Labyrinth (Belontiidae)

In this species of Belontia , Betta, Colisa , Macropodus , Malpulutta , Porosphromenus , Pseudosphromenus, Spherichthys , Malpulutta, (Sphaeccrichthys), Trichogaster (Trichogaster) and Trichopsis (Trichopsis). Labyrinth they are called because they have an additional respiratory organ - a labyrinth. Yes, this is perhaps hard to believe, but among fish there are certain species that can choke in their life environment (water) if they do not have the opportunity to breathe atmospheric air. The bone labyrinth is located in the subcostal forebrain, it is sinuous and densely covered with blood vessels; On top of it covers only the skin. In a sense, it performs the function of the lungs. The meaning of the labyrinth is that it gives fish the opportunity to live and survive in oxygen-poor waters.

402.jpg (32095 bytes) The labyrinth is an additional respiratory organ; It is located behind the eyes of the fish.

Thus, the fish of this family, once "pioneers" among aquarium fish, could exist in primitive first aquariums without additional supply of oxygen. These fish in nature usually look for themselves under the shelter of grasses overgrown with streams or backwaters. To provide clutch with the necessary oxygen, males of many species build foam nests on the water surface in areas of calm flow. From the atmospheric air small bubbles form with the help of saliva; Being in rows, they make up such a nest. During spawning the male covers the female in such a way that it sweeps the belly up with the belly, and it enters the foamy nest. The fallen eggs are collected by both parents and sent back to the nest. Then the male starts to guard the nest, and at the same time releases new air bubbles all the time , so that the nest with eggs is kept on the surface of the water. Two days after the fertilization of the eggs, the larvae hatch, and soon after their yolk sac breaks through, they begin to feed on the smallest live food. Careful: the father's concern for the offspring does not last long. And those fry that grow faster happens to attack their smaller brothers and sisters.

Macropods ( Macropodus opercularis and M. chinensis) live in regions stretching from Korea through China to Vietnam itself. In the aquarium, they grow to 8 cm. The first species was previously considered the most suitable fish for the aquarium, because it did not need a lot of oxygen and could perfectly live in un-aerated tanks . These undemanding fish should not be kept in common aquariums because they can behave scandalously towards their neighbors. But if these neighbors are stronger, the macropods become fearful. And if you think about it, you inevitably come to the conclusion that they need a species aquarium. Densely planted (grass) aquariums, where there can also be floating plants on the water surface, correspond to the natural living space of these fish. They are omnivorous; They need a medium hardness water and a temperature of about 24 ° C. The body they are most often beautifully colored in red, and over this main background there are dusky, blue-colored transverse bands. The back is somewhat darker, and the gills are lighter. All fins are long, they are also decorated with a red-black-blue dashed and dot pattern. Macropodus chinensis reaches a length of 6 cm; But in an ordinary tropical aquarium he does not live long. The water temperature for it should be lowered to 20-22 ° C.

360.jpg (90458 bytes) Macropodus chinensis

The most famous representative of the genus Betta is the betta, or cockerel (B. Splendens); Many of its breeds, derived not only in the homeland of this fish, but also in other countries , helped it "make a career" among aquarists around the world. Petushkas originate from slowly flowing rivers or stagnant water bodies and met initially in certain regions of Southeast Asia, not only in Thailand (formerly Siam), but also from Burma to Vietnam . Wild forms do not have such long unpaired fins, this is the result of selection. Veal-tailed forms exist in many color variations. Males-males are distinguished by round dorsal and caudal fins, as well as an elongated anal tapering posteriorly. Meanwhile, to keep constantly available for sale fighting fishes for many aquarists is a far from easy task. Handsome males (especially they) live with them for several days or weeks, and one day they roll around corpses. On the other hand, it is established that in an ordinary glass jar they can live very long. Petushkas need warmth; They love the protective greens of dense plants. Through numerous trials I found that they are better kept in species aquariums than in general ones. The water in their native biotopes is usually quite mild. Pedigree specimens (and most often they are referred to) are well able to adapt and, as a rule, agree to live in any healthy water. But for spawning, soft water is needed.

359.jpg (92960 bytes) Pizza fish B. Splendens, female
361.jpg (250633 bytes)
Betta splendens during mating games; The picture is taken through the glass of a special aquarium.

