactions occurring in the bombardment of the accelerated particles of aluminum:

17AL (d, α) 25 Mg, 27 AL (d, p) 28 AL, 27 AL (d, n) 28 Si, 27 AL (p, α) 24 Mg, 27 AL (n, p) 27 Mg .. . "

This passage refers to the substitution reactions. With urchin model position there are no substitution reactions. When the bombing of a hedgehog or is it absolutely normal growth, the same as in nature, or the loss of some of fives in the needles. Owning a book set material can write a complete series of these reactions without a single pass, and all of them or have already received, or can be obtained with 100% probability.

"... As a result of the addition reaction of the bombarding particles captured by the nucleus, which, in turn, emit no other particle and liberated at the same time the energy is released as gamma-radiation, such as:

27 \ AL (n, γ) 28 AL, 7 Li (p, γ) 8 Be ... "

It's all the same normal growth process of a hedgehog, which resulted in some neutrons have collapsed into fragments γ- radiation.

"... The nuclear dissociation (as thermal dissociation reactions) are caused by the kinetic energy of the colliding particles. For example, 79 Br, (n, 2n) 78 Br 2 N (b, n, and b) 1 H, 2 H (g, n) 1 H.

The latter reaction is the photochemical reaction, ie, caused by the action of electromagnetic radiation, nuclear dissociation.

Currently, a number of known reversible reactions:

All reactions - a hedgehog neutron interaction object target - which is situated in an artificial neutron flow or shards (γ), or neutrons, or other hedgehog with bombarding the object. If the flow of finished neutron dense enough, it will form a five, and the hedgehog will grow.

If the neutron flux scattered or need to get, first destroying bombarding the hedgehog, the hedgehog target loses five.

dissociation reaction - it is an intermediate state between solid and flux scattered.

About artificial synthesis and reactions of division we have already said, but, as the Americans say, my word against your may mean nothing, and then everyone will remain unconvinced. However, the fission reaction, which will now be shown, fundamentally prove that NP looks correct.

Consider one of the fission reaction of uranium-235, is used in nuclear power, due to the absorption of a neutron.

110 54 Xe - β -110 55Cs - β- 56110 Ba - β-11057Za - β-Se 58110 stable kernel

92 235 U + n → 100 n May 1

91 36 Kg - β-9137Rb - β-9138Sr - β-9139- β-9140 Zr stable kernel

This reaction - a symbol of the triumph of the NF. As previously stated, that as a result of synthesis elements not obtained, and the molecule and Uranium - 235 by dividing showed that it and Zg Ce alloy. Even theoretically it is impossible to get from one division hedgehog two hedgehogs. Further transformations are conventional in the neutron flux for the NF (β-radiation).

This is the most striking example, which shows that distinguish the elements and molecules, and especially alloys, we have not yet learned. Hence, the table of elements, especially after Technetium is a table molecules (alloys)!

Then crawl Mercury, Silver, Gold, Copper - the elements? And so on...

What a molecule U = HeKg? Why does she have such stability? Can I get uranium from other constituent elements?

Let's start with the last question. If Uranus is regarded as the sum of the relative masses, then, of course, it is possible to obtain terms of many options. However, for us they will all look the same, because we do not distinguish. When with him produce all kinds of research, it will always be someone like more we understand how we think. Uranus has a gray metallic color, which suggests that the needles of its elements have a plurality of oppositely twisted fives and various urchins with different neutron spin. The density of Uranus is close to the limit - 19.04 g / cm H - is a sign of "aircraft structures." The heat of fusion of Uranus + 1130 ° C, and Xenon - 111.5 ° C and Krypton - 156.6 ° C. The molecule of two components of Xe and Kr can not in principle have a melting point. + 1130 ° C, and even more to create "air structure."

Now look closely at the final products of the reaction of Ce and Zr.

Cerium is a silvery white, mp. = 804 ° C, g = 6,77 g / SMZ.

Zirconia - silver white, mp. = 1852 ° C, g = 6,52 g / SMZ

To obtain the characteristics of Uranus molecule must consist of cerium and zirconium, and the needle connection must not create a cubic lattice, and rhombic. Then appears a grayish color, will increase "lattice lightness" and a melting point densities. closer to the average. Twist Zirconium neutrons decreased and Cerium will increase. By this reaction can be written

U = Ce Zr 4 - starting material (an alloy of Ce 20 Zr 80)

Uranium obtained by sedimentary links with connection nodes in four needles only with the right rhombic building.

To summarize:

The synthesis reaction - a combination of two or more elements in the molecule in the fleeting process, the replacement process slow sedimentation in nature, their partial destruction.

fission reaction - a transient gap molecule into two or more elements with their partial destruction. The number of finite elements equal to the number in the initial molecule.

As you can see from the table of elements will have to suffer.

Let us return to the nuclear reaction

There was obtained a carbon Bohr attack α-packets. Boron and sits in a cell Beryllium-liquid and has a three to five needles. Both of them are clearly not in the right place. Refer to the table DI See Mendeleev and density in the range 1.5 ÷ 2.5 g / cm 3 at 11 elements (Be, B, C, Mg, Si, P, S, Cl , Ar, Ca, Cs).

Cesium (Cs) - 55 element with a length of needles according to the relative weight equal to 44 fives with density g = 1,959 g / cm 3. By neutron logic he should stand before Bohr and carbon and have a length of needles in two fives and being weightless in the earth's atmosphere, and that, in practice, do not have all three elements.

According to the analysis of carbides, which will not be given, the carbon is between zirconium (Zr), and niobium (Nb). Last (Nb) sits on the transformation table in the last cell of zirconium (Zr).

Length Carbon needles should be in the region of 30 fives. Only in this case a diamond can receive channels, punched rope light as a laser beam from the last thickness up to 30 threads in one rope.

The first method of obtaining small diamonds suitable for diamond is as follows:

  1. The water vessel is filled with fine powder of graphite, which was allowed to settle quietly.
  2. After all the powder is laid down on the bottom, the water is removed more calm manner.
  3. Next, the powder is compressed without heating to a density ρ = 2,2 g / cm 3. The thickness of the graphite tiles should be such that what is able to break through your laser.
  4. Necessary to heat the compressed tiles HDTV (high-frequency currents) in the compressed state to the maximum temperature, preferably to 3000 C and survive.
  5. Hot plate placed under the laser, which is to hold its beam line by line, like a vertical sweep of the TV.
  6. Slow and gentle process will yield crystals with a tile thickness. Thus it is possible to control and transparency, repeated passage of the laser beam.
  7. For large and very large diamonds the whole process at the finish is necessary to conduct more slowly. The first four points of technological repeat. The graphite form must match the shape of the future of the diamond.
  8. Hot graphite was placed in a deep freeze in the steering mechanism of shaking and dramatically reduces the temperature in the chamber to a value close to -260 ° C thus achieving a shock of heat flow from the center to the surface of the workpiece, which will destroy the soft part of the compounds. After complete cooling produce soft shaking to obtain complete transparency of the workpiece. As a result of shaking the smallest vibrations it will receive a diamond structure, which is fully connected to each other. Not associated vertical graphite will be free swinging, which will lead to the breaking of the needles and the opening of channels for the Light ropes.

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Author: Valery F. Andrus
PS material is protected.
Publication date 15.12.2003gg