Family Cichlids

Cichlids, or cichlids: which aquarist they are not known for? Whether it's a majestic scalia or a royal discus, whether it's large specimens from Central or South America or dwarf cichlids from the wet forests of the Amazon basin-who does not know them? Amazingly bright fish from Lake Malawi or fish with elongated fins from Lake Tanganyika - they all belong to the most extensive family in aquarium. As is known, cichlids can not be confused with other perciforms: they differ from all other species by two more or less connected pharyngeal bones and, most importantly, one pair of nasal apertures (which, by the way, is noticeable with the naked eye), while in other perciforms they are Two. Therefore, it is inappropriate to talk about "Malawian perch" or "snail perch" - this is not a perch at all!

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Not all cichlids are suitable for living in an aquarium! This is the largest specimen: the Tsikhlov family fish, which has no name yet and reaches a length of 60 cm (Darien, Eastern Panama).

The content of cichlids of certain species means: strictly adhere to certain "rules of the game", that is, create these habitats in the aquarium habitual living space. It is not by chance that the scalars are so common : they are very beautiful, and they do not induce disorder in the aquarium. True, many cichlids are notorious: they tear up the soil, dig under the roots of aquarium plants, bite or even kill relatives in sight or foreign fish and in all other respects show their predatory nature. Of course, in the aquarium cichlids do not part with the habits inherent in them in natural conditions. The one who decided to acquire them must know this; Although not all of them are so "anti-aquaristic". One thing is important: do not put such a bully in a peaceful common aquarium. If there is excitement in it, do not blame cichlids!

Family Cichlova is divided into many genera, whose representatives come from a variety of areas, lead a different lifestyle, differ in lifestyle and ways of reproduction. Cichlids exist in many forms, which means that during development ( evolution ) they were forced to adapt to the appropriate ways of obtaining food and reproduction, as well as to other vicissitudes of existence (rapidity of flow, etc.). It is impossible to fully tell about all the cichlids in the review book. To do this, there is a special literature, although even the authors of individual works on cichlids do not just master the vast material and illuminate the diversity of their species. Therefore, only a general description of the world of cichlids, consisting of hundreds of species distributed on three continents, will be given below. We will start with the smallest group of related species inhabiting South India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Madagascar, until now not aroused interest in aquariums. First of all, it is necessary to name here a small representative of cichlids originating from the named Asian regions and known under the name etroplus common (Etroplus maculatus). These fish reach a length of about 8 cm ; They also offer their golden-yellow form. The initial (however, like the deduced) form is distinguished by a curved, disk-shaped body. The main color is grayish-brown color with a bluish reflection and longitudinal rows of reddish spots. On the sides (in the middle) there are three dark dots, the middle one being the largest and, as a rule, black. This peaceful fish has a high adaptability, and at home it reaches even water mixed with the sea. But if you change a lot of water in the aquarium at once, it will show all signs of displeasure. Caviar sweeps freely, and then both parents take care of the offspring. About the American cichlids written a lot, because they give the most interesting examples of adaptability: a special form of the body, dissimilar jaw structure for the adoption of different types of food, as well as thickened fleshy lips in some species. It should also be remembered about the different ways of reproduction, conditioned by the species, in the corresponding living space. In principle, these are three African regions: partly isolated areas of two large lakes (Malawi and Tanganyika), and Eastern and Western Africa. (Fish living in Lake Victoria and some nearby water bodies are also isolated, but in aquariums, at least until recently, they were not considered interesting . ) All the cichlids inhabiting the lake rich in fish, Malawi, incubate the caviar in their mouth! Immediately after the sweeping, the female swims to the masonry and takes it into her mouth, where the eggs are fertilized by the male. The mother takes care of the fry even when they are just starting to swim on their own, and if necessary, puts them back into their mouths.

Representatives of the family Cichlova in the course of evolutionary development have developed a variety of ways of reproduction and care for the offspring. In the figure you see the three most common ways:
221.jpg (45145 bytes) Zihlazoma Meeka ( Cichlasoma meeki ) freely spawns eggs on the bottom substrate.
221 ~ .jpg (61191 bytes) "Mammalian discus with fry."
221 ~~ .jpg (51115 bytes) Incubating caviar in the mouth Mozambican tilapia ( Oreochromis mossambicus ).

In 1989, the ECCLES & TREWAVAS audit of the Haplochromin group was carried out, including so-called membuns living in the rock shelters of relatives of the genus Pseudotropheus. At the same time 23 new species were listed (due to lack of space the author can not describe them in full). From the group "Utaka", whose members are now assembled under the name of the genus Copadichromis, is especially known. Jacksoni, as well as several of his congeners. The intensity of the blue color ("electrician") of the male is allocated an elongated Sciaenochromis fryeri, which is easy to maintain and dilute.

223.jpg (91227 bytes) Copadichromis jacksoni, a view from the group "Utaka"; On the photo: freshly caught fish.
224.jpg (105754 bytes) Sciaenochromis fryeri

By camouflage coloring (with specks) it is easy to recognize both representatives of the genus Nimbochromis, leading a robber way of life: this is N. Livingstonii and N. polystigata. Eats fish, that is, it procures its livelihood in a predatory way, and Dimidiochromis compressiceps. These flattened on the sides ( seemingly compressed from two sides) fish prefer to live amongst the stems of reeds and vallisnerias, in order to attack these fry from these shelters.

225.jpg (47634 bytes) Nimbochromis N. polystigata
226.jpg (47732 bytes) Nimbochromis livingstonii
227.jpg (47971 bytes). Dimidiochromis compressiceps

Cheilochromis euchilus refers to the number of tolstogubyh fish, which in algal thickets are looking for insects and crustaceans, grabbing them with a bulging mouth. Adult and dominant males are distinguished by the splendor of color.

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Cheilochromis euchilus

Popular and a very long time familiar aquarists blue dolphin (Cyrtocara moorii). Pisces of this species from African lakes began to be exported very early, but in our aquariums they did not lose their attractiveness.

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Cyrtocara moorii. Typical for this fish living space: a sandy bottom, here and there overgrown with vallisneria. Underwater shooting.

It is very difficult to distinguish the relatives of Aulonocara (Aulonocara) and its variations , because in the literature on aquaristics they are often called various scientific names, and there is no fundamental work on this issue. For example, the name Queen Nyasa ( A. Nyassae) has been known for a long time , but it is referred to different kinds of fish. In 1 984, the aulonara of Mayland - A. maylandi (TREWAVAS) was described, and after the 1987 revision (Senckenberg) an attempt was made to the first detailed systematization of the species diversity (MEYER and employees). Aulonocars reach a length of 10 to 13 cm. Characteristic features include, along with the system of transverse lines, also the formations on the head, most often on its underside, which probably serve to look for live food in the bottom soil. Cichlids live usually above the stony, and above the sandy bottom, but they often seek food for themselves in the sand. Concerning Kinds of aulonakara " Blue regal " and " Special " - this, in all probability, forms A. nyassae. Coming on sale under the name A. spec. " Chilumba " variation A. stuartgranti is very different from A. nyassae and therefore should be considered an independent species. The same applies to the variations of A. spec. " Yellow regal " (A. baenschi) and " Usisya ". Occasionally on sale form " Blue orchid " is a subspecies of A. taulandi.

230.jpg (88249 bytes) Aulonocara nyassae (in trade - " Blue regal " ).
231.jpg (93737 bytes) Aulonocara nyassae (in trade - " Special " ).
232.jpg (92738 bytes) Aulonocara baenschi
233.jpg (96187 bytes) Aulonocara stuartgranti
234.jpg (107664 bytes) Aulonocara maylandi
235.jpg (97829 bytes) Aulonocara spec. (In the trade - " Usisya ").
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Among close relatives of the genus Aulonocara and this beautiful specimen of T. jacobfreibergeri from the southern regions of Lake Malawi.

Close relatives of Labeotropheus, Labidochromis, Melanochromis and Pseudotropheus genera, although distinguished by certain features, are present. Residents of the settlements around Lake Malawi call these fish "mbuna", which means "rock cichlids". Indeed, these species are found exclusively in the rocky coastal zones near Lake Malawi. The most famous representatives of the Labeotropheus genus , the cichlid-tapir (L. fuelleborni) and the pink laboteotrosis (L. trewavasae), and the melanochromes the golden melanochrome (M. auratus), the species is still very popular, although it originated from when It's fashion in Malawi, and he got to us one of the first. The genus Labidochromis is known in many species, and in the price lists of exports, even nowadays L. vellicans are common, but in general the demand for them has dropped significantly.

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Melanochromis auratus. The male is dark and the female is yellow.
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Labeotropheus   Trewavasae . Yellow female.
238.jpg (64527 bytes)
Labeotropheus   Trewavasae . Blue male.

The genus Pseudotropheus is also known for its richness of species. As before, blue and yellow P. aurora and P. fuscoides are imported, as well as various variations of P. elongatus. But the favorites are still the pseudotrofeuses of the zebra (P. Zebra) , shell (P. lanistico la ), Lombard (P. Lombardoi) and recently briefly described P. greshakei (blue fish with red fins) and P. hajomaylandi. Since there are a number of unspecified species, one has to reckon with the available first descriptions. The immediate relatives of P. zebra, including P. aurora, P. lombardoi, P. livingstonii, P. hajomaylandi and P. greshakei, were included in the newly created subgenus Maylandia, while P. tropheos was found among the representatives of the subgenus Tropheops. Among all the inhabitants of Lake Malawi , those species that live in rocky biotopes are most strongly tied to their shelters, so they often respond to territorial claims of other fish by scuffling. Many of these species feed exclusively on algae, but other types of food are taken in captivity.

239.jpg (40122 bytes) Pseudotropheus callainos
240.jpg (43555 bytes) Pseudotropheus lombardoi, yellow male, and his partner is distinguished by a blue coloration with dark stripes.
241.jpg (39920 bytes) Pseudotropheus elongatus, one of the forms imported under this name.
242.jpg (82041 bytes) Pseudotropheus greshakei
243.jpg (67778 bytes) Pseudotropheus hajomaylandi, male.

In the group Pseudotropheus, algae- eaters also belong to Petrotilapia tridentiger, it is distinguished by thick lips, dotted with small teeth. All the fish of these species are pretty snooty, and therefore, when buying, you should choose them so that in the aquarium community there was some harmony. These fish can be launched into an aquarium, whose front length does not exceed 80 - 100 cm. Crafts and constructions made of stones with many passages and caves give confidence to fish - that's what they are used to in their native biotopes. The most important thing is the division of space!