These fighting fishes, like other representatives of the genus Betta - B. 1 m bellis, V. smaragdina, V. coccina and others - also belong to the builders of foam nests. But some species of the same genus do not use this method and prefer a more reliable way of incubating eggs in the mouth (B. breden, B. picta, B. rigpa and B. taeniata). In all cases, the male takes care of the offspring: construction and protection of the foamy nest, where the eggs, and then the fry, are kept under the auspices of the "male half" of the family. And fish that incubate eggs in the mouth, foam nests do not equip. They spawn, as a rule, near the bottom. After mowing eggs and fertilization, the calf takes the female in its mouth first, but soon spits it out by the partner, and then it passes into the mouth of the male. As the very name of the fighting fish, or the cockerel, says about it, the males do not differ in its tolerance . The fact that two males, if they are contained in one aquarium, consider it each their own territory and fight for it to death, has become in Asia a reason for entertainment or sports. After all, even when the adult and young males are near and the second is quite ready to reconcile with his subordinate position, it does not last long. This way of behavior is basically nothing more than habits brought from a natural territory, but only the weaker can not hide from a stronger one, as it happens in natural reservoirs. And the fact that the continuation of the genus is entrusted to stronger males, was established by Charles Darwin, the creator of the evolutionary theory . Not only rival males feel the combat temper of the dominant individual. Also, the females, if they are placed in the same aquarium, first experience jerks and strikes, and then with special "gestures of humility" (tilted down the head) and other signals (changing the pattern on the body, the appearance of transverse bands) make it clear that they are ready for Spawning.

Petushki, like other labyrinthine fishes, are great masters of eating food. They take different types of food, but still you can say that they prefer mosquito larvae. Only if this type of food is enough, and the water temperature is from 28 to 30 ° C, the males fully manifest their vitality.

The genus Colisa covers 4 species; All of them are constantly imported as aquarium fish and almost always are on sale. Honey gourami (S. sota) - this crumb is only 4.5 cm long.

362.jpg (97504 bytes)
Male Colisa sota in a wedding dress

His native places lie to the northeast of India: in Assam and Bangladesh, where the great Brahmaputra absorbs the waters running from the north, and carries them to the Indian Ocean. The water there is rather mild, 3 - 4 ° dH, but not acidic: the pH is 7.5. Inhabited in an aquarium, these fish show their ability to adapt to the rigidity of water. Aquarium water should not be very soft, but this should be spawning water. The water temperature is important, and it should also be within the usual for aquarium fish: from 25 to 28 ° C. Honey gouramis take any kind of dry and live food, the latter with special pleasure. These small fish do not need to run into one tank with larger ones, because it does not bring it to good. Although much depends on the society itself: if it takes the small gurus , then life in the aquarium will be calm and harmonious. Reproduction by honey gourami is usually not a difficult matter. True, there are among them such groups, which spawn from the first time does not work. The male builds a foamy nest from rather large bubbles; It lasts a long time, and the male is constantly engaged in its improvement. Among these gurus there are real masters of architecture, especially if you compare buildings with the size of the fish themselves - their nests turn out to be huge, the size of a palm. With good care, only males are distinguished by beauty.

Lalious (Colisa la li ) grows to 6 cm, he is more than his relatives, which were discussed above. Coloring of the male from rusty-red to sky-blue, with slanting bands across the body. The females are more faded, in greyish-beige tones. Lailiuses come from Northeast India: Bengal and Assam. In Southeast Asia, local aquarists removed from the main form a variety of other forms of exceptionally beautiful colors, dominated by luminous red and neon-blue. Fish of this species are also engaged in the construction of nests, that is, multiply in the manner described above. Breeding them is very simple, but it is only recommended to have a species aquarium. Striped colisa ( Colisa fasciata) and lyabis (S. tobtoso) are close relatives, and their habitats are also nearby. The first is found in the rich reservoirs of the regions of Northeast India to the border with Bangladesh. On the east side, the living space of the lybiosis (Burma) adjoins these regions. Two of these fish are distinguished only in size, but otherwise they are very similar. The first grows to "giant" sizes: 10-12 cm, and in the second species even large males do not grow longer than 8-9 cm. Both species build foam nests, and the fecundity of striped colizae is very high: about 800 eggs in one masonry.

