Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use the consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of neutron physics

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Let us concentrate our attention on the moment when on the Sun the process of twisting of two perpendicular neutron fluxes that had not yet become Light due to a lack of structure began and was thrown out as a mass of material that has an initial velocity equal to the linear velocity at the equator. Attention! A moment of truth.

After the formation of any structure capable of dispersing the particles of Light with any acceleration, the Light itself will move with an ever-increasing velocity until complete scattering.

As we see, if we accept the author's point of view as stated above, then the Light has a variable speed, which contradicts the modern ideas of the constancy of the speed of Light in a vacuum. Further, an atom is not a nucleus with electrons, but hedgehogs. A more complex arrangement of the invisible world and structures was also said. And most importantly, the progenitor of all materials and phenomena is the neutrino. Unlike modern views, which describe the world around the set of different particles and antiparticles. One completely excludes the other ... Who is right? The preponderance of the numerical and temporal is on the side of a large army of scientists, to whom praise and honors for what they have done and without which this work would not have been born.

But remember the phrase: "Plato is my friend, but the truth is more expensive!"

Anyone without evidence is clear that he lives in a harmonious world with a common field of activity for everyone and for everything. All attempts by scientists to create a general field theory have not yet yielded results.

Neutron physics gives a simple and clear answer: "The solution of the General Field Theory is Solar Light on the basis of a particle - the ancestor of a neutrino."

Let's compare two approaches:

    1. Modern science is to "create" a general Paul theory, combining everything and everything, using the deductive method from the particular to the general.
    2. Neutron physics - "solve the problem" of the general theory of the field on the basis of one particle - the ancestor, using an inductive method from the general to the particular.

    Who is right, will determine, as always, experience and life. If the reader is not tired, then the further exposition will be continued on the basis of neutron physics, without which it will be impossible to substantiate the statements made earlier.

Let's restore in memory a chain from process of construction of the Sun:

    • Speck of dust
    • Twist
    • neutrino
    • Neutrino gas
    • Neutron gas packing
    • Its condensation
    • "Gas cloud"
    • "Lightning"
    • Neutrons of Hydrogen
    • Five of the neutrons directed mainly toward the center
    • Primary star body
    • Thermonuclear process
    • Weight gain and twist
    • Rhythmic process
    • Pulsar "- the end of the process
    • The neutron body of the Sun was created
    • The process of ejecting material from the surface began
    • The remains of the neutrino cloud are squeezed from the Sun

    Let's imagine that the Sun is a glass sphere, and we are inside, watching the Light twist into the trunks, and we manage to see everything to the smallest detail, down to the neutrino. The neutrino has a geometric shape, which does not change with any processes occurring in the solar system.

    The most powerful energy process in this system is the explosion of a hydrogen bomb. We live in the Hydrogen World and such an explosion is the limit. Twisting Light - the beginning of the trunk - is an exploded Hydrogen bomb with a directed swirling ejection of material, similar to the usual career explosion directed to us (Figure 1. Top view of the orbital plane and the Sun.).

    Does a shock wave appear? When the Light is twisted, there is a collision and decay of fives of neutrons, which generate a chain reaction. There is a chain reaction - there is a shock wave.

    If in ordinary war with the explosion of a projectile the passage of one shock wave is perceived by us as a roll of thunder, many explosions as cannonade, then an uninterrupted process is a rumble. We can not hear a sunny buzz - this is not our sound range and it exists only in the atmosphere of a star.

    We are interested in the shock wave in three points:

    1. - The shock wave pulls the material inside the trunk until it attenuates from the body of the Sun, creating a directed flow.
    2. Is the growth of the absolute velocity of the material.
    3. - this is the structuring and dispersal of Light.

    The material is many thousands of different kinds of neutron fragments in the bulk of neutrons and neutrinos. The trunks, densely packed with each other, will, when viewed from the side of the orbital plane, be two plates parallel to each other and arranged horizontally. Plates will remind the conventional designation of a capacitor in textbooks. The material located near the conditional plates on the top will move from left to right, on the bottom right-to-left - this is the right twist. Now mentally insert between the conditional plates of copper conductors, which will close all the spaces between them, and the current in them will flow from the Light. We will replace the usual magnetic fields with a right twist with the material with its fragments, but with the same twist, and instead of copper conductors we will insert needles of fives of neutrons twisted like a rope having a right twist and get a rough structure of Light. Note that the directed movement of the material under the action of the shock wave and twist automatically forms needles, both from neutrons and from neutrinos. Fragments in the process of motion of light due to collisions continue to crumble and serve as a make-up material for needles of neutrinos and neutrons. Structural construction of Light and magnetic fields acquires increasingly strict features with increasing distance from the Sun.