244.jpg (80603 bytes)
Petrotilapia tridentiger : not all males coloration is as beautiful as this one.

The water in the lake of Malawi, as already mentioned in the previous chapters, is quite mild: 3 - 5 ° dH. A relatively high pH (about 8.4) should not be misleading. Heating devices in the aquarium for the "mbuna" usually show from 25 to 27 ° C. No less important than the pH (not acid !), The very design of the aquarium. Studies of natural biotopes of these fish have shown that they rarely move away from their "home", that is, they remain faithful to habitual places. And if your aquarium resembles a quarry, it will be the most faithful decision . But with all that, it's good to use the full height of the tank and place the stones so that they reach the very edges. This is the only condition under which fish will stay in the upper layers of the water. Plants, of course, enliven the overall appearance of the aquarium, and in addition, provide (albeit minimally) the quality of water, and yet they should not be. If you still decide to plant the aquarium, then choose only the hard and hardy plants that are found in the lake itself. Feeding fish in the aquarium is no problem (although in a natural life environment they can be very picky). The Mbuni devour everything : both the usual live food from the pet shop, and live food from some puddle, and the carp and trout feed (especially nourishing for large individuals), and the ground beef heart, and chopped liver. Vegetable food can be an important and useful additive.

Reproduction of individual species occurs in different ways, but it will be quite enough if we talk here only about one species, known for its variability "zebra". We know a number of color variants of this species, starting from a male with dark stripes, spotted female and, finally, blue or blue fish. Perhaps, one day we will get acquainted with the view, separated from this motley crowd. The reason for this is the detached behavior of the males (at least their black and blue and purely blue variations), which do not fight with each other, but peacefully live next door. But the marriage time is not always smooth. After several imaginary matings, the female sweeps the eggs to the bottom or to the cave. The product of its efforts, it immediately takes in the mouth, where the male fertilizes it. In this case, the male trembling demonstrates its anal fin, where there are "spawn spots", a partner whose mouth is full of not yet fertilized caviar. When the female opens her mouth to grab the caviar, the male releases the sperm, thereby fertilizing it.

It takes about four weeks before the mother releases the fry from the mouth. During this period, food intake is limited. It happens that females devour their eggs. Some aggression is peculiar to fry from birth, because once the mother stops caring for them, they begin to fight for their safety, finding a tiny shelter and furiously defending it not only from neighbors but also from their own brothers And sisters. The fry they offer is eaten with great appetite and grows moderately, but evenly. The biotopes of Lake Tanganyika are very similar to those described above, but the water quality in them is completely different. This lake is located near the African volcanic belt, which evidently affects the increase in water indicators: total hardness from 8 to 11 ° dH, carbonate hardness from 16 to 18 ° dKH, and pH is 9.0! The spawning behavior of cichlids from the island of Tanganyika is very diverse. Here, too, fish are found that incubate eggs in the mouth, but at the same time (such as, for example, Julidochromis and Lamprologus ), they leave the masonry in caves or narrow crevices, that is, substratophiles.

All species of Julidochromis are known aquarium fishes: J. marlieri, J. regani, J. ornatus, J. dickfeldi, J. transcriptus . The mesh julip (J. marlien) is the largest representative of its kind. He is followed by the jurist Dickfeldi (J. dickfeldi) and J. regani.

245.jpg (47257 bytes) Julidochromis dickfeldi
246.jpg (52694 bytes) Julidochromis regani
247.jpg (49786 bytes) Julidochromis marlieri

But the golden parrot (J. ornatus) and juvenile mask (J. transcriptus) longer than 6-8 cm can not grow. Sphere of distribution of these species is the entire area of ​​Lake Tanganyika; Most of them are represented by different color variants (color races). The length of the aquarium for yulidochrom should be from 60 to 80 cm. If you do not intend to start an aquarium for only one species, then you should only be visited by the next of kin: halochrome, as well as erthmodes, spathodes and tanganicodes. That's what is really important for all these fish: water is not acidic, and at the back wall of the aquarium stones to the top cover. This is how caves and crevices are formed, which are extremely important for the normal well-being of fish. They prefer meat food, but if they are taught for a long time, they are ready to take dry food (except in this sense are captive-bred fish). As for reproduction, it is important to remember the following: fish should not be interfered with as much as possible, otherwise the producers will start to fight and can damage the fry.

248.jpg (128222 bytes)
Julidochromis ornatus

Among cichlids there are those who like to rummage in the ground. They live mostly near the rocky bottom in Lake Tanganyika. Most often these fish lie close to their shelters, resting on the pectoral and pelvic fins. Eretmodus belongs to them , from this genus the only representative of E. saynostictus is imported , also known as the "tangangiik clown" and reaches a length of 7-8 cm, as well as Spathodus erythrodon of the same size. Somewhat less often, S. marlieri (up to 10 cm) and Tanganicodus irsacae (up to 8 cm) are imported . All three species live exclusively in Lake Tanganyika and most often inhabit the landslide zones. The swim bladder is not particularly developed in them, so they are not very skilled in swimming, and only if necessary show the ability to lightning reaction and agility. Located below the snout is wide. All these species incubate eggs in the mouth. When it comes to breeding, the partners take refuge and are ready to defend it fiercely. It has been established that both partners representing the form of the étremodus striped (Ј. Caynostictus), bear fry in the mouth. At first the eggs are taken by the female, but at about the middle stage of development the eggs are transferred to the mouth of the male, so that each of the parents directly participates in hatching offspring for 12-14 days. The couple, occupied by their offspring, in no case can not be disconnected. And, as already mentioned, you need to keep an eye on that the pH does not cross the acid boundary!

249.jpg (43596 bytes) Eretmodus saynostictus
250.jpg (43776 bytes) Spathodus erythrodon
251.jpg (42186 bytes) Spathodus marlieri

Before proceeding to the description of the most common species, I must name one more fish, whose name is associated with a special page in the history of aquaristics: the Queen of Tanganyika (Cyphotilapia frontosa) . This resident of Tanganyika is far from being a baby! At a young age, it resembles the related species Neolamprologus tretocephalus and N. sexfasciatus , because it is painted in the same whitish tones with six (or so) transverse bands. The unpaired fins are decorated with a blue border and are as if sprinkled with the same color powder. These cichlids eventually become twice as large as lamprogologists, that is, they can grow up to 30 cm in a large aquarium. Adult males have a convex forehead. S. fronfosa lives in the lake at a depth of 20-30 cm and feeds mainly on crustaceans. At home, these fish require an aquarium of at least 120 cm in length. They behave peacefully, do not dig in the ground and do not dig under the roots of plants. They can eat small fish, but they accept all known types of food, including (and depending on their own sizes) fish pulp, heart, earthworms and a variety of plant foods (salad, spinach, oatmeal, as well as freshly frozen green peas) . These fish are incubated in the mouth; Fecundity from 40 to 60 eggs in size of 6-7 mm. The incubation period at a temperature of about 24 ° C lasts from 50 to 54 days. Increasing the water temperature accelerates the development process.

As a result of the last audit (1986, POLL), among the Lamprogologists new names of genera appeared, which are also taken into account in this book. For example, their large species are now included in the genus Lepidiolamprologus . These include L. elongatus, L. cunningtoni, L. nkambae, L. attenuatus, L. kendalli and giant L. profundicola.

Altolamprologus is also a new generic name; So two recently described species were named: A. honeycomb and A. calvus, fish with high back and high fins. To the genus Lamprologus are, in addition, eight more species: L. Lemairii, L. callipterus, L. ocellatus, L. stappersi, L. finalimus, L. ornatipinnis, L. signatus and L. kungweensis. The expert will immediately see that among them there are several "snail" cichlids, to which I will return. All other species are now included in the genus Neolamprologus, including N. brichardi, whose name thus has not changed (despite the revision of 1985, COLOMBE & ALLGAYER).

258.jpg (86789 bytes) Altolamprologus calvus, male
259.jpg (93389 bytes) Altolamprologus sotpressiceps, male

Not all representatives of the group of lamprogologists are found only in Lake Tanganyika; Some also live in the basin of Zaire (Congo), and therefore are accustomed to other qualities of water: in the basin of the largest river Zaire it is very mild, but also relatively acidic. It can not be said that all these species are leading in aquariums , because the fashion trends are changeable. But all kinds differ fighting and robber qualities, although the second is not exactly accurate, because they can only eat fry.

Neolamprologus brichardi has been known for more than a decade; This fish was always imported under the name "Princess of Burundi", although in the most recent time there were variations of this species: specimens caught elsewhere in the lake. In Germany it is called "cichlid fairy", and this name is more precise: with its fin rays it is really extremely good. Perhaps the most beautiful of its variations is the one that occurs in the extreme south-eastern part of the lake and is called from the merchants " daffodil" (narcissus); It is a fish with yellow fins and rows of yellow spots on the sides. There are, in addition, other local variants - for example, "kasagera", N. falcicula and N. pulcher.

254.jpg (65539 bytes) 255.jpg (57108 bytes)
Neolamprologus brichardi
Neolamprologus spec. "Kasagera"
256.jpg (53127 bytes) 257.jpg (57094 bytes)
Neolamprologus pulcher Neolamprologus falcicula
253.jpg (90436 bytes) Neolamprologus spec. " Daffodil"

To the robbers of the already mentioned genus Altolamprologus (to which, by the way, new and not yet described species of small "snail" cichlids from the southern part of the lake have been listed), some slender fishes of the species N. fasciatus, N. Chris t y i and N also belong. Cylindricus. Representatives of species such as N. leleupi, the yellow variation of N. mustax, N. petricola, and also the slightly larger N. sexfasciatus (also have a yellow form) have been and are still popular in aquarium art.

262.jpg (46990 bytes) Neolamprologus fasciatus
263.jpg (50355 bytes) Neolamprologus cylindricus
264.jpg (45629 bytes) Neolamprologus mustax
252.jpg (88698 bytes) Neolamprologus aff. Sexfasciatus, golden form
260.jpg (73534 bytes) Neolamprologus longior
261.jpg (74459 bytes) Neolamprologus mustax, young specimen

And finally it's time to move on to a special group of cichlids inhabiting Lake Tanganyika; Some of their representatives in length reach only a few centimeters. They live in sandy hollows, where empty houses of snails Nöt hauma tanganyicensis are collected. These tiny dwellings serve as cichlids not only as shelter from predators, but also as a place for laying eggs and caring for the offspring (substratophiles). It is with reference to these species that the name "street cichlids" has been established . There are a number of known and lesser known species leading this way of life; Others are on the way to it. The most famous species are: Lamprologus ocellatus, L. omatipinnis, L. signatus, Neolamprologus brevis, N. meeli, N. multifasciatus and others. Concerning the content of those small cichlids whose way of life is closely related to the empty shells of snails, it is necessary to say the following: they can be launched into an aquarium with larger fish, if they are not predators. Although these fish are small (depending on the species, their final length may be from 4 to 10 cm), they protect their modest shelter very aggressively and are not afraid of even lowered hands.

