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The most common aquarium plants

Vesicularia dubyana
(Java moss)

091.jpg (67773 bytes) Homeland: South-East Asia, the region of the Malay Archipelago

Java moss is considered one of the most beautiful, though the smallest aquarium plants. Fish are very appreciate that moss and often use it as a spawning substrate. Young specimens it offers excellent refuge with a variety of inputs and outputs. Queries Java moss are very diverse, and according to them, he is able to adapt, and requires an impressive portion of his vital light. If the algae begin to capture its tender leaves, they will be able to destroy the entire area of moss, so it is better to remove. The same applies to the mud suspension, if it in large quantities contained in the tank, it will be able to clog the fine pores of the leaves, and they suffocate. With an average temperature of 24 ° C, Java moss is not just beautiful, but also very useful for the inhabitants of the aquarium plant.