Time to remove alcohol from the body

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As you know, alcohol, getting into the human body, begins to destroy it pretty quickly.

First of all, the effect is on the brain and liver - these two organs are most rapidly destroyed.

Therefore, many people are seriously interested in whether it is possible to speed up the withdrawal of alcohol from the body and how it can be done.

Perhaps, any person who at least once in his life touched alcohol, knows perfectly well what alcoholic intoxication is.

In this state, the reaction and coordination of movements deteriorates considerably.

Many decisions made in such a state simply can not be decisions of an intelligent person.

Of course, the time spent in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication is not completely postponed in memory - most people forget about all that has happened.

In addition, a person can not practically control himself, losing many human qualities.

And this continues as long as there is alcohol in the human body. Over time, its number decreases and the person's normal abilities return.

It is understandable that many people are interested in how long the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood.

In general, it is believed that these calculations can be carried out according to the following formula: for one hour, from 90 to 130 milligrams of alcohol per kilogram of live weight is destroyed.

However, women are known to be less resistant to alcoholic intoxication. Therefore, the withdrawal of alcohol lasts much longer from their body, as a rule, they need 20 percent more time to get rid of a portion of alcohol than a man.

In addition, not one alcohol output table is posted on the Internet. Many take into account the sex, weight of a person, the amount of alcohol consumed and his strength.

Also, you can easily find calculators, which allow you to calculate the time of alcohol withdrawal from the body relatively accurately.

But they also should not be completely trusted - first of all, the impact of alcohol on the body depends on genetic susceptibility and heredity.

Withdrawal of alcohol from the blood

Note that the table has special blank columns where you can enter your own time indicators. By the way, all the figures in the table are for men, and for women the time of alcohol withdrawal is on average 20 percent more.

Naturally, to fill the empty graph you will need a special device - an alcohol test, with which you can measure the level of alcohol in the exhaled air. Nevertheless, by making a similar table for yourself, you will get the opportunity to clearly calculate the maximum amount of alcohol that will allow you to get behind the wheel of the car the next morning (or at another necessary time).

Withdrawal of alcohol from the blood

How to accelerate the withdrawal of alcohol from the body

Often there are circumstances in which a drunk person needs to somehow increase the rate of alcohol withdrawal from the body. The circumstances for this can be very different. However, the result is one - a person needs to regain his usual abilities as soon as possible. This includes coordination of movements, reaction, memory, intelligence and other abilities, which a person loses in a state of intoxication.

Of course, it's safer to go to the hospital. Narcologists easily put the patient with a dropper with the appropriate solutions - glucose, brine, and others, allowing the body to quickly cope with the poison, trapped in the blood. In this case, the time of alcohol withdrawal is significantly reduced - usually 4-8 hours is enough.

There are also folk methods that allow a quick withdrawal of alcohol from the body. First of all - you need to drink plenty of water. It will also be useful to drink orange or grapefruit juice - they include a large amount of fructose, which allows to stimulate the withdrawal of alcohol from the body.

In general, it is useful to eat any foods containing vitamin C. This can be ascorbic acid, lemon, juices and many others. In addition, it does not damage activated carbon - 6-8 pieces at a time, two or three times a day.

If possible, you should take a bath or a sauna. Stimulation of sweating allows you to quickly get rid of the poison that got into the blood. If a sauna or a bath is inaccessible, you can simply drink a very hot sweet tea with lemon and get under the warmest blanket to quickly and efficiently sweat. This will also reduce the withdrawal time of alcohol.

It will also be useful to make a small discharge. In this case, the human body warms up and starts to function much faster. It is understandable that the time of alcohol withdrawal is markedly reduced.

Is the harm of alcohol neutralized if the withdrawal of alcohol from the body is completed?

Many people, having drunk the day before the liquor, suffer only one thought the next day - how to speed up the withdrawal of alcohol? On the one hand, it is quite understandable - getting rid of the body of drugs, which includes alcohol (and alcohol is a drug, as reported in GOST 5964-82) is accompanied by very painful sensations. That is understandable, the body was seriously damaged by a shock dose of poison and is now trying to signal to its owner about the harm that was done to him, trying to warn against repetition. Therefore, how to conduct a full withdrawal of alcohol interests any alcoholic, including "cultural", who uses "in moderation" and "on holidays".

However, the first thing to worry about is not how to get rid of the pain as quickly as possible. Still, this pain is only a consequence of the really terrible devastation that has occurred in the body. That's about these destruction and it's worth worrying.

Still, even when alcohol is completely removed from the body, its harm will certainly not be neutralized. And the harm to alcohol is truly terrible. Suffice it to recall that regular consumption of alcohol in small quantities reduces the life of a person for a period of 5 to 20 years. That is, a person who can live 70 years, drinking two glasses of vodka, two glasses of wine or a bottle of beer every day, will lose an average of 13-17 years of life. Consequently, he will die at the age of 53-57 years. Of course, before his death, he pretty much tormented by various diseases (eg alcoholic hepatitis), about which a teetotaler at his age and will not hear.

It should be noted that the consumption of alcohol causes a terrible blow to the brain of a person and his liver. It is these organs that are not accidentally damaged in the first place. The liver tries to neutralize the poison that has got into the blood, taking a blow to itself. As a result, it seems that the "moderately drinking" person is in the grave at 45-50 years old, and sometimes much earlier. Well, the brain is simply the most complex and subtle structure in the human body. It is understandable that it is he who is most severely affected by the circulation of alcohol in the blood. In order to study this material in more detail, it is enough to drive a "grape cluster effect" in any search engine and learn about the effects of alcohol on the brain.

So, the withdrawal of alcohol should not be the main problem of the "moderate drinker" alcoholic after taking alcohol. If the effect is relatively easy to eliminate, then it is almost impossible to get rid of the consequences.

In general, just think about it. Is it worth it to consume alcohol, then to suffer from pain and think of only one thing - how to get rid of the pain?

Or is it worth choosing a long, happy and healthy life, the birth of healthy and intelligent children? Still, each drunk a glass of alcohol today, significantly reduces the chances of getting all of this in the future. So seriously think - is it worth the immediate and very dubious pleasure of giving it to him all his life? After all, the world is so interesting, exciting and exciting! So is it not better to get rid of the alkojad leading to the most serious diseases in order to choose a healthy, exciting and long life?