268.jpg (48202 bytes) 265.jpg (48742 bytes)
Lamprologus ocellatus
Neolamprologus calliurus, male
266.jpg (49862 bytes) 267.jpg (47487 bytes)
Neolamprologus brevis, male Neolamprologus multifasciatus, male

Of course, not everyone will be able to offer their pets shells from Lake Tanganyika. Yes, it is not necessary! Any street houses are perfectly suitable. In extreme cases, you can buy grape snails in a delicatessen store or purchase seashells. By the way, the latter are stronger and will last longer, because with time lime dissolves. These cichlids need fine sand on the bottom. Most often they dig in their homes so deep that only a narrow hole can be seen in a level sandy ground. According to my observations, all fish without exception swim in their housing head first. And they never leave it quickly: first shows the caudal fin, then the root of the tail; Probably in this way they check if there is movement in the water near their shelter. And if it turns out that it exists, then the fish immediately hides again. In natural biotopes (more often than in an aquarium) you can observe how the fish, when they are persecuted, and they do not have time to reach "home", lightning speed in the sand at the bottom. During fights and fights, males spread out all the fins. The offspring of these fish grows exclusively in shells, and the mother takes care of the offspring, and the father is even more energetic than usual to protect them from violators of tranquility. All these fish are very voracious, they do not make any special requirements for food, but, I must say, they take meat forage with pleasure.

In recent years, the activity of aquarists has been aroused by one group of particularly slender cichlids: these are a few species of the Cyprichromis genus (Cyprichromis) that occur near the coastal zones of the island of Tanganyika and live in packs. Perhaps, these fish specifically for copulation and reproduction rise from the water depths closer to the surface. Scientifically described and known in aquariums are four of their species: C. Ler tosoma , S. microlepidotus, Rarasur richrothis nigripinnis and Paracyprichromis brieni. Those who first see these fish with a narrow, pointed head, can hardly believe that they also incubate caviar in their mouths! Yes, unlike most other members of their family, cyprochromes do not lay eggs on the outer substrate, but sweep it freely. This means that it does not stick to the substrate, but it turns out to be just in the water, and then the fish take it into the mouth, the eggs for the eggs! And only when all of them (usually about 30 pieces) are in the mouth of the mother, the male fertilizes them. To do this, the female brings its snout to the genitals of the male, whose ventral fins are folded in the form of a funnel.

269.jpg (48035 bytes) Cyprichromis microlepidotus
270.jpg (50346 bytes) Cyprichromis ler tosoma
271.jpg (45830 bytes) The richrootis nigripinnis

Cyprichromes like warm coastal zones, where the water temperature is usually from 26 to 28 ° C. It is at this temperature in the aquarium that the female keeps eggs, and then the fry in the mouth for up to 20 days and then spits out. And then they have to become independent: no one cares about them anymore! This behavior is very typical for fish that freely spawn and incubate in the mouth, but this is only because they come from the sea. But if you watch the fish in the lake, you can see how they join the flocks of fry: mothers and they themselves try to spit out their already developed progeny from the mouth in precisely such flocks (perhaps for their safety).

Representatives of genera Cyathopharynx and Ophthalmotilapia are endemic: they occur only in one place, in Lake Tanganyika. They are not rich in species: there are only S. furcifer, and also O. Nasuta and Oh . Ventralis, the distinguishing feature of which are elongated abdominal fins of males, decorated at the ends with two orange-yellow patches. When small patches of skin stick out, this serves as a signal for the partner. In addition, they are credited with another function, similar to the "spotted spots" on the anal fin of the fish of Lake Malawi, which incubate eggs in the mouth; As we recall, they play an important role in the fertilization of caviar in the mouth of the mother. In short, the fish named above also incubate caviar in the mouth. Male furcifer (S. furcifer) can reach a length of 15 to 20 cm, but even in large aquariums they no longer grow. Despite the fact that their eyes are quite large, they live in the shallow waters of coastal zones, and not deep water. Males pull out holes for spawning, which form the center of their habitation. Females remain small; Their color is plain.

272.jpg (76820 bytes) Ophthalmotilapia nasuta, golden yellow variation. This specimen clearly distinguishes "nose", which gave the name to the species.
273.jpg (68423 bytes) Ophthalmotilapia ventralis. A young male of the northern race who has not yet reached sexual maturity.

Ophthalmotylapia nosata (O. pasuta) fully corresponds to its appearance: in males, over the upper lip there is a protruding thickening, which really resembles the nose. These fish reach 15-18 cm; Their body is strongly arched. Oh . Ventralis has two subspecies : the original form of O. V. Ventralis (ophthalmotylapia sizaya) and one more, O.v. Heterodontus (ottalmotilapiya Matessa). The first is distributed in the south of Lake Tanganyika, the second - only in the north. About these fish (and they should also include the species Ophthalmotilapici boops, which have not yet been imported), many articles have been written about their natural life environment and behavior in the aquarium. However, in my opinion, these publications, even to a small extent, do not cover either the diversity of color races, or the entire complex of these species. The same applies to the photographic material published so far.

The genus trophaeus (Tropheus) is not very rich in species, and only two of them are well known: the trophus of Moore (T. moorii) and the stellate (T. duboisi ). They are among the most popular and expensive freshwater fish, and there is a special reason for this: their homeland is exclusively Lake Tanganyika. Here they inhabit, like representatives of the genus Pseudotropheus in Lake Malawi, a rocky zone close to shore. But this zone is not a continuous coastline, here and there it is broken by sandy coves. This space can not overcome the fish. So it turns out that in certain areas, new populations are formed in isolation from one another, in which various forms develop in the course of development (evolution). The process of such development is happening now, and with time new species of fish will appear here. Many aquarists are engaged in collecting variations, that is, color forms, and their further breeding. Most of them originate from Tropheus moorii, and only a few from the second of the named species. Not all color forms are so good that they are of interest for breeding the following breeds. For example, T. duboisi is most often just a black fish with different, whitish-yellow and golden-yellow stripes. But there is only one such strip for each fish; It goes from the base of the ventral fin all over the body. Young individuals are covered with whitish specks on a black background. It makes no sense to list all the already known and recently added variations of T. moorii.

274.jpg (178133 bytes)
Tropheus moorii, variation of "Katonga"
275.jpg (58953 bytes) Tropheus duboisi. Variation with a wide transverse band of yellow color.
276.jpg (72578 bytes) Tropheus moorii. Variation "Mupulungi" from the southern part of Lake Tanganyika.

Following the Cichlid Brabant, named because of its coloring, black and red gold, like the Belgian flag, more and more descriptions of color populations appeared, and the chain of discoveries in this area has not yet been interrupted, because the shore of the western part of the lake , Relating to Zaire, has not yet been fully investigated. All kinds of trophies are incubated in the mouth. Both in the lake of Malawi, and in the lake of Tanganyika there are species of fish that have not found access to aquarium farming. It happens that they too rarely come across in the natural environment, that is, they live too deeply and therefore do not catch. It happens that they have some kind of vice, which excludes the possibility of keeping them in the aquarium. For example, scales eaters do not change their habits and at home, as I myself repeatedly in this many times convinced. One of such fans of scales, perissodus-crumb (Perissodus microlepis) from Lake Tanganyika, equipped by nature specially for this purpose designed jaw, as an aquarium fish even gives pleasure to its owner, while showing these properties. But it does not last long. Another representative, Haplotaxodon microlepis, is distinguished by large eyes and an almost vertical upper mouth. But because of the presence of large eyes to conclude that the fish lives at great depth, it is also wrong, as well as to assume on the basis of the upper mouth, that the fish lives near the water surface. These fish swim over a rocky bottom at a depth of about 5 meters. Demand for them is low, they are almost not imported, probably because they grow to 26 cm in length. Their spawning habits are almost unknown; It is clear only that they do not incubate caviar in their mouth (Poll).

277.jpg (65101 bytes) Haplotaxodon microlepis, male. Representatives of this species are always attracted by a water mirror.
278.jpg (65867 bytes) Perissodus microlepis , male. Scallop Eater from Lake Tanganyika. The body is elongated.

Before moving on to the East and West African species, I would also like to name a few representatives of the genus Telthochromis (Telmatochromis). These are wonderful aquarium fish; They come from the littoral zone, that is, from the rocky coastal zone of Lake Tanganyika, like most other inhabitants of this pond, which are of interest to aquarists. The species T. bifrenatus and T. vittatus are often confused with each other. Meanwhile, it is very easy to distinguish them: the representatives of the first species are not only decorated with a dark longitudinal strip running along the brown-beige background of the sides (it is impossible not to notice it !), But also covered with a pattern of thin oblique or zigzag lines. The adult zigzag stripe of T. bifrenatus reaches only 6 cm, while the black band ( T. vittatus) is about half as large.

279.jpg (50308 bytes) Telmatochromis bifrenatus

They are also elongated, but both of their relatives, the red - tinted (T. san i nus ) and the bluish ( T. temporalis) telomochromes, are much stronger in appearance. Both grow to 10 - 12 cm. With age, males develop thickening on the forehead. All telomochromes have an excellent appetite and prefer meat forage. In the aquarium, they easily reproduce, provided that there was a harmonious pair. Most often the female sweeps eggs in the depth of the cave, takes care of the clutch and the fry, while her partner deals exclusively with the shelter defense. At the same time, fish can become very snooty.

In the reservoirs of East and West Africa, there are many fish suitable for keeping in domestic aquariums. But it is unlikely that the readers of this book will be particularly interested in large cichlids. These include different kinds of genera of halochromes (Oreochromis), Saroterodons (Sarotherodon) and Tilapia (Tilapia). The first two belong to the groupings of those fish from the Eastern (Oreochromis) and West Africa (Sarotherodon), which incubate eggs in the mouth. Tilyapi belong to those fishes that freely spawn on the substrate and are distributed throughout Africa. Aquarists often contain species. Mossambicus and T. tariae, as well as T. joka and T. buettikoferi.