    Needles, twisted into ropes, consist of fives of neutrons, which are pressed in one direction and are the accelerating mechanism of Light. If in the usual words, then the Light is dispersed by nuclear forces, which act not once but permanently. Hence, Light has not constant speed, but evenly increasing. The density of the vacuum medium and the speed of light are tightly connected. The vacuum near the Earth, in comparison with the dimensions of the Cosmos, has minor changes. Accordingly, changes in the speed of light in the vicinity of the Earth, taking into account the errors of the instruments, could not be fixed. Hence the erroneous opinion that the speed of Light in a vacuum is constant. After all, everything comes from the results of experience, and he really shows it. If the same experience is repeated several times further on the planet distant from the Sun than the Earth, then the speed of Light will increase several times, and the possible inhabitants of that planet would consider that the speed of the Light is constant, but the numerical values ​​of the velocities would be different.

    As you can see, even the experience that puts an end to any dispute does not always allow us to draw the right conclusions. Therefore, any conclusion can not be built into dogma. From what has been said above, the following assertions follow:

    Is a mass of material structurally organized, which is constantly accelerated until the neutrons of the Hydrogen are completely scattered by neutron (nuclear) forces.

    The simplest element of Light are threads (needles) made of fives of neutrons, twisted into a rope with neutron forces directed in one direction.

    The magnetic field of the simplest element of Light is a material that rotates around a rope from neutrons, if it is directed from us beyond a piece of paper, then clockwise and itself has ring-shaped ropes of neutrino with a right twist and are surrounded by a rotating material with a right twist. The number of magnetic rings can be different, and the more it is determined, we will consider later.

    To better visualize the picture, let's recall the textbook of physics, where a conductor with a current is shown, passing through a cardboard on which iron sawdust is poured. From above we see the round end of the conductor, and around it some concentric circles of iron filings with gaps. Where the sawdust is located are ring ropes of neutrinos, and where the gaps are a rotating material in which there are no neutrons around the neutrino ropes. At the rope of Light, the magnetic field consists of neutrino ring ropes around which material from many thousands of species of components rotates.

    Figure 2. Needle or string of Light (a package of them is a rope).

    The principle of structural construction of carriers of Light, magnetic field, electricity is the same. For example, Light is a straight rope made of neutrons with a rotating ring magnetic field from a neutrino, after scattering of neutrons it turns into a pure magnetic field, in which the ropes are formed from a neutrino, since there is a directed flow.

    The neutron, consisting of hundreds of neutrinos, does not have a rigid geometric shape. When two neutrons interact, they press against each other, forming a plane at the point of contact, on the surface of which dozens of neutrinos interact. The introduction of material fragments into straight ropes almost does not occur.

    The five neutrons in the ropes are organized and they are difficult to destroy by accidental, though persistent, collisions with the material rotating around them. The greater the density of the material, the greater the twisting of the rope and the slower its movement forward.

    If we take two ropes of Light directed in one direction, with their magnetic fields and compare them with two conductors, through which the current flows in one direction, we get the same pictures - in both cases they will converge.

    Let us note the facts.

    In the textbook of physics: here is the experience with guides - that's the rule. And so almost with all the phenomena of nature. It is not possible to explain the phenomenon at the level of the structure of matter, proceeding from the representations of an atom in the form of a nucleus with electrons.

    There is an "iron" law: the conclusions from the theories rarely go directly to practice.

    Ordinary practice: experience, establishing dependencies, creating rules, adapting the theory to the results of practice. If there is no true knowledge, then there is nothing bad in this way - it's still moving forward. The bad thing is to create scientific idols and dogmas. Instead of continuing to move forward, paying tribute to the work and great aspirations of talented and brilliant people; Scientific society turns their labor and names into a sledgehammer, which is slaughtered in the land of all dissidents. The author writing these lines commits a scientific sacrilege, since the scientific community did not allow him to do this because of the lack of the necessary rank and the obligation not to touch the idols that they themselves created. This modest work is aimed at breaking modern ideas about the structure of matter and many phenomena. In short, the demolitionist (When the first version of the book was being written, I did not have any convincing facts from the invisible or visible Worlds that confirmed my views, and everything was based on logical constructions.) After the first dispatches of books to universities, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education I received rough answers from everywhere in which I was recommended to undergo treatment in a psychiatric hospital, just because I offered to get acquainted with another view of the structure of matter and the solar system.How unbiased these statements are, to judge you.However, it happened that, Probably, should have happened.My photos from the Internet magazine www.membrana.ru , made by astronomers , came to me by accident: these new photos took sun spots on the Sun (Figure 3 and Figure 4), which completely confirmed the correctness of the neutron theory of the Universe And put the modern science and its ideas into a dead end.)