363.jpg (84974 bytes) Colisa la lia, neon-blue, hybrid form, male
364.jpg (88360 bytes) Colisa lа liа usual coloring, male

Even larger than C. fasclata are different species of the genus Trichogaster , including such known as pearl, or tulle gurus (T. leerii) , lunar ( T. microlepis) and spotted (T. trchopterus) having Not only different breeds, but also subspecies Tt sumatransus.

367.jpg (80228 bytes) Trichogaster trchopterus, subspecies Tt sumatransus

Most fish of this species easily get used to the society. But just do not have to attach small and sensitive neighbors to them in the aquarium! Most often in domestic aquariums live pearl gurus , and if the tank for it is quite spacious, then the gurus grow to 10-12 cm. But in ordinary small aquariums, it stops growing at 8-10 cm. If they are properly taken care of, these fish are simply Are gorgeous. They need, as already said, a spacious aquarium (about 100 cm in length), dense vegetation in the background, and in the front free space for swimming. Neighborhood with the barbs, which begin to gnaw their long fins, they can not stand! It is recommended to keep the water temperature at least 24 ° C, but in general the color of the fish is revealed in all its splendor, if the water is somewhat warmer: from 26 to 28 ° C. But it may happen that for other fish in the aquarium this heat is unnecessary, . Trichogaster, colipes and the trichops described below are not gourmets, they accept normal types of food, although, like other omnivorous fish, they prefer meat food, for example, mosquito larvae.

365.jpg (38461 bytes) Trichopsis pumilus

All three known species of the genus Trichopsis - T. pumilus, T. schalleri and T. vittatus - are excellent pets for a medium sized aquarium (60 - 80 cm long). They grow to 4.6 and 6.5 cm; To the water hardness, no special requirements are imposed. In Southeast Asia, they multiply, building foam nests, that is, in the same way as most members of their family. They are all called "nagging gurus," although this name refers primarily to the species T. vittatus. Representatives of both sexes make sounds with the help of their labyrinthine organ. These grunting hoarse signals are part of the marriage game, they are given in the face of a rivalry or struggle. Despite the noise that these fish produce, it is quite possible to place them in one aquarium with others, but only not very pugnacious.

366.jpg (73420 bytes) Sphaerichthys osphromeno ides

The gourmet chocolate, or Malay (Sphaerichthys osphromeno ides) for a long time was for many aquarists a book with seven seals. This 5-centimeter inhabitant of the peninsula of Malacca and Sumatra was attributed to all possible ways of procreation: he was called both viviparous, and building a foamy nest, and incubating caviar in his mouth. And the whole point is that the breeding of these fish (as well as labyrinths in general) is not so easy. The natural process in them, incubating eggs in the mouth, differs significantly from that adopted in other species, since this comes from a different living space; He lives in pits and puddles, where the water because of the fallen branches and leaves is painted in a dark brown color, where the pH is 5.5, and softness is extreme. In such water bodies, water warms up to a temperature of 28 to 30 ° C. When you know about these indicators, you will not be surprised that the usual ways of reproduction in these fish can not be. If you decide to acquire these fish (and by the way, it often happens that they were already injured at the time of purchase because of the wrong content), then they need to provide them with optimal conditions and feed for a long time. In case of appearance of signs of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment, and medicamentous. But the choice of these species in specialized stores is never greater. Many aquarists have tried to reproduce these species, in which the female incubates caviar in the mouth, but most of the time nothing came of it.

403.jpg (121874 bytes) View of the biotope, where Ceylon "macro" lives in the highlands of Sri Lanka.
368.jpg (86215 bytes) Freshly caught Belontia signata

About the rest of the representatives of other genera in this family, there is almost nothing to say. Sometimes imported Pseudosphromenus cupanus or Malpulutta kretsen, but interest in these species from South India and Sri Lanka is still mostly specialists, and even few. These fish also come from soft waters, where males build foam nests for spawning. From the island of Sri Lanka (the former Ceylon), by the way, Ceylon "macro" (Belontia signata) takes place. This inhabitant of Ceylon, reaching a length of 12 cm and building a foamy nest, needs a large aquarium (about 120 cm) with rich vegetation and shelters resembling caves. In relation to the more affectionate neighbors, these fish behave often very rudely, and therefore it is recommended to populate them along with peaceful fish of the same size as themselves.