Full Shoe Guide for Men
The style of clothing is a certain accentuation of the ensemble (costume in the broad sense), dictated by the following attributes (or their totality): age, sex, profession, social status, subculture affiliation, personal taste, age of society, nationality, religious affiliation, Functionality, lifestyle and individual characteristics.
Accents are usually arranged with the help of accessories, shoes, cloth colors, prints, accessories, details of finishing and texture of the fabric, cut of the clothing model, combinatorics. The style of clothing is one of the main elements of a person's image (see Human Body) or a company (see dress code). Within the framework of one of the styles, it is sometimes distinguished by its varieties - substrates or microstyles. Style is when you are, tactful with color, size, it's style. And yet there is a style in the interior and a slightly different sense of the style of music.
Cheat sheet for those guys who care about its appearance, we in Shram.kiev.ua publish a guide for men's shoes: a combination of colors, styles and styles in clothes. It's not that difficult to look at 100%, but it's always useful and pleasant!
Classics, of course, always in a trend. But in fact, the boundaries are rather blurred, and the fashion is changeable. Now there are models of men's shoes that do not fall under the classical classification or combine several styles.
Unchanged adornment at all times is only a sense of taste, action and self-confidence. And if these qualities are in a person, then you can and hooliganize: add a daring zest, courage to combine and experiment, starting from the classical base.
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