    The most detailed of all the images of the Sun, obtained with the help of a meter telescope in the Canary Islands, have revealed rather strange features peculiar to sunspots: in particular, the existence of bright threads with dark cores along the edges of the spots.

    The scientists are still lost in conjecture, what this can mean.

    Sunspots on the Sun.

    Figure 3. Sunspots on the Sun.

    Sunspots are areas in which magnetic fields act particularly strongly. The middle (Umbra - "shadow") is the most "cold" spot area.

    "Shadow" is surrounded by a brighter "penumbra" (Penumbra), as it turned out, "penumbra" is filled with thin long threads. They are pretty bright, but their hearts, as already said, are very dark. So far no telescope has allowed them to be distinguished.

    For neutron physics (NF), the appearance of filaments along the edges of sunspots is quite normal. Somewhat unexpected was the high resistance to the independent existence of individual threads, not packed in spicules, but also their somewhat larger sizes, about one order higher.

    Figure 4. Sunspots on the Sun. Threads.

    How is the thread made?

    Let's start with the twist of the neutron film consisting of five neutrons,? -packets, Hydrogen cubes, temporal formations in the form of larger balls than the cubes of Hydrogen coming down from the solid body of the Sun rotating around two perpendicular axes and forming a helical A leg like a stainless steel vodka glass with a high leg, a group of spicules, which are its continuation.

    "Screw leg" with its own group of spicule-threads forms "Trunk-it's necessary" with the right twist. (Remember the threads of a fiberglass lamp).

    The thread itself consists of a rotating "tube" inside which there is an above-specified mixture of different neutron formations and all this is lengthened by the material fed through the screw stem.

    The growth of the length of the pipe is limited by the shock wave, which is born at the junction of the screw leg and the beginning of the thread pipe.

    At this point, the rotational material of the pipe walls begins to compact, and some material is discharged within it, which creates conditions for more free lateral movements of the material and more abrupt collisions of its elements, leading to crushing into smaller components, and this is a chain reaction with the formation of a pipe. Tion of the shock wave.

    The shock wave to go to the side of the foot with very dense material can not, and it moves to the exit of the pipe thread.

    When a shock wave moves inside the tube, a deep discharge behind it forms, which pulls free neutrons, which are obtained as a result of the crushing of the material by the shock wave.

    The swirling flow of neutrons behind the shock wave inside the tube has ideal conditions for the formation of needles, threads and ropes of neutron fives, which are carriers of Light. Ropes of Light have an accelerating mechanism and the speed of their movement is higher than the velocity of the shock wave.

    A part of the ropes of Light passes through the surface of the shock wave and, like an enormous light guide, it leaves the gas atmosphere of the Sun through the tube. The part is reflected from it and dissipates on the sides, creating the illusion that a firefly beetle is moving inside a huge pipe.

    At the exit of the tube, the shock wave, in practice, ceases to exist, because behind the pipe it does not have enough material for the chain reaction.

    As soon as the shock wave reached the edge of the pipe, in this zone there was also a discharge, which follows it.

    The forces holding the walls of the pipe in the vacuum zone in this place are not present, and it contracts (collapses), shortening the pipe.

    The slammed material of the walls of the pipe is picked up by the flow that follows the zone of rarefaction, and is thrown into the orbital plane in the form of particles - this is the solar wind.

    The length of the tube has small oscillations, since it is in a gas atmosphere of a certain height, i.e. There is an observational system of its growth and shortening.

    According to the "firefly beetle" in the tube in the picture it is clear that one shock wave leaves and at this or the next moment a new one is born.

    According to the picture, it is possible to determine the length of the thread (pipe), the length of the "firefly beetle" zone (rarefaction), and along it the size of the pipe shortening and, correspondingly, the same growth.

