Candidates for the new Verkhovna Rada of 2014 (INFOGRAFIKA)

15 % кандидатов в новую Раду - безработные. ИНФОГРАФИКА

One third of the candidates for the new Verkhovna Rada are young people, 15% are temporarily unemployed, and the Piotr Poroshenko Bloc leads the majority of current deputies.

This is evidenced by the monitoring data of the public network Opora, Ukrainian Pravda reports.

In the early parliamentary elections, a total of 6,627 candidates will take part: 3,121 on party lists, 3,506 in single-mandate constituencies.

Among them, 302 are present deputies of the Verkhovna Rada (total of 42 from the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko, 26 from Batkivshchyna, 23 in the Svoboda and 149 from the districts).

15 % кандидатов в новую Раду - безработные. ИНФОГРАФИКА

In all, 29 political parties will participate in the elections (8 more than in the 2012 elections).

Compared with the last regular elections, 2.5 times fewer political parties (32 against 81) nominated their candidates in the districts.

The absolute majority of candidates, both in party lists and in majority districts, received higher education (92%), 4% have general secondary education, 3% - vocational or secondary special, 1% - incomplete higher or basic higher education.

At the same time, only three parties included in their lists more than 10 candidates with secondary education: VO "Svoboda" (26 people), Political Party "5.10" (25 people) and Oleg Lyashko's Radical Party (17 people).

15 % кандидатов в новую Раду - безработные. ИНФОГРАФИКА

It is interesting that 98% of the candidates on the lists of the "Opposition bloc" party are nonpartisan, while 100% of the candidates from VO "Svoboda" and 99% of the Communist Party have party tickets.

A positive trend of the current campaign is an increase in the proportion of women among candidates nominated by political parties on the lists (25.8%), youth under 35 (32%).

Most candidates are "middle-aged" people aged 36-59 years - 57% on the lists and 66% in the districts.

15% of candidates on party lists and 14% in majority districts are temporarily unemployed.

15 % кандидатов в новую Раду - безработные. ИНФОГРАФИКА

In general, the CEC announced 214 decisions to refuse registration 819 citizens.

In most cases, the reason for the refusal was the absence of an obligation in the event of electing to terminate the activity and fold the representative mandate, which is incompatible with the mandate of the people's deputy (389 cases).