The Civil Code of Ukraine

Document 435-15, streamed edition on 14.06.2007 on the 1111-16 pinnacle, orderly

Chapter 50

Statka 598. Pidstavi pripinennya zobov'yana

1. Zobov'yazannya pripinyayatsya odnochno abo in the context of the obshchiz on
Pidstavah, vosstanovleny contract law.
2. Pripinennya zobov'yana on wimogu odnієї із сторін
To admit to a loss in vipadkas, the provisions of the agreement are prohibited by law.

Stattie 599. Pripinennya zobov'yanya vikonannyam

1. Zobov'yazannya pripinyayatsya vikonannyam, carried out pressure

Stattja 600. Pripinennya zobov'yanya surrender to the adherent

1. Zobov'janannya pripinyayatsya zgodoyu storin vnasledok
Handed over by the lender of creditors and others (a penny, a minor mine
In other words). Rozmіr, lines and order of transfer
To be installed by the parties.

Statka 601. Pripinennya zobov'yanya narushavannami

1. Zobov'janannya pripinyayatsya zarahuvanannyam dustrichnih
Odnoridnih vimog, lines vikonannya yakih nastav, and takozh wimog,
Lines of nonconformity not specified by the authorities for the moment
Prednavlennia vitoga.
2. Zarahuvannya dustrichnih vimog mozhe zdіysnyuvatyasya for the application
Odnієї із сторін.

Statka 602. The inadmissibility of parasitism

1. Do not allow zarahuvannya dustrichnih vimog:
1) about vіdshduvannya school, zavdanoї каліцтвом, іншим
Health for life;
2) about stjagnnenya alimentov;
3) schododichnogo utriannya (sight);
4) in the case of a long time ago;
5) in the other vipadkah, the provisions of the agreement are prohibited by law.

Стаття 603. Зарахування у разі заміни кредитора

1. In the case of a creditor, the wrestler may be presumed to oppose
New creditor's credentials to his own vimogu up to the initial
2. In the case of a creditor, a foreclosure shall be conducted,
Vimoga vinikla on pіdstavі, scho існувала at the moment одержиняня
Wrestler writing about the creditor's credentials, i lines
Wimogi preaching yogo to retaining the lines of non-determinations of chi
The moment of the presentation of the imagination.
Якщо боржник not був письмово поідоммлений about заміну
Creditor, a crib is held, yakshcho vimoga vicikla on
Підставі, що інунувала at the time of the presentation of the borzhnikovі вимоги
New creditor, yakshcho wrestler vikonav svy obovyazok to
Prezjavlennya yomu vimogi new lender - at the time of yoga

Stattya 604. Pripinennya zobov'yanya for domovlenistyu storin

1. Zobov'yazannya pripinyatsya for domovlennosti storin.
2. Zobov'yannya pripinyatsya for domovlenistyu storin pro
Заміну первісного зобов'язання новим зобов'язанням між тими ж
Parties (novatsiia).
3. Новація not allowed shodo zobov'azan about vidshchoduvannya
School, zavdanoї каліцтвом, іншим ушкодженням здоров'я або смертю,
About the splendor of the aliens in the other vipadkah, according to the law.
4. Новація припиняє додаткові зобов'язання, пов'язані з
First-time zobov'azanyonyam, yakschoo no more is not settled by the contract.

Stattya 605. Pripinennya zobov'yanya sparrowing the Borg

1. Zobov'janannya pripinyayatsya vnaslidok zvilnennya (protschennya
Borghu) as a creditor of the borzoi yo yogo obov'yaziv, yakshchoe tse not pravoshu
Of the rights of third creditors.

Стаття 606. Припинення зобов'язання поєднанням боржника і
Creditor in one piece

1. Zobov'yazannya pripinyayatsya poednannyam borzhnik і creditor
In one individual.

Stattya 607. Pripinennya zobov'yanya nemozhilivistyu yogo

1. Zobov'janannya pripinyayatsya nemozlimivstyu yogo vikonannya have
Zv'yazku ob obstavnenoyu, for yak zhodna iz storin not vidpovidaye.

Statka 608. Pripinennya zobov'yazannya death of phizic individuals

1. Zobov'yazannya pripinyatsya death of the Borzhik, yakshcho vono є
Non-recurringly we will write in a special yogo і zvjazyku zim nim mozhe bouti
Vikonane іншою отделью.
2. Zobov'yanya zapinyayetsya death of the creditor, yakshcho vono є
Non-recurringly we will be involved in a special creditor.

Стаття 609. Припинення зобов'язання ліквідацією юридичної

1. Zobov'yazannya pripinyayatsya lіkvіdatsіyu legal entity
(The poorer of the creditor), as well as by the law
Normative-legal acts vikonannya zobov'azannya lіkvіdonoїї
Juridical person pokladyatsya on іншу legal person, zokrema for
Zobov'yannni about vіdshduvannya school, zavdanoї каліцтвом, іншим
Well-being for health.