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I'm sure many have heard about all the "favorite" of algae species, the so-called black beard. Some probably also run into this trouble in his aquarium.
How to defeat this evil enemy aquarium industry. It turns out not so difficult. The method we describe below and tested in practice it works.
About a handful of small snails ampulyarii, chemistry, etc. You have undoubtedly heard. I would like to dwell on one very simple and at the same time practical way to deal with the black beard.
So describe everything in order. The best course on fish during the fight with a black beard from the aquarium to transplant, due to the fact that conditions are created in the aquarium they simply do not like. So, what should be done in his tank to destroy black beard:
1. Delete the replacement of water in the tank for at least 2 - 3 weeks. (If you still have fish and method of fighting is done with their presence in the aquarium, keep an eye on their behavior).
2. Decrease aeration or do not spend it (follow the behavior of the fish, especially if, as is often the case, the overcrowded aquarium).
3. Reduce or completely stop the flow of water in the aquarium (filter can be turned off again to follow the behavior of the fish).
4. Feeding the fish spend 1 time in 4 - 5 days - not abundant (and can be 1 times a week, unless the aquarium is not fry, the fry is better to transplant once). Food residues, if any remain, remove using a siphon (fresh water after cleaning, do not add, nothing terrible will happen if the water level in the tank is reduced).
5. We can only watch as a week and a half black beard, that is, her hair will become whitish, flabby-looking. After another 3 - 5 days, these hairs will begin to fall off, and then all this stuff off with plants, stones, etc.
Through this experiment we are breaking the cycle method, the period when black beard hairs turned white and began to fall off after about 1-1.5 weeks, replace the water with fresh, included life support devices (meaning aeration and filtration) - then after about 2 - 3 days, we found that black beard again recovered. Her hair became elastic and again black.
That is, you can draw some conclusions - black beard does not like extreme living conditions, life inconveniences it can not resist. So do not break the cycle of struggle and bring this matter to an end.

How to get rid of the beard

Blackbeard - for her light (such as for the other types of algae) does not play any role. She is very fond of the high content of nitrate and ammonium nitrate in water.
The most reliable means of struggle with a beard and generally from all parasitic algae - a huge handful of (several tens or hundreds) of the smallest ampulyarii. Best of all week, a match head.
Then they necessarily need to collect and remove the bait from the aquarium, because after they iznichtozhat all the algae, the food they will end and they will devour the higher plants.

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