280.jpg (49486 bytes) Tilapia tariae
281.jpg (48526 bytes) Tilapia joka, adult male
282.jpg (51161 bytes) Tilapia buettikoferi

The spawning behavior of all Oreochromis relatives is quite curious; Thanks to this they even received the nickname "tilapia pests". The female takes the unfertilized caviar in her mouth, and after that the male demonstrates his "whip", a brush resembling a formation protruding from the genital tubercles . The female sucks the sperm from it, and thus the fertilization of the caviar takes place in the mouth. For most home aquariums, the tulapi are too large. In their native countries, they are considered commercial fish, and the catch is often very significant. A number of tilapias were transported to other parts of the globe and launched into local water bodies. There they also perfectly established themselves and multiply rapidly - at the expense of the local fish fauna.

Species that in previous decades belonged to the genus Haplochromis are called haplochromines. But the authors of a number of scientific works translate them into other, part of the newly-identified births. One of them is the genus Astatotilapia, which includes the well-known species A. burtoni, A. desfontainesii and A. calliptera. The first of these species is very much written: his spawning habits and the way of fertilization were cited as a characteristic example of the incubation of caviar in the mouth. The male of this species conducts all the preliminary work, prepares a pit for masonry and begins the marriage games. The female takes care of the spawning of the eggs and caring for the offspring. A very prominent representative of these Africans is Berton's astatotylapia burtoni.

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Astatotilapia burtoni

Usually she swims proudly and cheerfully around the aquarium, not harming her neighbors-foreign fish. They need to be launched into an aquarium with dense green plantings along the edges; Buildings made of stones and snags should provide them with a sufficient number of shelters. Since they can only be maintained in a species aquarium, the bottom in front of these shelters should be sprinkled with fine sand. Water quality plays a secondary role, and its temperature should be from 23 to 25 ° C. Fish, reaching a length of about 12 cm, feed almost exclusively live food known species, but also chopped meat pulp and small earthworms. Already, "spawn spots" on the anal fin of the male report that nature has invented something special for the reproduction of these fish. After the sweeping, the female takes the calf in her mouth with lightning speed, and is unfertilized! Then the male begins to swim swiftly before her snout back and forth, waiting for the opportunity to still sprinkle eggs with his sperm. At the same time he is helped by "patch spots", which the female greedily grabs the mouth. So spermatozoa get inside, that is, caviar. When the fry hatch and begin to swim freely, they are still under the supervision of the mother for a while. Feeding should be started traditionally: Artemia nauplii. Three more groups of African cichlids living outside the lakes are important for aquarium life: they are West African dwarf cichlids, different types of hemichromes from the same places, and a number of small cichlids that had to adapt to natural space: cichlids from transient waters.

West African pygmy cichlids are included in the genera Nanochromis, Anomalochromis and Pelvicachromis. And among them, as among the West Africans described below , no one incubates caviar in the mouth. Not all dwarf cichlids from West Africa, mentioned from time to time in special literature, can be purchased at a pet store. The same species are always offered in the aquarium farms: N. parilus, Anomalochromis thomasi, Pelvicachromis pulcher and, more rarely, different variants of the species P. taeniatus.

285.jpg (106824 bytes) Pelvicachromis pulcher, male and female
284.jpg (96609 bytes) Nanochromis parilus

Glossy nanochrome (N. parilus) by origin from the Congo in appearance differs from its closest "azure" relative (N. nudiceps), under whose more famous name it is often sold, by the lack of a pattern on the underside of the caudal fin. The glossy nanochrome does not have a pattern, while the azure one has vertical rows of dotted spots. These cichlids are most often brought from the lower reaches of the Zaire River . In length they reach only 6 -8 cm and feel great in a planted aquarium where there are many shelters. Mastery of swimming these fish do not show, they prefer to be near their shelter-caves or inside them. These dwellings are also used by them to remove juveniles: the female sweeps 60 to 1 00 sticky eggs at the top of the cave and keeps them until the fry escapes. After 6-8 days, the fry with curiosity stick out their little gluttonous stigmas from the hole, and shortly afterwards the mother takes her offspring off for the first time. At this point you need to catch and transplant the male (if you have not done so yet) to protect him from the attacks of the partner.

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Anomalochromis thomasi, female during spawning.

"Magnificent cichlids" are called different types of anomalochromes and pelvicamomes. Apomalochromis thomasi is mobile, loving shelter and a peaceful little fish. Most of her relatives are also very cute as pets. Males reach a length of 10 cm, and females can become slightly larger. In some other species, females have a rounded caudal fin (and in males it narrows toward the end). As for most other cichlids, for this species, shelters of wood and stones are vital. To the rigidity of water, they do not make any special demands, because in their native reservoirs, soft river water mixes with coastal water in some places and attains medium rigidity. The temperature of the water should be about 25 ° C. They feed mainly on live food, but still it is not ruled out dry. Reproduction of anomalochromes and pelvicarhroms is not an easy matter. Often these fish spawn in common aquariums. True, for parents later, this becomes a difficult task, since the protection of the offspring who are in the community of enemies, requires great efforts. The process of slicing caviar occurs in all different ways. In principle, they always prefer the substrate, but the ways in which they glue the caviar to it are different. Some release it in caves with their belly up, others (like A. thomasi) prefer flat stones for this. You can also use flower pots made of clay, and coconut shells. Family-cells are formed, in which both partners take care of their offspring. Fry squeezed about 72 hours later and soon after that start to swim freely. Feed in the usual way, start with navle Artemia and Cyclops.

The genus Pelvicachromis includes many species. Pelvikahrom Thomas after the genesis of the genus Anomalochromis was attributed to the latter (1985, Greenwood). One of the most famous aquarium fish is Pelvicachromis pulcher, a cichlid parrot (formerly sold under the name P. kribensis). Males of this genus reach a length of up to 10 cm, and females remain noticeably smaller (up to 7 cm). The homeland of these fish is Nigeria, where the channels of the transparent rivers often expand, turning into calm bays, densely overgrown with plants. The water there is quite mild, and the pH is most often indicative of acidity, and in places it is below 6.0! However, most of the cichlid parrots recovered from us have proved their ability to adapt. This also applies to feed intake. Often even said that these fish are omnivorous, but in fact they, like all cichlids, prefer insect larvae, while they can be satisfied with other types of food. A striped, or choppy, parrot (Pelvicachromis taeniatus) is a species that many aquarists appreciate. Known a number of its variations, but, alas, the most beautiful of them do not occur in trade. Lovers have to rely on their own initiative, which is quite expensive. The same applies to the other species of this genus: P. subocellatus, P. humillis and P. roloffi.

Of all the known hemichromes (Hemichromis), only one or two are imported . Trade often offers us a red or reddish form called N. bimaculatus, since in fact, the distinctive features in young individuals are difficult to detect. A glowing red fish with sky-blue specks is N. lifalili (red is the name of African descent). In the coloring of the original chromis-handsome (N. bimaculatus) is also a lot of red. But it is not decorated with light blue specks, and its back is distinguished by a clay shade, in males passing to the lower part of the body.

288.jpg (105759 bytes) Hemichromis lifalili in a nuptial dress with fry

"Red cichlids," as these fish are called, are big ruffians and with their neighbors in the aquarium are treated without any squeamishness; This can be confirmed by any aquarist familiar with them . But this does not mean that they can not be kept in a separate aquarium and, moreover, multiply. Only then will they reveal themselves as caring, even capable of sacrificing parents and forget about all rudeness. Red cichlids originate from tropical Africa. In nature, they reach a length of about 15 cm, and in the aquarium remain approximately one-third less. The corresponding size should be the tank. Of course, most fans tend to fish; In this case, many individuals are needed to make it easier to distinguish the sex. Fish, accustomed to live in their shelters, soon find themselves permanent places, and if the aquarium is too small, there will be no end to the fights. For registration you need to take a lot of uneven, angular stones. From the back of the aquarium, from the pieces of roots and snags, you need to lay down a wall with many shelters. If you want to plant there and plants (although this is not recommended), they should be with strong roots. Vallisnerias and krynums are most suitable for this. Roots must be laid with stones to hold on tight. The bottom soil should consist of a mixture of medium-sized sand and not very coarse gravel. In the ground, you must put a flat, rounded stone, thus creating a suitable place for slicing caviar. The quality of water is not very important, and its temperature should be from 22 to 24 ° C. These fish are also characterized by a huge appetite, so that they can not get saturated with small live food. A chopped heart, earthworms, and sometimes fish pulp - that's what you need to give them from time to time.

289.jpg (169976 bytes)
Hemichromis lifalili juv.

Marriage games in red cichlids - the time that many aquarists expect : the bright color of the fish becomes even more intense, scarlet. The female can be easily recognized by the juicy color and by the increasing volume of the trunk. At this time, they begin a ruthless struggle for a place for masonry (and this, in fact, the entire aquarium), and a prudent aquarist should confine himself to one pair of fish, and the rest to be moved to another tank. In addition, for successful spawning it is important that the remaining pair be harmonious, because the fight must have a limit. The owner can help them in their search for a suitable place for laying eggs and lay out a flat stone on the foreground, and also clean its surface. Pisces then begin their "dress rehearsals" and flop their belly onto the stone. Perhaps they want to free it from algae in this way. It may take hours, and even whole days, before the female sweeps out the caviar. The male immediately afterwards insects about 400 eggs. After 48 hours, the fry is hatched, and the parents put them in pre-prepared and well-protected pits. No matter how cruel the struggle was at first, now the producers show sacrificial care for the offspring. They constantly swim around their offspring and clearly check the reactions of newcomers, because soon they will have to go on independent cruising. Only two days after hatching, the fry freely swim and in great quantities devour the smallest particles of live food. Feeding them with naupliyami artemia will be enough only in the transition period, and soon they will have to offer them the following type of food - cyclops. The so-called five-spotted cichlids (they must be separated from the red, respectively) belong to the most biting and aggressive fish of the whole family. Slender hemichrome (N. elon gatus) and striped hemichrome, or chess cichlid (N. fasciatus) differ in that the second has a more yellow color in the background color, while the first on the sides has a greenish color.

287.jpg (103396 bytes) Hemichromis elon gatus

The natural living space of these predators over the area is equal to a spacious room, and even in a large aquarium, they seem to be small. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately choose a harmonious pair or start with a separation glass (or even better complement one another). The two species vary considerably in size: N. fasciatus reaches a length of 20-25 cm, and its nearest relative hardly grows to 15 cm. No matter how these fish are bully, they take care of their offspring very carefully. It is not known for certain whether the fish with red belly and small black spots are only color variations. The most probable is the assumption that these are adult large males, which are easy to recognize when compared by a frontal thickening and elongated dorsal and caudal fins. These robbers, even when very young, show their militant nature and therefore are not suitable for placement in a common aquarium: they ruthlessly crack down on their neighbors of the same size. It is recommended to use stones, driftwood and strong, hardy plants in the design of the aquarium.