    A sheaf of straw with a right twist and a fiberglass luminaire-the analogues of filaments of sunspots

    Figure 5. A sheaf of straw with a right twist and a fiberglass luminaire -
    Analogous strands of sunspots.

    If you have several pictures with the fixation of the time between them, you can determine the speed of shortening the pipe, that is, we would be able to calculate the resulting rotation speed of the solid body of the Sun at a given location.

    We fix in memory that the ropes of Light from the tube come out in waves, that is, the Light, the collapse of the end of the tube-particle, the Light, etc.

    Waves of Light and particles from different pipes do not exit synchronously, and a continuous wave mechanism with a clear rhythm does not form in the surrounding space.

    Twisting of filaments in a sunspot in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction is determined by the direction of twisting of the general magnetic field of the magnetic cone-tentacle ropes formed by compressing the gravitational flow from individual neutrino carriers.

    If large pair sunspots are at a sufficiently close distance, the twists will be in opposite directions, which in principle is not a mandatory requirement.

    Diagram of the structure of the outer layers of the Sun

    Figure 6. Diagram of the structure of the outer layers of the Sun.

    Opposite twists do not form a horseshoe magnet in the convective zone with the north and south poles, as modern science asserts - this is evident from the threads that are directed downwards in the pairwise large spots, which exactly corresponds to the concepts of neutron science. (The filaments of the north pole must be pointed upwards.)

    If you carefully study the picture, you can see a lot of ends of threads, located vertically in the granules of the atmosphere - this is very well observed in the mental representation that the end of the tube is a flashlight with a directional beam into the camera.

    To make sure that the proposed model is correct, it is enough to look at the picture (Figure 5. Sheaf of straw with right twist), where a glass fiber luminaire is photographed and compared with a photograph of astronomers (Figure 4. Sun spots on the Sun. Threads.).

    Coincidence 100%!

    Only instead of the fiberglass static pipe of the luminaire on the Sun, the thread-pipe has walls made of dynamically swirled material, which acts as a magnetic field-tube.

    In such an unexpected way (as it is not funny, but still in life, and not after death as usual), the neutron theory has received a fundamental practical and well-observed confirmation of its correctness.

    What happens to the two ropes of Light that move from us beyond a sheet of paper and their magnetic fields with a right twist?

    First, the magnetic fields in the middle between the ropes with the same right-handed twist are in the opposite direction. The upper layers of the structures of the magnetic fields of opposite directions are destroyed. Free neutrinos after the destruction of the structure with the left rope in the upper half of the picture try to move down, but there is a high density and a counterflow of the right rope, which creates a depression for the flow of the left rope due to the removal of material from the destruction zone. Thus, free material and got the right spin in the top half of the picture. In the lower half of the picture, the magnetic field of the left rope organizes the removal of free material and with the right twist. As a result, we obtain from the free material the magnetic field common to the two ropes.

    Earlier, we noted for the direct rope of Light from neutrons the high stability of the structure due to its orderly construction. Rope rings of neutrinos in a magnetic field because of the same structure suffer. If in a straight rope the fives are parallel, then in the annular at an angle, which leads to the contact of neutrons at the apex of the angle on the inner surface directly or through the intermediate body and their ejection from the structure. The replacement of the destroyed five occurs from the outer surface of the ring.

    The movement of neutrinos from the outer surface of the ring rope to the center creates a flow that creates a compression force. Rings we have a few and the forces of their compression add up, creating maximum pressure on the axis of the rope.

    Let us return to the common magnetic field of the two ropes along the outer contour and the partially destroyed magnetic fields of the ropes in the middle. On each rope, the forces of compression from the rings act, but in a particular case they are no longer balanced. In the middle between the ropes of the rings is smaller, but outside with a common magnetic field is larger. The difference of forces and gives rise to the resulting force, which presses to the center of the destruction of the magnetic field. The compression forces acting on the ropes (conductors) are equal. The very force of compression is the centrifugal force of the neutrino detached from the rope.

    Magnetic fields produce compression, both proboscis, and the entire orbital plane as a whole.

    Magnetic fields and keep in the orbital plane the remains of neutrino gas, which are removed from the Sun. The Force that presses on the gas is Light. To turn the remains of neutrino gas into planets, it must be twisted. For what it is necessary and how this happens, we will consider in the second part of the novel, and now we will sum up.

    print version
    Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
    PS The material is protected.
    Date of publication 15.12.2003gg