Aizoic (aiso) / Aizoacea

This family is similarly called - mezembrianthemovymi. Fatherland - stony wastelands of Africa, America, Asia and Australia.

General description : An impressive variety of species and forms, the most common: conophytum, frithia, lithops, triodiatema, phaucaria, etc.

This, the so-called "living stones", enjoying the last time is very popular. Thick, moisture-filled leaves, in shape resembling pebbles, grow prictically always in two. The height is 1.5 - 5 cm. Each year this two dies and appears fresh. Coloring is different - green, gray, pink, brown, with various specks and blotches.

In autumn they usually blossom. Flowers are like chamomile, yellow, snow-white or pink.

Aizionovye whims, they need to ensure a stable and error-free care.

They grow very slowly, a scattering of "living stones" will fill the pot only after a few years.

Recommendations for plant care Aizoin (ais):

Illumination: Photophilous, prefer southern windows, but in the spring should be carefully accustomed to direct sunlight, in order to avoid burns.

Irrigation regime: In summer, moderate, by the measure of the filled drying of the earth, in winter it is very outlandish, if the temperature is above 15 ° C, do not water at all in a humid and cool atmosphere. The source of irrigation must coincide with the source of drying of the old two leaves.

Humidity of the atmosphere: Does not need spraying. I love a fresh atmosphere, we need airing places.

Temperature regime : Moderate in the warm season. In winter it is optimal 10-15 ° C.

Soil: Drainage is mandatory. You can add charcoal and brick chips.

Recommended soil mishmash: 1 share of leaf land, 1 share of sand and 1/2 clay elements. Poorly tolerate surplus fertilizer, so feed only during the growth period, if the plant this year did not transplanted. Fertilizing once a moon, fertilizer is taken in half from the portion indicated on the package.

Breeding: Layering, seeds (rising at 20-25 ° C)

Transplantation: Transplanted in the spring, at what time the pot is made tight (the roots begin to germinate through the drainage holes). Later transplant a few days not to water.

Pests: Most often affected by mealybugs (covered with snow-white cotton-like fluff) and mushroom mosquitoes.

With a slight infection, the plant is allowed to help finish with a soap solution and a warm wash. In case of severe damage, spraying with an insecticide solution is recommended.

If the infection is detected during transplantation, the roots of the plant should be gently cleared from the ground, rinsed in insecticide solution and dried. Then the plant is transplanted into fresh soil.

Aizoic (aiso) - Aizoacea