How to find a lost dog?

Животные и звери

Of course, we live in the big cities, but it is all lost.

How to find a dog lost in the forest during the holidays, hunting and fishing?

On the twelfth day of searching in a highly dense forest, already losing his mind and hope, I ran into a couple of hunters. According to them, they do not lose time hunting dogs in the woods, but never found them. What they told me more than once helped the dogs and their families to be together again.

The owner should take the thing to wear at least one day, the longer, the better to lose a dog could smell the "native" smell. It is necessary to put and keep this thing where the dog was last seen. If the dog has a cell and a favorite toy, you can also leave them there if space allows. We need to advertise about the loss, where they do not pluck.

You also need to leave a bowl of water, because, most likely, your dog, there is no access to water. But it is not necessary to leave the food, as it will attract other animals that your dog should be avoided. Come every day in this place and check regularly if possible. If you are lucky, the dog will be waiting for you there.

I was skeptical and doubted that the dog finds our thing despite the fact that she did not hear, as I called her as loudly as he could, as long as 12 days ... But when I came back the next day, she was sitting there!

I hope it will help someone who has lost a friend.

Good luck!

Как найти потерянную собаку?
Как найти потерянную собаку?

For more tips on finding the dog or animal

Be sure to attach to the collar or a capsule or a tag with the phone numbers and addresses, as well as with the phrase "for a solid reward."

If the dog was gone, on the same day to make 100 color photographs (about 300 rubles) Write back of your phone and give them to all dog lover, which will meet during the search. Dog lover - the only people who really understand the severity of the loss and will definitely help.

Advertise with photos on local cable television, as a rule, they broadcast them for free.

Advertise with the photo in the local newspaper a month in advance.

Hang ads with photos of all the nearby (20 minutes by car), veterinaries, as well as to warn their staff and leave them a photo.

Notify staff of shelters for stray dogs, which can find, leave them a photo.

Warn leadership of the club, RKF, RWC and other dog organizations.

Be sure to advertise the loss of several specialized sites on the Internet, do not underestimate the Internet, now it is very efficient.

Make the announcement with a photo (greatly increases the chances) and hang it in the first place in the stores, pharmacies, garages, parking lots, bus stops and places of greatest congestion of people.

Ask as many friends help you look for a dog. Divide the search area among all equally, but that would be the most likely got you.

Try to look for the dog once in the first hour near the site of the loss, and the best walking and calling loudly (or whistle if your dog earlier responded to the whistle), than to drive a car and looking out the window.

Give the dog's photo to all they encounter police patrols with the promise of a reward. As a rule, they are many patrolling the area and there is a chance that they will see your dog.

The day vsrednem dog goes about the distance of the 1st district.

If your dog has ever traveled with you on public transportation, find the control room all buses passing through the area and leave it there to show a photo with a request to all drivers (dispatching usually the last stop).

After the dog was found necessarily in the same day, show her a good vet.

Do not get lost :) and if this happens, more soon found :)