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parasitic diseases


Plerocercoids Ligulidae Ligula columbi, Ligula intenstinalis, Ligula pavlovskii. Tapeworms reach a length of more than 1 meter in width and 1.6 cm. The body is white, flattened, rounded at the front end has two holes in the form of slits along the ventral groove runs.

Eggs with the feces eating birds into the water, of which a few days at a temperature of 23 - 25 degrees out larvae, ciliated - coracidium which floats freely 1.5 - 2 hours. Larva ingests the first intermediate host - Cyclops and daphnia in the gut which is formed from coracidium hexacanth penetrating into the body cavity of the media, where they are transformed into plerocercoid. Crustaceans swallow fish (second intermediate host). From the intestines of fish plerocercoids fall into the body cavity, and wherein increasing. Such fish eat waterfowl (third intermediate host), in which the intestine after 3 - 5 days Ligulidae become sexually mature and begin to lay eggs.

The abdominal cavity is affected, whereby it interferes with the normal activity of internal organs. Plerocercoids, as they grow, squeezing the internal organs, which is why the last atrophy. The abdomen swells and becomes hard, the fish swims on its side or belly up, in the upper layer of water, loses appetite. The walls of the body of the fish do not stand up and burst. As a result, the fish dies.

The disease is diagnosed on the basis of epidemiological analysis, examination and autopsy.

Infected fish kill.
The drugs to be added to dry food:

  • Piperazine 100 mg to 25 g of food;
  • Sulfamonometoksina 200 mg to 50 g of food.

Tubifex and bloodworms infused liquid 5% piperazine for 15 - 20 minutes. Duration of treatment 1 - 2 weeks.

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