Fish living in fast flowing rivers have a special body shape (indicating fitness for the environment) and an unusual style of swimming - jerks. Became famous due to numerous publications lion- headed cichlid (Steatocranus casuarius) - the most common of them, but not the only resident of fast waters with such a structure of the body. The so-called steatocranus bluish (Steatocranus tinanti) or black teleogram (Teleo gramma brichardi), distinguished by the unusualness of its forms, dwell in the same biotope. These "aquarium mice," growing to 10 cm in length, come from fast flowing currents in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Congo, or Zaire. There they live among the trunks of fallen trees and stones, and the adaptability of their bodies to extremely unfavorable living conditions in rivers with a rapid current can be called ideal. The aquarium should, if possible, reproduce the natural biotope, although it is clear that a complete imitation of natural conditions can not be achieved. The qualities of water play a secondary role. True, water (even spawning) is not particularly mild. Its total rigidity can be from 10 to 15 ° , and the temperature from 24 to 26 ° C. Note that peaceful fishes do not spoil water plants. To inhabitants of fast streams the regular change of water goes on advantage. Feed them with all kinds of live food, from time to time adding and dry.

290.jpg (231591 bytes)
Steatocranus casuarius, couple, male top
291.jpg (148561 bytes)
Teleo gramma brichardi , male

In addition to the two mentioned species of the genus Steatocranus , others are known: S. gibbiceps, S. Glaber and S. mpozoensis originating in the same regions of the Congo as the two species named above, which, by the way, are similar. Sometimes they are even brought and sold under the name S. casuarius .

Lionheads can sometimes breed in common aquariums, but still usually aquarists provide them with special spawning reservoirs. The length of such a tank should be at least 60 cm. Since these fish prefer cave, deep shelters to the usual, it is recommended to place there inverted flower pots with a small inlet, attach pieces of bamboo or clay pipes. These cichlids during the breeding season and during spawning are becoming rather snooty; They need a space of about 0.25 qm of space around their home. They roam foreign fish with anger and bite. In fish that have just reached puberty, the signs of sex are discernible rather poorly, because the "helmet" in males is formed only with age. The most reasonable therefore from half a dozen of this species form one (or several) pairs. Oval grayish-white eggs about 3 mm long are swept out by the female inside the house chosen by her and fertilized in the same place. In the care of the offspring, parents share responsibilities: the male protects his territory from uninvited guests, and the female takes care of the "kids". When the fry begin to swim freely, the parents guide them along the aquarium; They can be fed with the smallest live food.

Cichlids are found not only in Africa and Asia: a significant part of the popular species is supplied to us by South and Central America. Like their relatives from other continents, they are easy to reproduce in captivity. But in these species we meet with a differentiated attitude to our offspring. There are also families where both parents take care of the offspring, there are females that immediately leave the males immediately after fertilization, and there are fish that incubate eggs in the mouth, as we know in Africa. On the other hand, there are species in which the incubation of caviar in the mouth is not fully developed: the mother takes it only after a certain period. It is possible that here evolution is still in full swing. Speaking about the care of parents, it is impossible not to take into account the feeding of juveniles by insects. This particular type of help is provided to its offspring not only by discus, but also by other cichlids growing to large sizes, for example, Cichlasoma citrinellum. A long acquaintance of many aquarists is a blue - spotted akara (Aequidens pulcher). This resident of the American South lives in the area of ​​Colombia and Panama; In length it reaches 15 cm. Among cichlids it is considered to be one of the most peaceful. Because it does not require a particularly large aquarium (the minimum length of 60 - 80 cm). Akars need such shelters, which would be suitable for their strong bodies. To them you can add plants with strong leaves. Aquarium water should not be very hard, and its temperature is about 24 ° C; It is necessary to regularly replace a third of the fresh water.

294.jpg (71142 bytes) Aequidens pulcher
295.jpg (83969 bytes) Cichlasoma portalegrense

Blue-flecked acars devour almost everything they are offered: live food, dry food, as well as freeze-dried and freshly frozen food. The floor of the Aequidens pulcher is almost impossible to distinguish. If they are tuning for spawning, living in a common aquarium, then at least separate them from small fish, because the territorial consciousness inherent in cichlids will force them to deal shortly with their neighbors. They spawn more often on stones, less often on plants. They are good parents, equally distributing caring for the care of the offspring. Under favorable conditions, after a few weeks the producers are ready to spawn again. In this case, the youngest of the last "call" should be removed in time from the aquarium, because they will consider its representatives not only as competitors, but also as enemies, and will begin to fight them.

During the partial audit, some members of the Aequidens complex remained under the same generic name, were partially transferred to newly created genera (Bujurquina, Laetacara) or with reservations so far left as Aequidens. Previously , the genus Aequidens was a species of portalegrensis, but now, it is believed, it belongs to the genus Cichlasoma (thereby changing the ending: C. rottalegrense).

292.jpg (73145 bytes) Bujurquina vittata
293.jpg (65694 bytes) Aequidens portalegrense

From the circle of pygmy cichlids " Ramirezi " or " butterfly cichlids" in 1978, the new genus Papiliochromis (Pappilochromis) was created at that time (KUL L ANDER). It was not taken into account that the genus name already existed: Microgeophagus: it has priority really.

296.jpg (155082 bytes)
Microgeophagus ramirezi

Chromis-Butterfly (Microgeophagus ramirezi) in the derived forms does not become smaller than its no less famous relatives: Apostogramma agassizii , Apistogram agassizii, Apistogram of A. borellii, and A. Cacatuoides, A. bitaeniata and A. nijsseni. The size of adults varies from 6 to 8 cm. They occur from different regions of South America.

297.jpg (97889 bytes) Apistogramma agassizii i, male, red variation
298.jpg (93581 bytes) Apistogramma agassiziii, male, blue variation
299.jpg (95969 bytes) Apistogramma borellii, caught in Paraguay
300.jpg (94412 bytes) Apistogramma cacatuoidesi, male, red variation
301.jpg (94370 bytes) Apistogramma bitaeniatai, male
302.jpg (100131 bytes) Apistogramma nijsseni, male

Dwarf cichlids do not like hard water, and therefore the boundary at 10 ° dH can not be crossed. Taking into account the water temperature for their content of 24 ° C, during spawning it can be slightly higher. Показатель рН должен свидетельствовать о кислой реакции; добиться этого можно с помощью торфяной фильтрации. Малое или большое увеличение кислотности зависит от качества исходной (водопроводной) воды. Исключительную пользу приносят рыбам частые добавки свежей воды или соответственно замена ее. Многие из этих цихлид весьма чувствительны, и в отличие от своих более крупных и сильных родственников они предъявляют к уходу довольно высокие требования; например, химических добавок в воде они вовсе не переносят. Разные виды апистограмм живут в природе, прячась в укрытия-пещерки. Поэтому в аквариуме мы должны им обеспечить переплетения корней и сложенные друг на друга камни. Растительность по краям аквариума должна быть довольной густой. В середине резервуара нужно оставить свободное пространство для плавания, разделенное одной-двумя корягами. Эти рыбы всеядны. Для размножения важно найти гармоничную пару. Половые признаки различить легко, поскольку самцы бывают несколько крупнее самок и отличаются более яркими красками, а также более заметными плавниками. Обычно нересту предшествует очистка субстрата; кладка располагается в полых выемках. М. ramirezi выметывает икру свободно; заботу о потомстве берут на себя оба родителя (семья); у большинства других видов это считается делом самки (материнская семья). Через 3 - 4 дня происходит выклев, и родители начинают заботиться о потомстве. Малькам можно предложить в качестве питания науплий артемии и циклопа, измельченных энхитрей и трубочника, а также “живую” пыль.

303.jpg (55363 bytes) Astronotus ocellatus, вариация "Красный Оскар"
304.jpg (128333 bytes)
Astronotus ocellatus, мраморная исходная форма

В отличие от карликовых цихлид, Astronotus ocellatus, цихлида-оскар - настоящий гигант. Выведенная из этого вида вариация “Красный оскар” не уступает ему в размерах. Продают этих рыб молодыми, и тогда их длина от 2 до 4 см, но не надо забывать, что южноамериканские “быки” потом вырастут до 35 см. Половой зрелости они достигают, вытянувшись до 10 см. Взрослые или наполовину взрослые рыбы начинают перестраивать аквариум по своему вкусу. В этой стадии они уже не годятся для общего аквариума, и их надо пересаживать в отдельный. Водную поверхность хорошо бы прикрыть плавающими растениями; это дает рассеянный свет. Этим рыбам нужно обеспечить и укрытия. Что касается дна, то здесь особенно подойдет не очень тонкий слой песка средней зернистости, который можно время от времени отсасывать и промывать. Астроноты, или оскары - крупные и выносливые рыбы. Тому, кто решил заняться их размножением, предстоит много работы. Во-первых, отличить самцов от самок не так-то просто. В литературе обычно указывают на наличие трех черных пятен на спинном плавнике, но это признак не совсем надежный. Брачные игры проходят оживленно, но только самке иногда приходится страдать от тяжести партнера. Если самец обращается с ней слишком круто, хозяину надо вмешаться, иначе самка может получить телесные повреждения. Хорошую службу может сослужить разделительное стекло. Нерестовый аквариум должен быть досотаточно просторным, со стенками из крепкого стекла: совокупление этих рыб оставляет следы и в аквариуме. Если пара начинает вместе чистить камень, хозяин должен знать: “это” начинается. Цихлид обычно содержат в воде мягкой (до средней жесткости) при 26° С. Но когда близится час выметывания икры, температуру следует повысить примерно до 28° С. Тогда этот процесс, как и выклев, происходит быстрее. Когда появляются мальки, оба родителя (семья) помещают их в подготовленную заранее ямку, где те и остаются, пока не начнут плавать. Потомство цихлиды-оскара, соответственно размерам родителей, может быть весьма многочисленным: более тысячи мальков. Но поскольку более крупные пожирают более мелких, их в конце-концов остается “только” две-три сотни. Да и от этих надо поскорее избавляться, - кому захочется ухаживать за цихлидами, растущими так быстро? Пригоршней трубочника тут не обойдешься! Этим рыбкам нужна пища посолиднее.

