The Aplocheilidae

After the revision of the spawning Karposubs (Parenti, 1981) this family was divided into many families; About the types included in them will be discussed below. In this family the author includes species A ploc h eilus, Pachypanchax, Epiplatys, Aphyosemion, Fundulopanchax, Adamax, Nothobranchus known to many aquarists. The new systematization was carried out without taking into account the spawning habits and features of the development of these fish. These and other families, described below, and the subfamilies of the Carpophore (Rivulidae, Profundulidae, Fundulidae, Valenciidae, Apiocheilichthyinae, Fluviph ulacinae, Cyprinodontidae) are known to most aquarists today under the name Killifish. This name comes from the English language; So they talked about fish "killed" because they lived on too narrow a space (to kill - to kill).

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Black color zones of carpiness

Almost all kartozuboobraznye live in more or less shallow waters, although the size of the reservoirs can be completely different: sometimes it's just puddles, sometimes huge flooded meadows. Therefore, the aquarium for these fish should be quite large and well closed. As you will see from the following descriptions, many of them belong to the best jumpers in the world of ornamental fish, and therefore the aquarium should be carefully closed. Many of them do not like bright light, and therefore we have to weigh what is better: lightly illuminate plants or strongly illuminate fish.

Killifsis is found mainly in soft or very soft water. This is easy to understand, if you remember that they often live in large puddles, formed due to heavy rains. In the aquarium they can be kept and multiplied at 8 -12 ° dH. In natural reservoirs, insects develop in parallel with them, and therefore the fishes are quite sufficient in fish; They gladly eat it in the aquarium. To contain carpophages, it is necessary first of all to get acquainted with the typical ways of reproduction. The capacity of the spawning tank for these small species should not exceed 5-15 liters, and for smaller ones it is enough to have a glass jar. Species are distinguished by the method of spawning. There are fish burrowing into the soft ground and laying eggs there. They are called "seasonal ": the life cycle begins with a period of rains and continues until the time when their living space "dry up", that is, the dry period begins. Masonry during this whole time is in the ground, and embryos develop in the caviar, which, with the onset of a new period of rains, hatch from the shells. However, the duration of the dry period can be different. In the development of caviar and, accordingly, embryos, it is necessary to take into account the so-called "rest phase"; It is usually called "diapause" (from the Greek term), a break in development. The end of this interval is considered to be the beginning of the rainy season. In fish of other species (laying eggs on an external substrate), there is no such break. But the caviar can be removed from the substrate and put in moist peat (for example, in a postal envelope for dispatch in the warm season). In general, these fish have a resting period of no more than 3 to 4 weeks, while fish that lay eggs in the ground for 2 to 4 months. The latter include many species of this family, namely representatives of the genera Aphyosemion and Nothobranchius, and from other families - representatives of the genera Cynolebias, Cynopoecilus, Austrofundulus, Rachovia and Pterolebias. A representatives of the genera Aplocheilus, Pachypanchax, Epiplatus and Rivulus belong to the number of fish laying eggs in the ground . Those wishing to obtain more information about Killifish can refer to the special literature.

All species of the genus Apollaeus (Aplocheilus) originate from Asia. Among them, we know a number of interesting and popular aquarium fish (for example, panhaks - A. panchax and linetus - A. lineatus), the abundance of which is written in small waters (marshy places, rice fields, etc.). Like kartozuby they live and hunt under the surface of the water. They are able to adapt to the new environment, and therefore do not impose special requirements on water quality. But in fact, the water should be warm (26 - 30 °). The most famous species from the genus Pachypanchax is, in all probability, P. playfairii. His homeland is the Seychelles, located by a group in the Indian Ocean east of East Africa.

164.jpg (107471 bytes) Aplocheilus lineatus, male (top)
165.jpg (105562 bytes) Aplocheilus panchax , male (in front)

The genus epiplatys (Epiplatys) includes fish that lay eggs on roots and plants. Food they also find mainly at the surface of the water, where, in fact, their living space is located. The most famous species are E. 1a mottei, E. (Pseudepiplatys) annulatus, E. sexfasciatus and about 30 other relatives who are imported from time to time.

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Epiplatys 1a mottei , male

The genus Afiosemion (Aphyosemion) includes about 90 species and subspecies; They are not so easy to separate from each other. All of them are distinguished by an exceptional brightness of color. The degree of popularity of these species is associated with the interests of aquarists, because only a few of them can be found in specialized stores; If they are somewhere and meet, then fans of Killifish and their clubs. Afiosemion the South ( A. australe) is known among aquarists as "Cap-Lopez"; In addition to the main one, his "gold" breed is also imported. The homeland of this species is the Ogooue delta in Gabon (Africa), near the town of Cap Lopez. The size of adults of this fish reaches 6 cm. The temperature of the water in the aquarium should in no case exceed 22 ° C. The enumeration of known and beautiful species of this genus can be continued for a long time. Suffice it to recall A. louessense, A. mul t icolor, A. oeseri or an open and recently described representative of the genus A. nigrifluvi Romand (found in Central Guinea, in the river Bafing).

