Haracidia, or South American minnows (Characidiidae)

They are fast, like an arrow, small bottom fish scattered throughout the vast regions of South America. Five genera are described in this family (Characidium, Jobertina, Geisleria, Klausewitzia and Elachocharax), but they are imported most often only from very similar species of the Characidium species called C. fasciatum.

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Characidium f a sciatu m

The band haracidium (C. f a sciatu m ) reaches a length of 10 cm and is very common in South America (from Orinoco to the Bay of La Plata); Described about twenty of its subspecies. These unassuming fishes can be kept in any general aquarium. Most often they find themselves a permanent place, which is protected by biting from other fish. Many species should be kept only in large aquariums, because they are very pugnacious. Reproduction is possible without much difficulty: as a result of strong movement, the female sweeps the spawn between the plants. After spawn fertilization spawning stops. Young people live too close to the bottom, has a camouflage coloring