Characids, or American Titles (Characidae)

This family includes a huge number of different species. It contains more species than all the other families of the suborder are haraakovidnyh together. And if we remember that salmon and trout also belong to their relatives, then it becomes clear to us: among these fish there are many such that lead a predatory lifestyle. Thus, the long and tooth-armed fishes from the genera of hydroids (Hidro l ycus) and the Raphiodons (Raphiodon), who play in an aquarium as an insignificant role as the remaining small Acestrorhynchus , as well as the more famous Charax gibbosus and Roeboides ( different species). Very often imported Exodon paradoxus: its jaws are full of sharp teeth, and for a domestic aquarium it is not suitable.

042.jpg (92645 bytes) Exodon paradoxus

The chalcees were previously considered a separate family, but now they are classed as the genus Chalceus to American tetrams. Their large scales are very similar to some African relatives. There are only two known types: C. Erythrurus from the central part of the Amazon basin and S. Microlepitodus from the countries of Guyana and some areas of Orinoco. The first is distinguished by yellowish, the second is wine red fins and a silvery trunk. The length of the fish reaches 25 cm.

Triportheus of different species adapted to life near the water surface. They do not possess such an exceptional form of body as the cuneiform. They grow larger, their body is more oblong, but flattened, like the cuneiform. They do not specialize in one kind of food, but rather are omnivorous. "Sardinha", as they are called in Brazil, are looking across the surface of the water for various types of food, including fruits, seeds and insects; Some prefer plankton. In aquarium, the most common are two species: T. angulatus and T. elongatus. Both are widely distributed in the Amazon basin. Pisces of the first species grow to 14-20 cm, and the second - up to 20-28 cm. They feel good only in a very large aquarium.

041.jpg (91851 bytes) Triportheus angulatus, male

Two species of the genus Aphyocharax (Aphyocharax), which are imported quite often , originate from the Paraguay river system (northern Argentina): A. rathbuni and A. anisitsi, the raspberry afiotrax, known as the A. rubripinnis. Red tail Fin (the only one of them) adorns his close relative named Aphyocharax dentatus from the Paraguay river basin. These schooling fish, growing to 6 cm, are strong and enduring. Do not just run them in a small aquarium. We also recommend abundant vegetation. These peaceful fish like water approximately 8 - 1 2 ° dH and a temperature of 22 to 28 ° C (while temporary cooling to 18 ° C it can not damage). They are omnivorous.

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Aphyocharax anisitsi
043.jpg (72410 bytes) Aphyocharax dentatus
044.jpg (67800 bytes) Aphyocharax rathbuni

Riddley's Pristella (Pristella maxillaris, synonym: P. riddlei), small A schooling fish, is just as agile. It is distinguished by a fat fin; It reaches 5 cm. Occurs from the northeast of South America. In an aquarium, it can coexist with other species; The main thing is dense vegetation along the edge and free space for swimming in the middle. These fish are almost omnivorous. Reproduction of these small fish is also possible . During spawning, the caudal fin of the male noticeably reddens, as in the female. Requirements for the parameters and temperature of the water in the aquarium are the same as that of the pristell.

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Pristella maxillaris

Silver tetras are the various species of poptella ( P op te ll a ) and tetragonopter (Tetragonopterus). P. orbicularis has a slightly rounded body and floats with slightly forward head; It can reach 12 cm. It comes from the vast regions of South America, from Orinoco in the north to the Paraguay River in South Brazil. In T. argenteus and T. chalceus, the body becomes silver, and in the latter (with a vitamin-rich diet), the anal fin becomes red. Mourning tetra, or thornetium, (Gyrnnocorymbus ternetzi) has a disk- shaped form; In length reaches 5.5 cm. These peaceful schooling fish are used to a society of their kind, but they can be successfully placed with other species. Reproduction of them is given quite easily. The main color is gray with black transverse stripes or black anal fin and the posterior part of the trunk.

046.jpg (68154 bytes) Tetragonopterus chalceus
047.jpg (74196 bytes) P op te ll a orbicularis

Different kinds of genera of iguanodectes and piabucus reach 10-18 cm. Those that are usually imported, for example, the gold striped iguanodect (/. Spirilus), do not exceed these limits, and yet they may be of interest as Pets, only if they contain in the aquariums extended along the length. They come from the central regions of the Amazon basin; Live near the water surface, which can immediately be recognized by a straight line of the back and a characteristic, upward-oriented snout. A characteristic feature of the species is an elongated anal fin.

