Aquarium Selection Installing the aquarium Aquarium accessories Water in the aquarium Primer for the aquarium Stones, snags and other Lighting in an aquarium Aeration and filtration Heating the aquarium First start Fish, place of origin Diseases of fish Feeding fish Plants Diseases of plants Care of the aquarium Seaweed Isotivation of the aquarium at home Breeding fish Snails and invertebrates


There are about 1500 species of fish parasites. Infectious diseases are:
1. Invasive (parasitic) diseases that are caused by parasites of animal origin: protozooses (caused by flagellates, sporoviks, infusoria), helminthiases (caused by parasitic worms), krustaceozy (caused by parasitic crustaceans).
2. Infectious diseases, which are caused by pathogens of plant origin: bacteria, viruses, parasitic fungi.
Often, the causative agents of infectious diseases enter the aquarium with the feed, which was extracted in the reservoir where the fish is found. Carriers of worms, infusorians, fungi and other pathogenic protozoa are many species of plankton and benthic animals used as feed. Thus, the intermediate hosts of the trematode worms Dactylogurus vastafor, Girodactilus elegans, protozoan parasites can be Cyclops and rotifers. With poorly treated moth and tubule, Ichthyophthirius multifilliis, Costia necatrix, Chilodonella cyprini, and some other pathogens fall into the aquarium.
Many of the causative agents of infectious diseases affect certain species of fish. Thus, infusoria affects only freshwater fish, Ichthyosporidium (Ichthyophonus) hoferi affects organs and tissues of marine and freshwater fish.

Since many types of contagious diseases are spreading among fish living in the same aquarium, fish that have undeniable signs of a contagious disease must be immediately caught, removed from the aquarium and placed in a separate aquarium where treatment will be performed to prevent the spread of the disease.
All externally healthy fish from the aquarium are transplanted into another with fresh water of the same temperature. From the aquarium, remove plants, stones, soil and, if necessary, produce disinfection.
Treatment of diseased fish can be carried out in a common aquarium for a long time, adding small doses of medicines to the aquarium water, and using short-term baths, i.e. In a separate vessel with a large dose of medications. Treatment can also be carried out with the help of individual therapeutic lotions.
If the treatment takes place in a common aquarium, the drug is dissolved in a glass of water, taking into account the volume of water in the aquarium. Add the drug to the water for 30 minutes, constantly mixing the water. In order for the medicine to mix well, it is necessary to purge the water.
Vessels for therapeutic baths should be either glass or glass. It is desirable to have three vessels, in each of which there would be fresh water of the same temperature and chemical composition. When treating baths, the doses of drugs are higher than when treated in a common aquarium, so they should be accurate, and for juveniles in 1.5 - 2 times lower than for adult fish.
Solutions for medicinal baths are prepared anew, before each procedure. Since all fish are equally tolerated by some medicinal solutions, first the fish with the most pronounced signs of the disease are placed in the first vessel. The drug is diluted in a glass of water for 5 minutes, stirring, add to the vessel with fish. At the same time, they observe its condition. Leapfrogging, turning the fish - indicates a bad reaction of the fish to the drug or its concentration. In this case, add the drug and stop adding fresh water. In case the fish normally tolerates it, the concentration is increased. Exposure depends on the drug used.
After the procedure, the fish are transplanted into the second vessel in order not to die, but only the parasites that are in shock, recovered, could not again attack the fish. After 30 minutes, the fish are transplanted into a third vessel. In the first and third vessels, water must be purged.
When the procedures are repeated, the first vessel is washed, disinfected, poured into it with fresh water and in the same way the preparation is made, the remaining vessels are also disinfected and poured with fresh water. Between sessions, the rest of the inventory should be disinfected. Feed the fish in the third vessel only with live food.
With a deep introduction of parasites into the skin, you can resort to therapeutic lotions. In doing so, use a cotton swab moistened with drugs with high concentration. For lotions apply the following drugs:
1) 0.5 g of trypaflavine per 1 liter of water.
2) 1 g of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water.
Gadgets do for 1-2 minutes, and the body of the fish, except for the affected areas, should be on cotton wool, moistened with water. The same cotton wool should be covered with gills, since there the medicine should not fall into any case. The tampon is applied several times to the affected area, after which the fish is released into the jigging tank. Gadgets can be done twice a day, until the affected area is free from parasites. Each time a fresh solution is prepared. Lotions are effective for severe damage to the body and fins of fish with saprolignosis, the argument, for the treatment of gray plaque with boneosis.
Sometimes it happens that the fish dies during treatment. The reason for this is not the disease itself, but the impact of the unfavorable conditions of a close insulator. Fish are killed and because of the wrong concentration and aging time in the solution of the drug substance.