167.jpg (50170 bytes) Aphyosemion australe of gold rock
168.jpg (60779 bytes) Aphyosemion mul t icolor
169.jpg (54543 bytes) Aphyosemion oeseri, male
170.jpg (58979 bytes) Aphyosemion louessense, ("Malinga"), male and female
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Aphyosemion nigrifluvi , male

According to the new systematization ( Parent i ), the former subgenus Fundulopanchax was elevated to the rank of the genus, where F. sjoestedti became a generic species. As subgenera, Paludopanchax (typical species: F. arnoldl), Paraphyosemion (typical species: F. gardneri), Gulanopanchax (typical species: F. gularis), Raddaella (typical species: F. bates i ) and Callopanchax (typical species : F. occidentalis). The formerly genus Roloffia is now regarded as a synonym for the last of the named subgenera. The question of the legality of separating the genus Roloffia has caused heated discussions among aquarists for many years. The author of the new work (Parenti, 1981), in particular, writes: "The definition of A. occidentale as a generic kind of Callo panchax by the International Commission objectively turns Roloffia into a synonym for Callopanchax."

Obviously, the "new" genera include large, strong species of fish. The most famous typical species of these subgenera are, in addition, F. kribianus, F. deltaensis, F. schwoiseri, F. robertsoni F. filamentosus, and F. rubrolabis. Not only the dimensions, but also the splendor of the color provided them with popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. The most diverse are F. gardneri, who live in Africa - in Western Cameroon and Nigeria. It should be noted that F. sjoestedti and somewhat smaller F. gularis (8 cm) and F. deltaensis ( 1 0 cm) are quite belligerent and aggressive, but in spite of this they must be kept only in the species aquarium. They need a lot of space and a large live food. A number of local variants of these fishes, common from Southern Nigeria to Western Cameroon, are known. Of the range of these fish, a separate mention is made of the golden pheasant ( F. occidentalis). It originates from the moist forests and savannas of the West African state of Sierra Leone; In length is up to 9 cm. The number of fish species that previously belonged to the genus Roloffia is 16-18. As already mentioned above, they are classified as the Fundulopanchax (subgenus Callo panchax). Previously considered by researchers (Huber and Seegers), the genus Diapteron is now reduced to a species of the genus Aphyosemion.

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Fundulopanchax deltaensis
171.jpg (64029 bytes) Fundulopanchax sjoestedtii , male
172.jpg (47375 bytes) Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus ("Makurdi"), male

The genus of the bottom fish Nototobhanhius (Nothobranchius) comes from Africa. Fans of different kinds know that these are typical "seasonal fish". This definition refers to species of fish from different genera and families whose living space usually does not allow them to live long without special adaptability. Reservoirs dry up during the hot season, so that the fish just die. The ability to adapt is the coincidence of the life cycle with the rhythm of the change of seasons: in dry The time of the year when the water in their living space (a puddle, stream, ditch) dries up, the caviar lies under the cover of the bottom soil. With the beginning of the rainy season, all these places are filled with water again, the caviar begins to develop, and the young of the new generation fills this living space. The warmer the environment, the faster the life cycle of these - already adult - fish, because the water also dries more quickly in the warmth. During the transition from the rainy season to the arid, seasonal fish spawn and place the masonry in the bottom soil, where it lies at rest until the next rainy season begins.

Notothenes of different species have a dense, stocky body; In males it is quite high. The coloring of the fish is simple, in any case it is not distinguished by such a complex pattern, as, for example, in the afiosemions mentioned above. Our indoor aquariums contain many of the known species such as the N. guentheri, the notorious orthonotus , the N. palmquisti. The notables of Rakhov (N. rachovii). Over the last decade, recently discovered and described species (N. korthausae, N. jubbi, N. poll i, N. foerschi), as well as those whose status seemed to be controversial, were recognized (N. patrizii ).

175.jpg (64205 bytes) Nothobranchius eggersi, red form, male
176.jpg (80928 bytes) Nothobranchius guentheri , male
177.jpg (64079 bytes) Nothobranchius patrizii , male
178.jpg (75888 bytes) Nothobranchius jubbi , male

Among the recently described species, one must also mention N. Eggersi, known for various coloring options. These fish are best kept in a small and well-closed (!) Species aquarium. But if you do not want to, then at least do not run larger fish into the aquarium with them: in this case, Killifish will be under their control and will not be able to demonstrate his true habits, by the way, not always peaceful. The bottom soil should be soft, forage - alive. Nototopes of different species live in the lower and middle layers of the water. Their size ranges from 5 to 7 cm.