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Piabucus dentatus

Some species of boar (Boehlkea), Inpaichthys and Nematobrycon are very popular aquarium fish, although they can not be said to belong to the most peaceful representatives of their suborder. A bluish flicker (Boehlkea fredcochui) comes from the upper Amazon; Its length Reaches 4 cm. Inpaichthys kerri was first described in 1977 and is considered the "royal Salmler". It also comes from the Amazon basin and is caught most often in one of the tributaries of Madeira (Rio Aripunia). These fish reach a length of 3.5 - 4 cm, and males are significantly larger than females. The royal tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri), like her closest relative, Lakert's nematobricon ( N. lacortei), also called mother of pearl, comes from Colombia. A characteristic feature of both species is a deep-cut caudal fin, whose upper and lower rays are reddish in adults, and the middle, black and elongated, continues a dark band running all over the body. Both species can reach a length of 6 cm. Many types of astyanax (Astyapach) have a magnificent bright color, but if feeding is unbalanced, they quickly lose it. Astyanax fasciatus belongs to those species that live north of all other tetras and are found even in some regions of the United States. This species has a blind Mexican subspecies (A. f. Mexicanus): it reproduces easily and is therefore often found on sale. The habitat of these fish is from the already mentioned north to the subtropical southern regions of South America. All these nimble schooling fish behave quite peacefully and easily get used to the society. Their typical sign is a small fat fin. To the aquarium water, they do not make special demands. It is advisable to provide them with soft water. The pH should be within the "slightly acidic" (6.5 - 6.8). Suitable temperature is 22-26 ° C.

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Boehlkea fredcochui
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Inpaichthys kerri Nematobrycon palmeri

Different types of moenkausia (Moepkhausia) belong to the most famous aquarium fish. Most often we are offered three: a large philomena (M. Olegolepis), a diamond tetra (M. pittleri) and a red-eyed filomena (M. sanctafilomenae). All three species reproduce easily. The great Philomena originates from the northeastern part of the Amazon basin, the diamond tetra from Venezuela, and the M. sanctaefilomenae extends from the Central Amazon to the Paraguay river system (Northern Argentina). The largest of these species is M. oligolepis, she Grows to 12 cm, and the rest only half this length. These omnivorous fish with large scales prefer reservoirs with rich plantations. Too gentle plants should not be, otherwise the fish will pluck them. It is necessary to provide them with shelter (in the roots) and enough free space for swimming. Well-groomed fish and harmonizing vapors can be planted in a separate aquarium for spawning. They sprout eggs in the middle of plants, but - remember! - they themselves can eat it.

053.jpg (98110 bytes) Moepkhausia sanctaefilomenae

"Tetras" are usually called representatives of related genera: hemigrammus (Hemigrammus), thayeria (Thayeria), hifesobrikonov ( Nur hessobrycon), neon (Paracheirodon), although this division is not entirely accurate, because tetrami should be called all species united in the subfamily Tetragonopterinae. A characteristic common symptom of tetras is the steeply dorsal fin ("quadrangular", from where the name "tetra" is four). Different types of the above-mentioned sorts of tetra , and to them should be added a few more of the most famous: Cheirodon , Petitella , Hasemania and Megalomphodus , are widespread in the vast expanses of the Southern and partly Middle America. The most numerous genus of hifesobrikon counts more than 60, and the next genus of hemigrams is about 40 species. If, according to customer demand, the popularity of fish is judged, then we can say that Rracheirodon innesi and P. axelrodi, neon fish of Innesa and red neon are leading here. The attractiveness of blue and red color they do not lose even when mistakes were made in the care of them. However, these fish are predisposed to the so-called neon disease: it spreads in the aquarium as an epidemic and can destroy all fish living in it (see the section "Fish diseases ").

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Paracheirodon axelrodi
054.jpg (102056 bytes) Paracheirodon innesi

The genus of hemigrams pleases us with beautiful fish of several species, among which, in the first place, To name a firefly tetra ( N. erythrozonus), it reaches a length of 5 cm; Occurs from the north of South America. These schooling fish impress mainly because of the luminous longitudinal strip on the trunk; When feeding a vitamin rich food, it shines particularly brightly. Green neon, N. hyanuary, occurs in the middle and upper reaches of the Amazon; Grows to 4 cm. The golden tetra ( N. rodwayi) J. Zheri considers the variation of H. armstrongi. The area of ​​distribution of the golden tetra is the eastern part of Guyana. These fish grow to about 4.5 cm; For them you need a slightly shaded or overgrown at the rear wall of small-leaved plants aquarium, so that their golden color revealed.