Many infusorians, flagellates, flukes, causing diseases such as ichthyophthiridiosis, trizodinia, chylodonellosis, kookosis, oodinioz, hexamytosis, cryptobiosis, dactylogyrosis, gyrodactylosis, left without a host, can live in the aquarium for a relatively short time. If there is full confidence that the causative agents were the above listed parasites, disinfection of the aquarium is optional. It is enough for 15 days to remove fish from the aquarium and for 12 days to maintain the temperature in the aquarium 24-26 degrees, 3 days - 32-33 degrees. Uncovered parasites will die in the first three days, and covered with cyst, developing in 3-12 days, will not find a new master and die after three days (temperature of 32-33 degrees will kill them). After the specified period, you can start the fish back.
However, most pathogens of contagious diseases can live in the aquarium for a long time or remain on the inventory in the form of cysts, eggs, etc. In such cases, the aquarium, plants, soil, inventory are subject to disinfection.
To disinfect the aquarium, a disinfectant solution is usually used. The filter material, nebulizers, nets are boiled for 10-15 minutes. Heaters, thermometers, hoses, filter housing (meaning plastic), rubber suckers can not be boiled. They are treated with disinfectant solutions. Sprays can be immersed in nitric acid for several hours. The equipment is also cleaned with a soft brush, washed several times with water. The aquarium ground is boiled for 30 minutes or replaced with a new one.
There are various preparations for disinfection of the aquarium and inventory:

  • 0.1% potassium permanganate solution;
  • 3% solution of chloramine;
  • 4% formalin solution;
  • 5% solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid;
  • 5% solution of bleach.

The aquarium is poured with a solution to the edges. The next day, the solution is poured. When detecting mycobacteriosis, it is useless to use acid preparations, since bacteria do not react to them. In such cases, you can apply washing powders (450 g of powder for 30-40 liters of water). In the same solution, you can flush and inventory. After disinfection, all the objects are washed several times with warm water and rinsed. After this, pour water into the aquarium, leave it for a few days, then pour out and this time it is poured completely.
For disinfection, water ozonation or irradiation with a bactericidal lamp can be used for 15-20 minutes. Plants (if they are not subject to destruction) are usually placed for 2-3 days in a solution of penicillin (50 mg per 10 liters of water). You can also use a solution of bicillin-5 from the calculation of 150000 units per 10 liters of water. Disinfection of previously washed plants is carried out in a vessel with water at a temperature of 24-26 degrees for 5-6 days. A freshly prepared solution is added once a day, after replacing the water. In the first two hours, the vessel is shaded, then kept under normal illumination.
In some diseases (for example, in plystophorosis, glue-hepatosis, nodular disease, the causative agents of which may be at rest in the form of spores, protected by a shell), the disinfection of the aquarium and aquatic vegetation does not lead to a positive result. In this case, the plants must be destroyed.
Before turning to the consideration of specific diseases, we will become acquainted with the symptoms of infectious diseases and the possible diagnoses associated with them:

