Orange / Citrus sinensis

It belongs to the family Rutaceae. Motherland - the tropical and subtropical zones.

General description: Evergreen timber with lakomnymi and useful fruits. The leaves are elongated, with alar appendages have petioles. Blossoms snow-white fragrant flowers. Fruit - round yellow-orange, belong to citrus crops. Plant from seeds begin to bear fruit only through 8-12 years, 4-5 years old seedlings.

Recommendations for the care of a plant Orange:

Lighting: light-requiring, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The period of inactivity at cold temperatures easily tolerates full shade.

Irrigation mode: Abundant in the growth period, bizarre winter, especially if the plant is kept in the cool.

Humidity: Needs a regular spraying.

Temperature: In summer the temperature should be high, cool winters (up to 12 ° C) and even lower (down to 0 ° C).

Soil: Requires good drainage.

Recommended soil mishmash for young oranges:. "Elements of sod land, 1 share of humus, 1 share of leaf soil and 1 share of sand to mature oranges need will take more sod land (3 parts) and add a little fat clay That is, first you need light soil. and then heavier.

It needs regular fertilizing in the period of growth and dormancy. Can be used diluted cow dung, complex mineral fertilizer and special fertilizer for citrus.

Cultivation: Seeds, cuttings, layering and grafting. Most often used cuttings, but for the chosen orange adapt to room conditions suitable growing it from seed.

Transplant: The youngest oranges with poor root systems transplant does not need to replace the top layer of soil is sufficient. At what time the plant grows it is necessary to transplant a way of transshipment annually in the spring. Mature fruit-bearing trees are transplanted through a couple or three years before the source of growth. Transplant to be carefully, not damaging the earthen room. When flowering and fruiting, but it seems not advisable to repot at the end of the growth period.

Pests: amazed scale insects (on leaves and stems appear brown patches, leaving a sticky discharge), the dry atmosphere of spider mites (leaves and stems braided webs).

The plant allowed to help finish a soap solution, and washing the warm spray aktellik (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Orange - Citrus sinensis

Orange - Citrus sinensis