Patent of the Russian Federation RU2131206



Applicant's name: Joint Stock Company "Tuymaada Diamond"
The name of the inventor: Naumov VV; Sivtsev VI; Slobodchikov PA; Eremeev SN; Nikolayev P.I.
The name of the patent holder: Joint Stock Company "Tuymaada Diamond"
Address for correspondence: 677000, Russia, Yakutsk, ul.Ordzhonikidze 5, A.K. "Tuymaada Diamond" information department of NP Solomonova
Date of commencement of the patent: 1993.07.13

Use: in the jewelry industry, cutting diamonds into diamonds. Brilliant consists of crown, girdle and pavilion. The crown has a platform, the main facets, wedges of the platform and paired quadrangles of the crown. The pavilion contains the main faces and paired quadrilaterals. The angle of inclination of the corona faces is 16.5 ± 1 o , and the angle of inclination of the pair quadrilaterals of the corona is 54.74 ± 1 o . The angle of inclination of the main facets of the pavilion forms 42.5 ± 1 ° , and the angle of inclination of the paired quadrilaterals of the pavilion is 47.5 ± 1 ° . The diameter of the site is 40.0 ± 2%, the height of the crown is 18.4 ± 2%, the depth of the pavilion is 48.1 ± 2%, and the height of the girdle does not exceed 2.0% of the girdle diameter.


The invention relates to articles of the jewelry industry, namely, to the types of diamond cutting in diamonds.

Known jewelry stone, consisting of a pavilion, girdle and crown with a platform. The angle of inclination of the faces of the first tier to the plane of the girdle is 32-36 ° , and the angle of inclination of the faces of the second tier to the plane of the girdle is 30-34 ° , the difference between the angles of inclination of the faces of the first and second tiers is 2-6 ° , The tiers are formed by faces and pair wedges, the pair wedges of the first tier being made at an angle of 40-45 ° , and the pair wedges of the second tier at an angle of 15-25 °(AS USSR No. 1618378, cl. A 44 C 17/00, 1991) .

The most close to the proposed technical solution is the facetting of the diamond according to Tolkovskiy. The Tolkowski diamond consists of a crown, a girdle and a pavilion. Crown has a platform, the main facets, wedges of the site and wedges of the crown. The pavilion contains the main facets and wedges of the pavilion. The angle of inclination of the main facets of the crown is 34.5 ° , and the angle of inclination of the main facets of the pavilion is 40.75 ° . The diameter of the site is 53.0%, the height of the crown is 16.2%, the depth of the pavilion is 43.1%, and the height of the girdle does not exceed 2.0% of the girdle diameter (NI Kornilov, Yu.P. Solodova. Stones .- M .: Nedra, 1983. - P.52-53) .

However, Tolkovsky's known cut shape has the following drawbacks: the coefficient of use of diamond raw materials in the form of an octahedron does not exceed 50.0% and the solid angle is narrow, under which a significant average power of scattered light originating from a incident light beam is observed. Narrow field of angles admiring with a diamond.

The task, the solution of which is directed to the claimed invention, is to increase the coefficient of use of diamond raw materials and expand the range of angles of admiration with a diamond.


In Fig. 1 depicts the proposed diamond "Sahakat" - a top view; In Fig. 2 is a side view; 3 is a bottom view; FIG. 4 shows in conventional units the graphs of the angular distributions of the average power of light scattered per unit solid angle, calculated numerically by the Monte Carlo method for the proposed "Sahakat" diamond and for the Tolkovskiy diamond.

The diamond consists of a crown 1, a girdle 2 and a pavilion 3. The crown has a platform 4, the main faces 5 in the form of quadrangles adjacent to the area of ​​the face 6 in the form of a triangle, paired quadrangles 7. The pavilion consists of the main faces 8 and paired quadrangles 9. Angles of slopes The girdle plane of the main facets of the corona is 16.5 ± 1 o , the paired quadrilaterals of the crown are 54.74 ± 1 o , the main facets of the pavilion are 42.5 ± 1 o , the paired quadrilaterals of the pavilion are 47.5 ± 1 o , where the diameter of the pad is 40.0 ± 2%, crown height 18.4 ± 2%, pavilion depth 48.1 ± 2%, and girdle height does not exceed 2.0% of the girdle diameter. 4, but in the abscissa, the observation angles in degrees, measured from the outer normal to the site, are plotted. Sections of the graphs 90 - 180 o describe the rays of light lost to the observer.

As can be seen from the graphs, the optical properties of the proposed diamond "Sahakat" within the angles of 0-80 o exceed the Tolkovskiy diamond, which allows us to expand the areas of angles admiring them. For the proposed "Sahakat" diamond, the total average power of light scattered into the upper hemisphere is 1.19 times greater than for the Tolkovskiy diamond.

When cutting the proposed diamond, the coefficient of use of diamond raw materials in the form of an octahedron is 17.5% higher than when cutting according to Tolkovskiy.

The proposed diamond allows to increase the coefficient of use of rough diamonds while simultaneously expanding the area of ​​admiration with a diamond due to the chosen shape and proportions of the diamond.


A diamond consisting of a pavilion, a girdle, a crown and a platform, the pavilion and crown being made with tiers of faces at an angle to the girdle plane, and the height of the girdle does not exceed 2% of the girdle diameter, differing in that the faces of the pavilion and crown tiers, Adjacent to the girdle are made in the form of paired quadrangles, while the slopes to the plane of the girdle of paired quadrilaterals of the crown are 54.74 ± 1 o , the paired quadrilaterals of the pavilion 47.5 ± 1 o , and the angles of inclination of the main facets of the crown to the girdle plane are 16.5 ± 1 o , the main facets of the pavilion are 42.5 ± 1 o , where the diameter of the pad is 40.0 ± 2%, the crown height is 18.4 ± 2%, the depth of the pavilion is 48.1 ± 2% of the girdle diameter.

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Date of publication 03.01.2007gg