The Civil Code of Ukraine

Document 435-15, streamed edition on 14.06.2007 on the 1111-16 pinnacle, orderly


Rozdil I

Chapter 47

Statka 509. Ponjattya zobov'yanya that pidstavi yogo vinikennnya

1. Zobov'yazanyam є pravovіdnoshennia, in any one side
(Wrestler) zobov'jana vchiniti on the cortex of the other side
(Creditor) singing dyu (transfer mayno, vikonati robot, nadati
I'll save you, splice the grotesques), take off on the contrary, and
The creditor of the right of the vimagati.
2. Zobov'yannya vinikayut z pidstav, vstanovlenii Statteyu 11
Of the Code.
3. Zobov'yazannya maee ground on ambushes of goodness,
Розумності та справедливості.

Стаття 510. Parties at zobov'azannі

1. The parties in the zobov'azannі є borzhnik і creditor.
2. In zobov'yazanni on the sides of the borzo, the creditor can not
Bouti one abo one-time kіlka osib.
3. Yaksho kozhna із сторін у збов'язанні має one-time і rights,
І обов'язки, вона вважаєється божником у того, що вона збов'язана
Vchiniti on the corridor of the other side, and one-hour creditor at the one,
Scho vonam is the right of vimagati v ne.

Stattja 511. The third person at zobov'azannny

1. Zobov'jannja not stvojudo obovvozjku for the third person. Have
Vipadkah, vstanovleny agreement, zobov'yanya mozhe breeds
For the third person of the right of the dowager, that of the creditor.

Стаття 512. Pідстави замнини кредитора у збов'язанні

1. The creditor at zobov'azannny mozhe buti zamenijnі іншою осою
In the following:
1) handed over to him his own rights of private property for the right
(Vidnoslennenya rights vimogi);
2) the right of access;
3) vikonannya obovzyazku souvenirs guarantor neobyvodavtsev
(Maynovy guarantor);
4) vikonannya obovvozyku souvenir third special.
2. The creditor in the zobov'yazanni mozhe buti zamenijnosti takozh in інших
Vipadkah, the law.
3. The creditor at zobov'yazanni not mozhe buti zaminenij, jakschoo tse
Is established by the agreement by law.

Statka 513. The form of the legal right of the creditor's creditor

1. Pravochin shodo zamini creditor u zobov'azanni vchinyayatsya u
Takiii samіy formi, scho i raspochin, on pidstavi yakogo vinkilo
Zobov'yazannya, the right to write for a new wage for a new creditor.
2. Pravochin shodo zameni creditor y zobov'azannny, yake vicinalo
On pідставі правчину, що підлягає державній реєстрації, має бути
Zarestroyny in the order established for reestradytsii chyogo
Right, is not further enforced by law.

Stattya 514. The oath is right, but it is to pass to a new creditor in

1. Before the new creditor pass the rights of the primary creditor
In zobov'yazanni in obyazі і umovah, scho іnnuvali at the moment
Transition of the cich rights, is not yet enacted by the treaty by law.

Stattie 515. Zobov, in some creditor's name, not

1. The creditor's deputy shall not be admitted to the zobovtsyannya,
Unreasonably engaged in a special lender, a zokrem in a zobovanian
About vіdshchoduvannya school, zavdanoї каліцтвом, ішшим ушкодженням
Healthy death.

Statty 516. The order of the creditor's creditor at the zobov'azannny

1. The loan of the creditor in zobov'yazanni zdіysnjєєєt without zgody
Borzhna, yakschoo not yet established by the agreement of the law.
2. Yaksho borzhnik not buv letter about the deputy about the deputy
The creditor of the zobov'azannny, the new creditor neserizik nastannya
Unpleasant for nyogo naslіdkіv. At the time of vikonannya
The waggon of his own obovvjazu to the first creditorі є належним

Statka 517. The new creditor's rights are proved in the zobov'azannny

1. The first creditor of the zobovtsyanni is guilty of transferring the new
Creditors and documents, which correspond to the rights, are transferred, that
Information, yaka є important for їх здійснення.
2. The wrestler does not have the right not to object to the new
Creditors to the imposition of borzhnikovi dokaziv transition to a new
Creditor rights in zobov'azannny.

Stattie 518. The seizure of the warden against the new
Of the lender's money

1. The wrestler has the right to establish against the new creditor
Zobov'azanni zareperchenchenya, yakі vіn mav proti pervіsnogo creditor
At the time of the receipt of the letter on the creditor's credentials.
2. Yaksho borzhnik not buv letter about the deputy about the deputy
The lender in the zobov'yazanni, vin ma the right to hang out against the vimogi
New lender zaperekchennia, yakі vіn mav proti pervіsnogo
Creditor at the time of the pre-declaration of the yomu vimogi new lender creditor,
Yakshcho wrestler vikonav sviy obov'yazok to pred'yavlennya yomu vimogi
New creditor - at the time of yogo vikonannya.

Statka 519. The advances of the primary creditor

1. The first creditor in the zobov'yazannі predstavlenie before novim
The creditor for the non-delivery of the transferred yom of the wimog, or not
For the person who is unconcerned by the wrestler obovvozyka, krim vypadkiv, if
The first creditor is entrusted to the vagabond before the creditor is introduced.

Стаття 520. Заміна боржника у збов'язанні

1. Borzhnik at zobov'azannny mozhe buti zamenijnі іншою осою
(Transferred to the borg), for the reason of the creditor.

Stattja 521. The form of legal authority

1. The form of the righteousness schodo zamoni of the Borzhik at zobov'azannny
Viznachaetsya vidpovidno to the position statti 513 chyogo Code.

Stattya 522. The seizure of the new sarcophagus in zobov'azannny
Against the creditor

1. The new wrestler in the zobov'yazanni mya right to hang out against
Creditor's credentials vsi zapeperchennya, sho primed on vidnosynah mizh
A lender and a first-rate wrestler.

Стаття 523. Правові наслідки заміни боржника у збов'язанні,
To a defrauded bailiff

1. Порука або an outpost, inserted in a special way, припиняється
Після заміни боржника, yakshcho surety do not have a forefather
Pobedivsya zabezpechuvati vikonannya zobov'jannya is a novice wrestler.
2. Outpost, installed by the first wrestler, zberiga
Після заміни боржника, якщо інше not established by the contract

Statka 524. Currency zobov'yanya

1. Zobov'yazannya maє buti virazhene u groshivіy odinitsі
Ukraine - hryvnia.
2. The side can be distinguished by a small amount of money
In foreign currencies.

Article 525. Inadmissibility of one-sided meeting

1. One-sided adherence to one-sided
Zmіna yogo minds are not allowed, no further storage
Contract by law.