clerodendrum / clerodendrum

It belongs to the family Verbenaceae. Motherland - the tropical and subtropical zone.

General description: clerodendrum considered a hothouse plant. The rooms are usually grown Clerodendrum thomsonae (clerodendrum Thompson). He has long, thin and curly stems, reaching 3 m. In the winter if they pinch, will give a plant a bush or hang-downing form. Leaves with a rough, as if "quilted" surface up to 12 cm long, oval or egg-shaped. Flowers with white swollen calyx and red corolla, gathered in racemose inflorescences. There are variegated forms.

Recommendations for the care of a plant clerodendrum:

Lighting: light-requiring, in the warm time of the year prefer diffused light in the winter useful to direct sunlight, it is best to keep close to the southern windows.

Irrigation mode: Abundant in the growth period, a mild winter.

She does not loves not overflow or drying out the land.

Humidity of the atmosphere: Requires frequent spraying, especially in warm rooms. Humidity similar support, placing the pots on the tray with pebbles or expanded clay, which incessantly moistened.

Clerodendrum winter, be sure to remove from the central heating.

Temperature: Moderate in the warm time of the year. In winter, optimally 10-16 ° C.

Soil: Recommended soil mishmash: 1 proportion of sod land, 1 a proportion of leaf, 1 part peat and 1 share of sand.

In the period of growth needs a dressing 1 every 2 weeks with liquid complex fertilizers.

Breeding: shanks or seeds.

Transplanting: In the spring of each year.

Pests: spider mites is affected (in dry atmosphere, leaves and stems braided cobwebs), aphids (they form a sticky discharge on the tips of shoots, buds), whiteflies (white gnats, whitish or yellowish spots appear on the underside of the leaves).

The plant allowed to help finish a soap solution, and washing the warm spray aktellik (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Clerodendrum Thompson - Clerodendrum thomsonae

Clerodendrum bright - Clerodendrum splendens

Clerodendrum fragrant - Clerodendrum fragrans

Clerodendrum Uganda - Clerodendrum ugandense

clerodendrum Thompson - clerodendrum thomsonae

clerodendrum bright - clerodendrum splendens

clerodendrum fragrant - clerodendrum fragrans

clerodendrum Uganda - clerodendrum ugandense