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UNIVERSE, Neutron Physics and Neutron Chemistry

Physics. The discoveries in physics.

Valery F. Andrus

"Our goal is to develop a means of obtaining energy from reserves, which are forever inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use the intake and consumption of any kind was" material "carriers. Now we are completely confident that the implementation of this idea is not far off.: Development opportunities this concept lies in the fact, that would be used for the engines at any point in the planet's clean energy surrounding area ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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Learn the basic concepts of Neutron Physics

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Electronic theory from the standpoint of neutron physics

What to do with the electron, which is not a carrier of electricity?

"The theory that explains the various properties of the substance by the presence in it of electrons and their movement is called the electron theory.

Good conductors of electricity - the body is such in which electric particles can move freely. The electrical conductivity of metals is caused by the fact that some of the electrons contained in the metal is in a mobile state. These electrons are called free electrons or conduction electrons.

If you bring a charged body to an isolated uncharged conductor, the conductor appear in the induced, or induced charges. Within the framework of the electron theory is explained by the fact that the approach of influencing the body causes the forces acting on the electrons of the metal, why they moved and redistributed, until a new equilibrium position. If, for example, charged positively affects the body, then the conduction electrons will be attracted to it and to the body at the proximal end of the conductor will excess electrons, i.e. a negative charge is formed at the distal end lack of electrons, and consequently, there occurs an excess of positive ions, i.e. there is a positive charge ... "

Let's start with the fact that the electron has a charge of allegedly. In neutron physics, there is no charge, but the magnets "electrostatic charge" is somewhat similar.

However, the magnets rotate around its axis to constantly changes sign from minus to plus and vice versa. As you can see, it does not work with the charge. Now look at the installation of the American physicist Robert Millikan, by which he determined the elementary electric charge in 1909. "Its main component is a flat capacitor plate on which a switch can be fed a potential difference of a sign. Through the central hole in the top plate oil droplet falls between two plates and in the absence of an electric field causes its free fall. When you turn on the field becomes a drop charge (electrification by friction). In such a charged drop of acting other than the force of gravity and the force of the electric field. Depending on the sign of the charge, you can choose the direction so that electric power may be directed toward the force of gravity, and the drop will rise up. "

Now look at this experience from the perspective of the General Theory of Neutron Physics field. We do not conduct experiments and taking just two facts of the Millikan experiment, expand the whole situation to the last neutrino.

1. "... Drop acquired charge (frictional electrification) ..."

Remembering our electrostatic charges, where we said that a dense body will always have a positive charge, that is, outside of the body will be hanging around the north pole magnets, united by a common magnetic field.

A drop of oil being between the plates in a gas atmosphere has a twist, as a result of which it tears the magnetic field of the rope (the electric field in the atmosphere - a magnetic field) into pieces, turning them into small magnets, which, leaving the opposite side is the general magnetic field.

From the literature, we do not know what the charge is getting a drop, and whether he was a different X-ray lamp without interference. The General Theory of Neutron Physics field meets tough and clear: regardless of the direction of the electric field (without X-rays) drop has always had a positive charge.

2. If the bottom plate to give a plus (positive charge - the north pole) drop begins to rise.

Other motion options will not be a drop of up !!!

To summarize:

  1. Physicists have accepted for the elementary charge, for example, have a negative electron - particles of permanent magnet having the structure of thousands of times more complex than an electron.
    Note on the question of multiplicity to the elementary charge that magnets size is determined by the size of the crystal lattice of cells, which tore the ropes on magnets. As you can see, the value of the elementary charge is a variable.
  2. The electric field is a plus - it is the north pole of a magnet, minus - the south pole. To summarize the information and we will see that when it comes to charges of different signs, the question itself is a force direction. unambiguously defined direction of force flow direction from the high to the low carrier density
  3. Determine that the different signs of charges - this is a different direction of the force, will determine what kind of strength?

    This power is the power of the neutrino pentads in ropes, directed in one direction and is its accelerating mechanism.

    In the flow of the ropes is the same force organizes two types of movement: translational and rotational in the plane perpendicular to the flow and to each straight or slightly curved rope. At the same time there is another related process, the gravitational force.

    Imagine the many faces of Janus - the electron in all directions unthinkable, where he not only is attached, I could not. What is meant specifically for electron physics, I comprehend not succeed, and if we consider the mass of the electron, which is on March 10 less than the mass of the neutron for neutron physics, which is closer to the neutrino.

    Note the well-known fact, the generator has not changed for 130 years. This is an indirect confirmation e unproductive theory.

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Author: Valery F. Andrus
PS material is protected.
Publication date 15.12.2003gg

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