Прошло примерно десять лет с тех пор, как на американском, а потом и на европейском рынке появилась медно-красная вариация астронотов: “Красный оскар” - так вскоре прозвали этих рыб. Относительно оформления аквариума, содержания и размножения можно сказать то же, что и об астронотах вообще. Этих забияк тоже нужно держать парами, отдельно от других рыб, чтобы они не закусили удила.

Another interesting representative of the family Cichlids is a masked cichlasma (Cichlasoma meek i ). These fish are far from as large as the representatives of the above-named species. The masked cichlazoma is an inhabitant of Central America, found in Guatemala and in Yucatan. It grows to 15 cm, but puberty reaches earlier (at 10 cm). Beauty she does honor to her name, especially when during the mating games she protrudes the gill cover and at the same time her mouth is twisted - it turns out something like a red fan. Contain these fish is not difficult even for beginners. The minimum length of the aquarium is 80 cm. Like many of their relatives, these cichlazomas like to rummage in the ground. By the way, it should consist of medium-grained sand and fine gravel. Buildings of stones and snags should be attached to each other and firmly set on the bottom, otherwise one day they will collapse. These fish do not impose special requirements on water indicators ; Temperature from 22 to 24 ° C. Plants along the edge should serve only to decorate the aquarium, their roots must be fixed with stones. Feeding: all kinds of live food, earthworms, dry, freeze-dried and fresh-frozen food.

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Cichlasoma meek i

The one who decides to engage in the reproduction of these fish should first of all choose a harmonious pair. Males usually are slightly larger than females, and their coloring is more intense. The matched pair is placed in a separate tank; Fertility from 300 to 400 eggs. Both parents are engaged in nursing offspring (family), starting again with cleaning the substrate. They carefully guard and fan their offspring, creating a current of water. Two days later the fry is hatching, and they are sent to a prepared fossa. Eight days later the fry swim, and they need to be well fed. For the first days, the nauplii of Artemia and Cyclops, as well as the "live" dust, can be used as food, but then they can offer them larger fodder (insects). Parental care and nursing last about four weeks.

The eight-banded cichlazoma (Cich lasoma octofasciatum) occurs from the Yucatan to Honduras; In length it reaches 20 cm. Unfortunately, such a pet shows a specific property - bullying - much more often than it would like its owner. We have to go to meet these fish and arrange for them a special "nursery", as for many other cichlids. Then the cichlasma of gray color with a few blue spots begin to gradually acquire its magnificent species color. But in their requirements for water temperature, they are quite modest: they are enough 20 - 22 ° C, and only if you intend to make them multiply, you need to raise the temperature to 26 ° C. The relationship of a double- stranded cichlasmaoma (Cichlasoma bifasciatum) with a rainbow, or red (C . Synspilum) is immediately guessed. Both originate from the Usumasinta river system (on the border between Mexico and Guatemala) and are similar primarily to a color pattern. The first, however, is somewhat inferior in length to the second: Synspilum with the content in a large aquarium is able to grow up to 30 cm. Diamond cichlazoma (C. carpinte) occurs in the northeast of Mexico, and its closest relative, S., Cyanoguttatum is common only in the south of Texas (by the way, that's why it is often called the "Texas cichlid").

306.jpg (93274 bytes) Cich lasoma octofasciatum
307.jpg (111586 bytes) Cich lasoma bifasciatum, male
309.jpg (115187 bytes) Сich lasoma сарpinte, young female
308.jpg (58034 bytes) Сich lasoma synspilum

In natural conditions, these stately fish can grow up to 30 cm, but in our aquariums their length is no more than 10-20 cm. These fishes (in all descriptions mention their aggressiveness and pugnacity) need a separate aquarium where they can indulge. The reservoir must be stable; Its length is not less than 120 cm. The quality of water for their maintenance plays a secondary role: they easily tolerate even room temperature, but still not lower than 18 ° C. The spawning water should be warmer, around 24 ° C. These fish consume food accordingly Its size, and this entails the need to change the water frequently. Requirements for feed are the same as for the above species. In the design of the aquarium you need to use only stones (large scrap). In the middle of the aquarium or at a specially chosen place, it is necessary to place the stones flat and round, with a diameter of about 30 cm. Later fish will use them as a spawning substrate, and therefore it is convenient to determine in advance the location of the masonry. The bottom soil should consist of medium-sized sand, 50% mixed with fine-grained gravel. Sexual signs can be easily discerned only in adult individuals, when the male has a noticeable "pillow" on his forehead. Connecting other people's partners in a single pair, you need to be careful. Fecundity of this species is also very high: hundreds of fry can appear on the light. This species is often confused with another, described only very recently: Pantosticum from the Panuko River system (smaller spots).

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Cich lasoma pantosticum, male

The citron (C. citrinellum) and the labial (C. labiatum) cichlases inhabit the reservoirs of the Nicaraguan basin in Central America. But the first of them occurs in the tributaries of two large lakes (Nicaragua and Managua), and the second one (as far as we know) exclusively in their waters. Both the first and the second cichlases have golden-yellow and red-yellow variations. The spongy cichlasma is also decorated with black spots, and most importantly with fleshy lips; These are forward, as if inflated lips distinguish fish caught in natural reservoirs, and, among other things, also other species, for example, S. Rostratum (Nicaragua and Costa Rica) and C. T uba. Citron and bubbly cichlasma are the same in size (more than 20 cm), but it is quite easy to distinguish them. The first is of a gray form with dark vertical stripes - it is clear that in aquariums it is not very popular. Citron cichlazom is distinguished by a steep forehead; Profile (especially in adults) has a depression at eye level. The males with age appear on the forehead a noticeable hillock, which is absent from S. Labiatum of the same sex.

310.jpg (105052 bytes) Cich lasoma labiatum, tolstogubaya fish

Hypselecara temporalis always has a green color, although it does not predominate in all fish. The region of the head, lower parts of the body and fins are usually wine-red, and the sides are clay-yellow, sometimes olive-green, and the shades of these colors vary depending on the condition.

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Hypselecara temporalis, old male

These fishes need a large aquarium for good health; Then they can grow both in height and in length (up to 30 cm). Young fish swim in a manner characteristic of the whole species: the body is suspended vertically in the water, and the head is raised upwards. Like all other cichlazomas, they freely spawn with a fertility from 2000 to 3000 eggs. Repeatedly doing their breeding, I found that females become especially aggressive at this time. They show concern even when someone approaches the aquarium closer than a meter. Leopard cichlazoma (Sisla soma dovii) grows to a very large size, her very name tells a lot about the character of this resident of Central America. By behavior and size (50 cm), she does not lag behind her predatory relatives of the species C. managuense.

313.jpg (39377 bytes) Cich lasoma labiatum
314.jpg (40230 bytes) Syshla soma managuense
315.jpg (51069 bytes) Syshl soma dovii

Many of these robbers (all of them inhabiting Central America) are imported to us, kept in domestic aquariums and multiply, and primarily C. Friedrichsthalii, S. motaguense and Petenia splendida (growing, however, only up to 20-30 cm). The name of the mother-of-pearl cichlasma (Cichlasoma fenestraum) has long been known in aquariums, but it was not until recently that it was imported. These are beautiful fish, although it can be recognized only by adults with their small dot pattern. They come from South Mexico, where Hartweg ( Hartwegi) lives also , a species that has only recently been described scientifically. Homeland of the. Hartwegi - highlands; At home, these fish behave very aggressively, especially if you run them into an uncomfortable (read: tight) aquarium. Both species were already propagated far from their native places. Orange cichlasma, or Festa (Cichlasoma festae) also originates from South America, from areas located west of the Andes in Ecuador; It can easily grow up to 30 cm in length. Its name is formed on behalf of the discoverer of this species: Festa. Large and strong fish also need a spacious aquarium, especially if you intend to multiply them. Running them in common with other species of aquarium is possible only at a young age, and all fish should be the same size. When these cichlids enter the marriage season, they show their best "outfits ": the body of the males glows with the color of the sea wave, and the females flaunt in purple-red vestments. Dark transverse bands are erased, but still they can be discerned.

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Syshla soma festae, female with her offspring
Cichlasoma fenestraum
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Cichlasoma hartwegi Cichlasoma panamense

Cichiasoma maculicauda (Cichiasoma maculicauda) is one of the most common species in America (found on the Atlantic side in Southern Mexico and up to the eastern Panama region). Most local variations have a characteristic external appearance: at the beginning of the dorsal fin more or less interrupted black transverse band. Gills and caudal fin reddish or red (with a dark spot near the root of the tail). An aquarium with a frontal length of 1 00 cm is enough for young individuals, but when they grow up, this dwelling will seem to them too tight. The Nicaraguan cichlazoma (C. nicaraguense) , because of its color and relative livability, is considered one of the most interesting cichlids for aquarium life . Males grow up to about 22 cm, and females remain much smaller, but their final coloration is attractive due to its variegation and brightness. Coloring of adult males (with age they form a steep forehead) is usually golden yellow, but there are also lighter variants.

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Syshla soma nicaraguense, couple (male larger) Sisla soma maculicauda

So, the floor of these cichlases can be discerned in color, but they only acquire it together with sexual maturity. No matter how accommodative these fish are outside spawning periods, they become aggressive when this time draws near. Therefore, it is best to provide a spawning couple with a separate tank, where a reliable and large cave visible from the outside will be prepared for them. All the stones must be firmly connected in a dry state (using silicone rubber) and placed on the lower glass. Pisces arranges pits for masonry there; Usually not one to leave a choice. Deferred and fertilized eggs lie later in slides in these holes, but freely, without sticking! The eggs are comparatively large and accordingly develop longer than in other species of cichlazoma. By the way, these and other signs have long given birth to the proposal to consider this species cichlase as a separate genus. If the temperature of spawning water is kept in the range from 26 to 28 ° C, the time before hatching is about 80 hours. The eggs, as already mentioned, are not sticky, and so are the larvae. After hatching, they also lie in the same way with slides together, like caviar. Only when the yolk bubble bursts and the fry swims, their behavior will remind of juveniles of other cichlases.

A black cichlasma (Cischla soma nigrofasciatum) is the name of a small but sturdy fish from Central America, where it inhabits rivers and some lakes. The size of this species is 10 cm, and since 8 cm, it is capable of reproduction. Adult males are distinguished by a thickening on the forehead. Fish of this species, unlike other cichlases, under certain conditions can be populated in a common aquarium, but only it should be at least 100 cm in length.

