St. George's Ribbon and the Guards Ribbon - what's the difference?

Георгиевская лента и Гвардейская лента. В чём отличие?

Those who called the all-Russian action "George's ribbon" contribute not to memory, but to the forgetfulness of the heroism of our people. During the Great Patriotic War, no one was rewarded with St. George's cross, and this award has nothing to do with the defeat of Hitler's Germany. It relates only to the wars of the Russian Empire.

Since 1917 was not used on any Soviet state award, after the abolition of the award system of the Russian Republic, the St. George's ribbon continued to be used in the award systems of the White armies. During the Patriotic War in the Russian Corps (part of the ROA and the Wehrmacht), who fought on the side of Germany.

In the award system of the USSR, there was an order ribbon, called the "Guards Ribbon". The Guards tape was used to decorate the pads of the Order of Glory and the medal "For the victory over Germany". In addition, the image of the Guards Band was placed on the banners of the Guards associations, formations and units (ships). The Guards tape relates to the USSR and the Great Patriotic War, but has nothing to do with the Russian Empire.

The Soviet Guard was born during the Great Patriotic War during the Smolensk battle near Yelnya in September 1941. By order of the People's Commissar of Defense, four motorized rifle divisions "for combat feats, organization, discipline and orderly order" were awarded the title of Guards. " In May 1942, the Guards Badge was established. "The Guards tape is an orange ribbon with three longitudinal black stripes on it."

With the beginning of the action, the St. George ribbon in the Russian media was also called the "Guards tape" "Georgievskaya", which is incorrect both from historical and from the heraldic point of view.