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Non-communicable diseases FISH

Non-communicable diseases are acute, transitory and tend to disappear after the removal of their cause, chronic and sometimes irreversible, leading to curvature of the caudal peduncle, visceral obesity, degeneration and infertility. The majority of non-communicable diseases associated with metabolic disorders. Since this weakens the immune system, they may be accompanied by secondary infectious diseases.
Causes acute noninfectious diseases are typically:
- Oxygen deficiency;
- Infringement of temperature;
- Poisoning of poor quality food;
- Poisoning by toxic substances;
- Sudden shifts indicator of water PH.
Causes of chronic non-contagious diseases are typically:
- Long-term exposure to low or high temperatures;
- Prolonged exposure to excessively hard or soft water;
- Monotonous feeding.
Before turning to the specific disease, the symptoms, consider non-communicable diseases and related possible diagnoses:

possible diagnoses
Active swallowing air Anoxia
Apathy, lethargy Anemia , acidosis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract , understated temperature obesity viscera , nitrates poisoning, chlorine poisoning
Infertility Obesity internal organs
Anxiety, fearfulness Acidosis , gas embolism
Bulging abdomen Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, the cyst sexual products , visceral obesity
Slowing or stopping the movement of the gill covers Acidosis, gas embolism , understated temperature
cyst milt temperature too low
Brown gills Poisoning nitrites
Dystaxia Alkalosis , ammonia poisoning
Underdevelopment of the gill covers B-vitamin deficiency
Tumors C-deficiency disease
Clarification gills Poisoning by chlorine
Stunting A vitaminoz, anemia
Ottopyrivanie gills Anoxia
Swimming belly up Acidosis
Sidestroke Acidosis, gas embolism, understated temperature
Swimming at the water surface Anoxia
blanching gills poisoning by nitrates
Damage to the gills Alkalosis, poisoning of iron hydroxide
Raising scales Gas embolism
wiggle Understated temperature
Redness sional holes Inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract
Blurred eyes A vitamin deficiency, alkalosis, gas embolism
Attempts to jump out of the water Alkalosis, acidosis, overstated temperature , poisoning ammonia , chlorine poisoning
Darkening of the body color ammonia poisoning
Loss of appetite Beriberi , anemia, understated temperature dystrophy
Dulling the body color A vitamin deficiency, alkalosis, acidosis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
The appearance of spots on the body milk Acidosis
Cold eggs Understated temperature
exophthalmia C-deficiency disease
The destruction of the connective tissue of the fins Gas embolism
Fish lie on bottom Understated temperature
Fish rushing on the aquarium Alkalosis, temperature is too high, chlorine poisoning
The accumulation of gas bubbles under the skin Gas embolism
Blindness Alkalosis
Slizeotdelenie the gills Alkalosis, chlorine poisoning
Slizeotdelenie Body Poisoning chlorine alkalosis
Mucous, nitievidnye, bloody feces Inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract
convulsions Alkalosis
Convulsive body shake and fins Gas embolism
Convulsive contraction of the gill covers Acidosis
Suffocation poisoning by nitrates
rapid breathing Alkalosis
state of shock Understated temperature

Now consider each disease separately and in more detail:

Inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract
Gas embolism
Cyst sexual products
Obesity internal organs
The temperature is too high or too low
Poisoning iron hydroxide
Poisoning detergents
Poisoning food rotting organic matter
Poisoning by chlorine
Poisoning epoxy putty
Peptic ulcer disease

Fish diseases ago forward Infectious disease
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