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Syshl soma nigrofasciatum

Black-banded cichlazomas like to dig in soft ( especially sandy) soil, but, on the other hand, they need shelter. Alas, one can not say that their "subversive activity" spares the plants, and therefore the reservoir needs to be prepared accordingly. These fish are wonderful eaters, sometimes they are even dealt with snails. The sex of individual specimens is very easy to discern: in males the dorsal and anal fins taper towards the end. The water temperature in the aquarium should not be high (22 - 24 ° C), and, if necessary, it may drop (up to 20 - 1 8 °). However, for spawning it is necessary to increase it by several degrees. The shape of the body and the size resemble those of the above species and other cichlases from Central America: Sajica, S. spilurus, C. spinosissimus and C. septemfasciatum.

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Syshla soma spilurus, a couple with kids (male in the foreground)
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Syshla soma septemfasciatum, female Syshla soma sajica, female

These fish differ in size, which is due to the difference in sex, but still we can assume that their average length is about 10 cm. Spawning habits are similar in them too. I'm even almost inclined to say here about a certain circle of forms, because all these fish have the same positive quality - to be livable in an aquarium. And here, for example, to two equally small species - Neetroplus nematopus and S. Panamense - this statement does not apply (unless they are suppressed by larger individuals). But when the fish are preparing for mating games, the picture changes significantly, and this is a natural process, conditioned by nature itself. For the reproduction of these species in the spawning aquarium, too, shelters resembling caves (although these cichlazomas still do not tolerate neighbors in an aquarium 80-100 cm in length). The marriage order of the females of these species is also very beautiful. By the way, they also prepare pits for masonry. Some females do this with special pleasure (and to the displeasure of the owner) in those places of the aquarium where strong plants grow, because then their roots grow through the holes or grooves and eggs (and later the larvae) can stick to them. At a water temperature of about 27 ° C, the larvae peck out after about 60 hours.

The body of the Panamanian cichlasma (C. panamense) is longer than the fish of the above species. But the main thing that distinguishes it is located below, at the very edge of the head, the mouth. This, by the way, is typical for the species Neetroplus nematopus, it reaches a length of 12 cm, and dwells in various reservoirs of the Nicaraguan lowland. Fish of both species like to live in caves and shelters; There they spawn. In general aquariums, they behave towards each other and to the rest of the fish is very irreconcilable, so it's better to immediately start them in a species aquarium. Waiting for their offspring is not difficult, but only both parents have not yet released children from the shelter, rush into a ruthless attack on all other fish in the aquarium and most often they are simply killed if the owner does not intervene.

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Heros severus, red color form Neetroplus nematopus, young specimen

Heros severus belongs to the same genus, although it looks more stocky than the masked cichlazomas. It comes from the regions stretching from Guyana to the Amazon basin. In length, these fish grow to 20 cm, but they reach sexual maturity already when they are half the size of the final size. Actually, they behave peacefully, but during the spawning period they are aggressive. To decorate the aquarium, you need in the first place stones, and from them you need to build impressive castles for these knights. The bottom soil should be a mixture of medium-grained sand and fine gravel. It is for large cichlids that it is important that the owner does not forget to regularly suck up soil together with aquarium water and wash it, while renewing water. Feeding these cichlids is not difficult, but only while they are young. When they grow up, they need finely chopped pieces of meat (heart), pulp of various shells and mussels, large earthworms and much more. The suitable water temperature is about 25 ° C. The reproduction of Heros severus is not a very complicated matter. The males can be distinguished by the dorsal and caudal fins tapering to the ends, As in the case of the masked cichlazoma, the simplest is to select pairs of young fish, grow them and wait until they join together. These cichlids also form families. The female sweeps the eggs on the substrate, and then moves the frying fry. To grow them beyond much labor is not. In the first days, before the yolk sac breaks through, they should be fed with the nauplii of Artemia and Cyclops. But soon they will be able to eat larger fodder and grow significantly.

Cichlasoma salvini can grow up to 15 cm; It comes from the southern regions of Mexico and is distributed in Guatemala (roughly to the border with Honduras). This cichlid, especially if you see it during the mating games or in the frying of fry, always seems the most beautiful in all the way. Its various color variations are known).

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Cichlasoma salvini

Like most Central-Merican cichlids, C. Salvini is insensitive to temporary cooling of the temperature, but still there is a limit: 20 ° C, and spawning water should be 4-5 degrees above normal. In the period of mating games and subsequent spawning, these cichlids become very aggressive towards other fish and ruthlessly bite.

As for fish belonging to the genera Dicrossus and Nannacara, here we are also dealing with small cichlids. Chess cichlid (D. filamentosus) belongs to the number of beauties, which can be brought to spawn only if special conditions are met (extremely soft water and high acidity). Different types of nannakara, for example, green ( N. anomala) or recently described species, N. Aureocephalus from Guyana, grow to 8 cm; Their content is quite simple. Female, as we could observe in other dwarf cichlids, always remain a few centimeters shorter.

328.jpg (47132 bytes) Dicrossus filamentosus
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Nannacara aureocephalus, male

These fish need soft water, up to medium-hard, but not overflowing, limit of 12 ° dH. Its temperature can be from 24 to 26 ° C. Pisces behave quietly, although they need their own territory. We decorate the aquarium with the help of stones, snags, fine-grained gravel on the bottom and plants. One (or several) of flat rounded stones is placed so that they are only half buried in the bottom soil. Thus, we provide fish with a spawning substrate for the future. If the aquarium is large enough, we run several females to the strong male. Dwarf cichlids-males often lead mating games with different partners! But when they find the only and desired, they begin to thoroughly clean the substrate. These types of nannakara are dominated by maternal families. This means that the clutch is guarded by the mother, and she also cares later about the fry. He does not admit the male to a close distance, and if he nevertheless approaches, then the female drives him away. In general, it is better to immediately catch and remove from the aquarium fish male! Fry, like other cichlids, immediately after hatching go to the hole-shelter. They should be fed with Artemia nauplii, but soon they will be able to go to cyclops (in small quantities) and fodder dust. The young quickly develop a good appetite, and it is noticeably growing

In recent years, one species has regained popularity, which for some time has been forgotten. This is yellow gerotilapiya (Herotilapia multispinosa). Aquarists are familiar with many species of the genus Tilapia from Africa, but this Herotilapia originates from Central America, where it lives in different lakes. Honestly, many fans like these fish seem unattractive. Males grow to 14 cm (without small), that is, they are 2 cm longer than their partners. These fish need to provide the territory (read: the aquarium) at least 80-centimeter long: they must live in a reservoir with a capacity of at least 200 liters. Registration of the aquarium should be made up of stones, large (!) Plants and, possibly, a flower pot (if put on its side, it will become a shelter). The attempt to reproduce them can give excellent results, because the fecundity of these fish is up to a thousand eggs (and this is not an exceptional case at all).

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Herotilapia multispinosa

Crenicichia (Crenicichia) differ in the pike's elongated body and deeply carved mouth. These are predators. Until recently, many species of these fish were imported to us, but to most aquarists they seem too large or "unsuitable" even for large aquariums. Fish of this genus also prefer existence in caves, caves and shelters, where they spawn. Thanks to various publications, such species as C have become known. Lepidota, S. saxatilis and C. strigata; They all originate from South American water bodies. Depending on the species, these fish reach a length of 20 to 30 cm.

331.jpg (107573 bytes) Crenicichia strigata
332.jpg (104735 bytes) Crenicichia saxatilis

Geofagines, that is, fish belonging to the genus Geophagus, Gymnogeophagus and Satanoperca, are called in the German literature "earthy" - literal translation of the name! For this there is a special reason: these fish (as, by the way, their closest relative, Acarichthys heckelii from the Amazon basin) tear the soil in search of edible crumbs, and then blow out the smallest and most unfit particles of them through the gills. In all (!) These genera there are fish that spawn on the outer substrate and incubate eggs in the mouth. In other words, the different methods of reproduction are not distinguishing features of belonging to a particular genus. "Earthlings" are pretty peaceful fish.

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Acarichthys heckelii, young specimen

Satanoperca daemon has become a very famous aquarium fish, but, as far as I know, no one has managed to breed it yet. Since not only the substratophiles and fish that incubate eggs in the mouth but also the "transitional" forms belong to this genus, it can be assumed that it is the complexity of the process of reproduction that does not allow these fish to spawn in the manner anticipated (and therefore offered) by the owner . S. d aemon and S. acuticeps (much less likely to appear on the market) are similar to each other. On the pattern they can still be distinguished: the first in the body are three, and the second has four dark spots. There are forms of S. daemon with red markings on the fins and without them. Satanoperca leucosticta, known in Germany as the "bloody angel", attracts attention with a dotted pattern on the head and fins

337.jpg (86820 bytes) Satanoperca daemon
336.jpg (92281 bytes) Satanoperca leucosticta

For a long time it was not known how this fish reproduces. Most often in connection with this problem, such concepts as "incubating caviar in the mouth" were used, although it occurs as follows: firstly, females give the eggs a chance to develop naturally (partly buried in the sand), and after a few days they actually take them in the mouth. Do G. Surinamensis this process occurs in a similar manner. Under natural conditions both these species grow to 25 cm, but in captivity they remain 20-30% less. For harmony and tranquility in an aquarium belonging to geophages, one thing is important; space. Adults should not be kept in a reservoir less than 150 cm in length!

The Brazilian geofag (G. brasiliensis) has a curved body shape; Its size is about 30 cm. But already at a length of 6 to 8 cm it is capable of spawning! Often, males behave rudely against partners, and that's why it is recommended to provide a large aquarium for these fish, many small and large shelters, but only they must be built reliably! These fish are substratophiles, and they like to lay their masonry in inaccessible places: crevices and clefts. Partners take care of their offspring together. The lion-headed geophagus (Geophagus steindachneri, synonym: G. hondae) is derived from Colombia; In captivity, it rarely grows more than 12-15 cm, but already at 6-8 cm is ready for reproduction.

333.jpg (107188 bytes) Geophagus brasiliensis
338.jpg (84878 bytes) Geophagus steindachneri, male

Once I bought five such fish caught in their native places. They were two males and three females, all measuring 6-8 cm. And what happened? A stronger male first killed a weak fellow on the floor, and for the next few days he "made friends" with his harem that all the females were fed up with him. In other words: all females hatched their eggs in their mouths. The case occurred in an aquarium with a volume of 400 liters, richly planted with plants. But in the same tank contained cichlids of other species, and it is unlikely that mothers would be able to go out their babies. So, the operation began to catch fish! The females kept caviar in their mouths; I transplanted them to another aquarium, where they were alone with their offspring.

