Alocasia / Alocasia

Refers to the family of aroids. Fatherland is South America.

General description : A plant with very beautiful large (up to 70 cm long) leaves on erect petioles. Despite the catchy look, it is not common. It feels good only in the greenhouse.

Usually in the room conditions the following species are bred:

Alocasia amazonica (Alocasia Amazonian) owns dark green leaves with bright white, sharply prominent veins.

Alocasia sanderiana (Alocasia Sander). The leaves are pointed, with a metallic outflow, the lower part of the leaf is purple.

Alocasia cucullata. It has thick stems and leaves of a heart-shaped form.

Alocasia macrorbiza is a tall stem (more than 1.5 m), the leaves are similar to the heart-shaped, but not green, only a multicolored color (on the surface of the leaf there are impressive white spots).

Recommendations for plant care Alocasia:

Illumination : Photophilous, but in no way tolerates direct sunlight.

In winter, additional artificial lighting is needed.

Irrigation regime: Abundant during growth, moderate in winter, cautious, overflow can be fatal. He does not like hard and chlorinated water.

Humidity : Requires regular spraying and wiping of leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Temperature regime: Very fond of warmth, winter and summer.

Soil: Does not adore clay soils. Recommended soil mix: 1 share of peat, 1 share of coniferous, 1 share of leaf land and 1/2 share of sand. For alocacia Amazonian it is allowed to add pine bark or spruce.

During the growth period, it needs regular fertilizing (once every two weeks) with complex mineral fertilizers.

Breeding : Basically crushing during transplantation, but similar to eyes sliced ​​from the trunk and offspring.

Transplant: In spring, young plants annually, mature 1 time per couple of years.

Pests: It is affected by a spider mite (with dry air), aphids.

The plant is allowed to help finish with a soap solution, warm washing and spraying with an actinic (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Alocasia - Alocasia

Alocasia - Alocasia