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Hemigrammus erythrozonus
056.jpg (34143 bytes) Hemigrammus armstrongi

One of the most famous hifesobrikonov - N. bentosi bentosi (it is identical to H. ornatus, and recently these names are used as synonyms). It is also very reminiscent of the minor, or red tetra ( N. callistus). Both fish originate from the central or southern part of the Amazon basin; Their size is about 4 cm. As you can see from the very name, a fiery tetra, or tetra von Rio (H. flammeus) is found not far from the famous Brazilian city. Its possible length is 4 - 5 cm, and the brightness of the red color depends on the balance of nutrition and the amount of vitamins in the feed. Black neon ( N. herbertaxelrodi) has recently become one of the most popular aquarium fish. His homeland is the state of Mago Gorsu (Brazil); Over time, it turns into a slender individual about 4 cm in length. From the upper reaches of the Amazon (from where the borders of Brazil, Colombia and Peru meet), the origin of the tetra Loreto ( N. lo retoensis), named after the city. The caudal fin of these small (also not more than 4 cm) fish with a proper nutrition acquires a juicy red color.

057.jpg (36211 bytes) Noor hessobrycon callistus
058.jpg (48672 bytes) Noor hessobrycon bentosi
061.jpg (37403 bytes) Nur hessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
062.jpg (35123 bytes) Noor hessobrycon lо retoensis

To the genus Thayeria (Thayeria) are fish, which in English-speaking countries are called "penguin tetrames." In aquarium art, three species are known and recognized in total: T. boehlkei, T. obliqua (synonym: T. sanctamariae) and T. ifati, the first two occurring from the central and western parts of the Amazon basin. The first reaches 6 cm, the second 8 cm; Both are regularly imported. The third species, originating from the countries of Guyana, is very rare in aquariums. When swimming, the rear part of their body is slightly lowered, and this manner of moving along the oblique as if amplified, is emphasized by a longitudinal black stripe, passing from the upper part of the trunk to the lower lobe of the caudal fin. These schooling fish like densely planted aquariums, where there is plenty of room for swimming. Too soft water is not recommended (10- 20 ° dH); A regular partial water change and a temperature of 24-26 ° C are useful . Thaiapia is omnivorous and easily combined with other fish. Reproduction is possible.

063.jpg (32512 bytes) Thayeria boehlkei

The fake red-nosed tetra, or the petitella of Georgia (Petitella georgiae) is somewhat more sensitive, but it is very popular as an aquarium fish. Just do not confuse it with a red-necked tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus): they are really similar in color, but the second looks stronger. P. georgiae originates from the western part (upper reaches) of the Amazon basin, the homeland of the more rare N. rhodostomus - Central Amazonia. Both species reach a length of 4-5 cm.

059.jpg (35496 bytes) Petitella georgiae
060.jpg (36642 bytes) Hemigrammus rhodostomus

The genus Hasemania is represented by four species, among which the most famous is the copperfish ( H. nana is a synonym: N. targinata): it is imported often. These schooling fish, reaching a length of 5 cm, live in the basin of the San Francisco River, flowing into the Atlantic Ocean in the southeast of the Amazon. The so-called "phantoms" are united in the genus of megalamphodes ( Meg alamphodus) and consist in a very Closely related to the group Nuphessobrycon bentosi and with monotypic genera Pristella and Pseudopristella. Of the 10 megalymphoid species, only two are imported regularly: a black phantom ( M. sweglesi) and a red phantom (Megalamphodus megalopterus). The first is found in the Guapore River , part of the border between Brazil and Bolivia. The motherland of the second species is farther to the north, namely in East Colombia (the system of the upper reaches of the Orinoco River).

064.jpg (83556 bytes) Megalamphodus megalopterus
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For all these schooling fish, remaining small, the aquarium should be densely planted around the edges, but leave enough free space for swimming; Run in the aquarium at least 1 - 2 dozen fish! There should be a lot of shelters from organic material, for example, the buckwheat. The softer the water, the better your pets will feel. Most of them do not damage the water a little acidic at a stiffness index of about 1 2 1 6 ° d N. In my aquarium, these fish lived even at a stiffness of 1-6 ° , and from tiny fish they all turned into real big fish! But I would like to reiterate that schooling fish should really be kept in a flock that should consist of not less than 10 individuals. And since most Salmler get along well with other fish, the flock can be made up of different species.