Feeding fry is no problem at all; They immediately take shredded fodder tablets or artemia, and then throw themselves greedily at the larvae of mosquitoes (when they can already cope with them and bite). With a healthy appetite, the fry grow quickly. These cichlids are very suitable for beginners, although some skill is required for their maintenance. But the main thing - a large (about 100 cm in length) aquarium.

Balzan's gymnogeophagus (Gymnogeophagus balzanii) lives in the Parana River system, to which the Paraguay River belongs. I discovered them in Chaco (Northern Argentina) and managed to study their natural habitat. These fish behave and in fact are peaceful, perfectly getting along with their neighbors. It happens, however, that males of the same species begin to fight, and - even more so! - the case sometimes ends in the death of the weaker. With age, males are easy to distinguish because of their steep forehead. At the same time, their body is compact, even slender. They also incubate caviar in their mouths (they may be the only ones in the south in this respect). Their size is almost 20 cm; The males have a very high back. Attempts to reproduce can begin even when they grow up to half. They do not make special demands on water quality, but it should not be unconditionally rigid. The young can be raised without problems, as well as the offspring of the above species.

334.jpg (91508 bytes) Gymnogeophagus balzani i, male

Describing a scalar is like running fish into the Amazon. Among aquarium pets they are genuine stars and together with guppies and sword-eaters belong to the most famous fish in general. But not all scalars are the same! They are represented by many species, and in fact for most aquariums, external differences are just interesting. We know not only the usual silvery coloring with black cross strips, but also the marble form, and the shape with fins like veins, and others - completely black or pure "silver" forms with a pink back. Scalarias can be very large both in length and in body height. Therefore, you can not run them in a small aquarium.

Pterophyllum scalare prefers high reservoirs with lots of plants and stone buildings, and even more snags, whose branches run diagonally across the aquarium. Although scalars can be kept in any water, only soft water is beneficial to them. These visitors from South America feel good at a temperature of about 24 ° C, but can tolerate a higher one. Fish continuously experience hunger, but they can not be overfed: many of them can grow a round belly. In addition to the pipe man, bloodworm, daphnia, cyclops and enchitrae, the scalars gladly devour small fishes and prefer them only to fry - young offspring of viviparous neighbors. They can arrange a real hunt for some fish! On the other hand, there are some species from foreign families that can be safely planted in an aquarium to the scalars. For example, if the scalars are kept close to a flock of Sumatran barbs (Barbus tetrazona), then the latter will begin to gnaw on their fins and will continue to do so until there is nothing left of their former splendor. In addition to conventional scalars , other species are also known: large scaly (P. Altum ) and scaly sharply (P. Leopoldi ): the first is imported quite often, and the second is less common.

339.jpg (72964 bytes) Pterophyllum scalare
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Differences between different species of the genus Pterophyllum are visible in the shape of the head:
1) P. scalare; 2) P. leopoldi; 3) P. altum

P. altum comes from Orinoco and some of its tributaries. His body is unusually high, and his snout is bent upwards, so it seems that he has a "saddle nose". With the wrong content (too tight aquarium, too few shelters) these fish can become very shy. Concerning the reproduction in captivity, nothing is known. Differences between the sexes of a scalar and determine not so easily; They can be judged more quickly by the behavior of these fish. If nothing hinders them in the general aquarium, it may turn out that they will spawn there. Producers guard the caviar, and then the fry until they swim. However, right after that, young fish have many enemies. If you want to grow them, you have to put somebody: either the fry, or their neighbors. In close relationship with the scalars are discus . It is difficult to contain them. They need, especially for spawning, very soft water ( 1 -5 ° dH) at a pH between 6.2 and 6.6 (and even more acidic). The main danger is in the diseases to which these fish are exposed; The pathogens they carry in themselves. Fans of discus, as a rule, fight with three enemies. The first of these is a parasite from the simplest genus Spironucleus (hardly a common person knows such a name). It is almost identical to the flagellate Nehamita, called some aquarists " Ostomi t us". Although this flagellate changed its name, it did not cease to feud with our fish. Due to poor environmental conditions for the fish (the aquarium is not the Amazon!), The parasite multiplies by millions in its intestine, and from there it spreads to other organs. With this flagellate, we are fighting with the drug "Clont" (sold by prescription). According to Schubert, one tablet (250 mg of active substance) must be dissolved in 62.5 liters of water, treated with fish for four days and during this period does not filter water through coal. Even easier (and cheaper) is this treatment these days: you can buy this active substance not in tablets, but in powder. The drug is called Metronidazol (Dr. Augus t Wolff) and is available in pharmacies (as part of prescription drugs) in 10-gram bottles. The drug should be kept in the dark place! The powder dissolves in water at room temperature; 4 grams is enough for 1000 liters of water, 2 grams - about 500 liters, etc. Another threat to fish - gill parasites. Their presence is easy to determine by the rapid breathing of fish. Parasitic worms in an unfavorable case can quickly multiply, and then for an aquarium this will be the beginning of a catastrophe. You can successfully defeat it with the help of Masoten. This medicine is developed for commercial fish and therefore is sold in packaging of 500 grams. For our treatment, no more than 0.4 mg / l is needed. An accidental overdose will hurt not so much the discus as other fish, for example, catfish, because they often live in the same aquarium. The course of treatment should begin at a temperature of about 28 ° C and last 4 days (be careful with the eyes, the drug is very caustic !). After that, you need to change as much water as possible, and after eight to ten days, repeat the treatment, because the medicine can not destroy the eggs of some worm-parasites. It can be assumed that new worms appeared during this period of time. The cause of peptic ulcer, which is notorious, Schubert considers a bacterial infection, which can be controlled with the help of sulfanilamide preparations. The medicine should be added to the aquarium water (100 mg / l), and it will dissolve quickly. After a six-day treatment, the medicine can be removed by filtration through activated charcoal or water replacement.

341.jpg (102640 bytes) This "test catch" was to see the color of the fish inhabiting here.
342.jpg (98017 bytes) "Royalblue" , wild form

Discussions live in the central part of the Amazon basin and are also found in the river beds (and near them) east of the Colombian city of Petition (in the upper Amazon) and up to the delta of this grand stream of water, as well as in its tributaries. There are two types and several subspecies: Symphysodon discus, which in its nominal form S. d. Discus occurs in the Rio Negro (from Manaus to the confluence of Rio Branco); His subspecies Sd willischwartzi, which was discovered south of the Amazon, in the waters of the tributary of Madeira. The second known species in aquarium (and partly selective) species is the eight - band discus ( Symphysodon aequifasciatus). In addition to the original form, two other subspecies are known, so that all three forms are called Sa aequifasciatus, Sa axelrodi, Sa haraldi. Already in 1986 (KUL L ANDER) they were declared synonymous.

343.gif (35156 bytes) Symphysodon discus in a special tank for photographing.

So, the names of the selection forms are: green discus, brown discus, blue discus. The habitat of these subspecies: from the border of Colombia to about the city of Tefe ( Sa. aequifasciatus), the region of the river Purus and Manakapur ( Sa. haraldi) and east of Manakapur to Belen ( Sa. axelrodi). Of the first two subspecies, astonishing forms were derived. Unfortunately, there are a lot of "hybrids", and a gullible aquarist who bought an unknown fish is waiting for disappointment (after all, in young individuals, the magnificence of colors is not yet indicated).

344.jpg (93912 bytes) The color form is "pale turquoise". The covers of this fish contain a nutritional secret for fry, and this reduces the intensity of the coloring. (From above - male, from below - female)
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346.jpg (112103 bytes) Male with fry, color variation "Redroyal"
347.jpg (111460 bytes) The so-called "diamond-turquoise" discus
348.jpg (61784 bytes) Uaru, young specimen
349.jpg (71587 bytes) Uaru amphiacanthoides

Organize an aquarium for discus is easy. The main thing is that it should be great. The calculation is as follows: 50 ~ 80 liters of water per fish (this is the lower limit), and the more, the better. For reproduction, one pair must be launched into a 300 - 400-liter reservoir! Of course, those aquarists who are not going to breed discus, want to see in their aquarium and bottom soil, and ornamental plants. In such a case, it is recommended that you make PVC pallets (material that does not release toxic substances into the water) on the basis of the bottom. In such pallets or pots you can fill the soil and plant the plants, and if necessary, easily remove them from the aquarium (to clean). Large branches, roots and driftwood replace the fish habitual branches of fallen trees. They must be hung in the aquarium in such a way that the fish can be located below them, under them. Feeding these fish is a separate story, having learned that many aquarists refuse the idea of ​​keeping them. Discussions like tubule and white larvae, but they do not appreciate daphnia, red bloodworms and small cyclops. But, unfortunately, the pipe-man is not the cheapest food, and the one who has six or eight discus around his neck understands perfectly well what he is threatening. Reproduction of these fish is a game for patience, even if all possible conditions are created. The only search for fish male and female in the flock requires professional knowledge and skill. At the same time, the fish have to be constantly monitored so that it is possible to come to the necessary conclusions. Caviar is swept out mostly on a hard substrate, snags or plants. After hatching the fry are transported to a secluded place. It often happens that they just hang elsewhere on the same substrate until the yolk sac breaks and they swim. The first days and weeks they live at the cost of "merging" and "skin" of their parents. The transition to the smallest types of live food (nauplii artemia) is not so difficult, but to increase the size of feed crumbs together with the growth of fish, while selecting the right types of food - it is a complicated matter. Of course, contain discus and especially their breeding is recommended only to experienced aquarists. But it is the complexity of this task that attracts many fans!

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The biotope of discus (Rio Negro): one can imagine that many fish, including the discus that inhabit it, seek refuge in these roots when the water rises high.

And, finally, to complete the description of the American family of cichlids, I must say a few words about another species. Like discus, in the hands of traders, it finds a high price: it is a clypeal cichlid (Uaru amphiacanthoides, first described in 1840 with Symphysodon discus Weckel). These fish inhabit the Amazon basin to Guyana itself. Adult individuals can grow up to 30 cm, but in an aquarium they are never so large. Calm cichlids prefer a calm society, and therefore they can be kept together with discus. Like other cichlids (for example, cichlasma), they like shelters that resemble caves where they can hide. Some claims to water quality they "took" with them from South America, their homeland: the water should be soft and slightly acidic. As for the temperature, then their taste is no different from the taste of discus: cold water can not be. This species multiplies and at home, but only fries require more care than other large cichids. Young people are painted in dark colors, and their final color attire acquires only together with sexual maturity.