
Refers to the Begoniev family.

General description: There are about a couple thousand forms of begonias. The main common features include asymmetric leaves, fleshy stems and the presence of same-sex (female and male) flowers, located by the group. In female flowers a seed capsule is formed. To obtain high-quality flowers, it is necessary to cut small female flowers regularly, leaving large male flowers. Usually bloom in the summer, but with good care can bloom up to winter, but decorative and winter. Decorative foliage begonias flowers are not so luxurious, but they bloom, as if the situation, more abundant and longer.

All begonias are allowed to divide into ornamental and ornamental flowering. The care for them will become somewhat different.

Recommendations for the care of ornamental flowering begonias:

Illumination : They need bright but diffused light. During the flowering period, pots should be periodically turned.

Irrigation regime : Abundant during growth, moderate in winter. He does not adore in any way the overflow, nor the drying out of the earth. To water with warm soft water. At what time the plant will blossom, watering is reduced, then deprivation of leaves is not watered at all or very rarely.

Humidity : At what time the plant does not bloom, it is sprayed daily and regularly washed with cool water. In the time of flowering, in order not to spoil the flowers, the atmosphere's humidity is maintained by placing pots on a pallet with pebbles or expanded clay, which is continuously moistened.

Loves a fresh atmosphere, but without drafts.

Temperature conditions : In summer and winter, the temperature should be moderate (15-20 ° C).

Soil : Recommended soil mix: 1 share of sod, 1 share of leaf land, 1 share of coniferous land, 1 share of humus and 1 share of sand.

During the growth period, it needs fertilizing once every two weeks with fertilizer for flowering plants.

Breeding : Crushing sprouted tubers, young cuttings or seeds.

Transplantation : Usually for a period of inactivity, tubers are released from the ground and stored in a dry room. In spring, planting the tubers in fresh soil, they put them on the sunny window.

Pests : Affected by a spider mite (in a dry atmosphere, leaves and stems are braided with cobwebs), thrips, shields (brown plaques appear on the leaves and stems, leaving sticky excretions).

The plant is allowed to help finish with a soap solution, warm washing and spraying with an actinic (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Recommendations for the care of ornamental begonia:

Illumination : They need bright but diffused light. During the flowering period, pots should be periodically turned.

Irrigation regime : Abundant during growth, moderate in winter. He does not adore in any way the overflow, nor the drying out of the earth. To water with warm soft water. At what time the plant will blossom, watering is reduced, then deprivation of leaves is not watered at all or very rarely.

Air humidity : Do not like water on the leaves, this leaves a brown speck on them, so spraying is not recommended, humidity of the atmosphere is maintained by placing pots on a pallet with pebbles or expanded clay, which is continuously moistened.

Loves a fresh atmosphere, but without drafts.

Temperature conditions : In summer and winter, the temperature should be moderate (15-20 ° C).

Soil: Recommended soil mix: 1 share of sod, 1 share of leaf land, 1 share of coniferous land, 1 share of humus and 1 share of sand.

During the growth period, it needs fertilizing once every two weeks with fertilizer for flowering plants.

Breeding : Crushing during transplantation, easily rooted by leaf cuttings. Perhaps breeding with seeds.

Transplantation: In the spring, young plants annually, mature once a couple of years. After transplanting, it is better to prune. The essence in a close pot worsens the appearance of the leaves, preferably spacious dishes.

Pests : Affected by a spider mite (in a dry atmosphere, leaves and stems are braided with cobwebs), thrips, shields (brown plaques appear on the leaves and stems, leaving sticky excretions).

The plant is allowed to help finish with a soap solution, warm washing and spraying with an actinic (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Begonia Lorrain

B. Fireglow


Begonia tiger

Mason Begonia

Begonia Cleopatra

Begonia royal

Begonia is always flowering

Begonia Lorrain

B. Fireglow

B. Sugar Candi

B. Bridal Cascade


Begonia tiger

Mason Begonia

Begonia Cleopatra

Begonia royal

Begonia is always flowering