Apathy, lethargy Dactylogyrosis, karyophyllosis, cryptobiosis, trienophorosis, aeromonosis, dropsy, ichthyosporidosis, saprollegiosis, enteritis
Asphyxiation (fish swim near the water surface) Hydrodactylosis, dactylogyrosis, diplizonosis, ichthyophthiridiosis, karyophillosis, bonyosis, cryptobiosis, sanguinicolosis, tetrachimenosis, trichodiosis, chylodonellosis, aeromonosis, white skin, columbariosis, nodular disease
Whitish bumps on the body Ichthyophthiridiosis
White plaque in the form of moss, cotton wool Colonaria
Belmo Saprollegyosis, dysthistomatosis
Anxiety Argulose, gyrodactylosis, dactylogyrosis, ichthyophthiridiosis, kooosis, planariasis, chylodonellosis
Dish bloating Caryophyllosis, ligulosis, trienophorosis, sanguinicosis, aeromonosis, hydrops
Inflammation or protrusion of the anus Hexamitosis, aeromonosis, dropsy, enteritis
Inflammation of the abdomen Plystophore
Bladder loss Hexamytosis
Rectal prolapse Hexamytosis
Raising the upper fin from the water Whites
Bluish-gray, bluish-white spots or plaque Kostiotiasis, trichodyniasis, chylondonellosis, fin rot
Dirty-white strands on the body Saprollegyosis
Golden plaque on the body Oodinosis
Exhaustion Argulose, hexamytosis, gyrodactylosis, ichthyophthiridiosis, cariophyllosis, planariasis, ichthyosporidosis, mycobacteriosis, vesicular disease, plastophorosis
Vibrational motion, wiggle Gyrodactylosis, tetrachinomenes, trichodyniasis, chylodonellosis
Hemorrhages Argulose
Anemia Discoctomy
Mosaic gill coloration Dactylogyrosis, sanguinosis, branchiomycosis
Milky-bluish scurf or spots on the body Gyrodactylosis
Violation of coordination of movements Caryophyllosis, ichthyosporidosis, plastophorosis
Tumors on the gills Nodular disease
Tumors on the skin Gluegeotoz, ichthyosporidosis, lymphocytosis, carp pox, nodular disease
Puffiness Argulose, dropsy
Skin exfoliation Ichthyophthiridiosis, chylondonellosis
Flaking mucus Tetrachinomenes, trichodyniasis
Growth lag Gyrodactylosis, lymphocytosis, carp pox
No response to external stimuli Gyrodactylosis, dactylogyrosis, ichthyophthiridiosis, boneosis, tetrachinomenes, trichodyniasis, aeromoniasis, branchemicosis
Floating Abdomen Ligulose
Swimming upside down Gyrodactylosis, branhyomycosis
Swim down the tail Plystophore
Sidestroke Gyrodactylosis, ligulosis, trichodiosis, branchiomycosis, gliueatosis, ichthyosporidosis
Jogging Oodinosis, chylondonellosis, ichthyosporidosis, plastophorosis
Fins tightened Cystiosis, plafophorosis
Whitening of the mouth Colonaria
Whitening, lightening of the skin Belokozhie, dropsy, mycobacteriosis, plastophorosis
Blanching of the gills Dactylogyrosis, discotocytosis, cryptobiosis, trichodynia
Scaling Lerneosis, sanguinosis, aeromonosis, dropsy, ichthyosporidosis, lepidorrhosis
Redness of the gills Cryptobiosis, sanguinosis
Redness of the skin Argulose, gyrodactylosis, aeromonosis
Blurred vision Gyrodactylosis, dysthistomatosis, fin rot
Attempts to jump out of the water Chilodonellosis
Darkening of color Ichthyosporidosis, enteritis
Loss of appetite Hexamytosis, gyrodactylosis, dactylogyrosis, diplozionosis, ichthyophthiridiosis, karyophyllosis, kooosis, cryptobiosis, ligulosis, planariasis, trienophorosis, chylodonellosis, branychomycosis, ichthyosporidosis, mycobacteriosis, saprollegiasis, enteritis
Bubbles Cryptobiosis
The Euphorbia Diplozstomatosis, sanguinicosis, aeromonosis, dropsy, gluegeotoz, ichthyosporidosis, mycobacteriosis
Destruction of the eyes Ichthyosporidosis
Destruction or deformation of gills Gyrodactylosis, dactylogyrosis, cryptobiosis, sanguinicolosis, tetraonchiasis, branciomycosis, columbariosis, nodular disease
Fracture or deformation of fins Gyrodactylosis, ichthyophthiridiosis, boneosis, odinosis, chylodonellosis, aeromonosis, ichthyosporidosis, mycobacteriosis, fin rot, saprollegiosis
Destruction of the skin, bruising, wounds Ichthyophthiridiosis, boneosis, ichthyosporidosis, columbariosis, vesicoury, enteritis
Rupture of the walls of the body Ligulose
Wounds on the gills Discochoteliasis, branchiomycosis
Fish stay at the surface of the water, but the air does not swallow Branchiomycosis
Fish hide in plants Argulose
Gray swelling on gills Diplozonosis
Gray or matt plaque or stains Cryptobiosis, odinosis, tetracymenosis, chylodonellosis, carp pox, plafophorosis
Gluing the fins Oedinosis, saprollegyosis
Mucosation on gills Dactylogyrosis, diplozonosis, discotocytosis, koioz, cryptobiosis, trichodynia
Mucosation on the body Argulose, dinosaurs, cryptobiosis, odinosis, tetracymenosis, trichodiosis, chillodonellosis
Adhesions between the gill lobes Dactylogyrosis
Dark blue gill coloration Branchiomycosis
Friction about underwater objects Argulose, gyrodactylosis, bonyosis, odinosis, planariasis, trichodiosis, chylodonellosis, branchiomyosis
Ulcers, abscesses Argulose, gyrodactylosis, lerneosis, aeromonosis, ichthyosporidosis, mycobacteriosis, vesicular disease, plafophorosis, peptic ulcer disease

Now consider each disease separately and in more detail:

Argulose Aeromonose (Rubella) Hexamytosis (octomithosis) is a discursive disease Whites Gyrodactylosis Branchiomycosis (gill decay) Dactylogyrosis Dropsy Diplozonosis Gliuteiosis (glueosis) Diplozstomatosis (Cataract eye) Ichthyosporidiosis (ichthyophonosis, drunkenness) Discoctomy Colonariosis (false neon disease) Ichthyophthiridiosis (Ichthyophthirius) Lepidortosis (infectious scales lift) Caryophyllosis Lymphocytosis (groinlike nodulation) Kostiosis (Kostiasis, Ichthyobedosis) Mycobacteriosis (tuberculosis of fish) Cryptobiosis Disruptive Disease Lerneosis Smallpox carp Ligulose Fin fungus Oodinosis (odinus, "golden dust", "velvet disease") Plistoforoz (neon disease) Piscicosis Saprollegiosis (saprolegnia, dermatomycosis) Planariasis Nodular disease Sanguinosis Enteritis Tetraonhoz Peptic Ulcer Tetrachinogenesis Trienophore Trihedinosis Chilodonellosis (Hylodoniasis)

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