Cyclamen (dryakva) / cyclamen

It belongs to the family Primulaceae. Homeland - Iran and the Eastern Mediterranean.

General description: Cyclamen - a very popular tuberous decorative and flowering and decorative foliage plants. It is compact, has heart-shaped leaves in silver-green pattern, very beautiful flowers with recurved petals back on long stalks. However, cyclamen plant is quite demanding, it is better to buy in the fall, with good care it will blossom autumn and winter. Later flowering plant is cut and placed until the middle of summer in a cool place. Then put the pot of cyclamen in a shaded space in the open atmosphere, until the appearance of germs.

Recommendations for the care of a plant Cyclamen:

Illumination: Needs bright but diffused light.

Irrigation mode: During flowering uniform abundant watering dip in the soft water. Later flowering and pruning gradually reduce watering. The period of inactivity does not watered at all. Watering starts in the middle of summer.

Humidity: Likes high humidity, but not fond of sprays. It is best to spray the atmosphere around the plant and set the water tank.

Humidity similar support, placing the pots on the tray with pebbles or expanded clay, which incessantly moistened.

Temperature range: Optimum 12-15 ° C, at least 10 ° C, maximum 17 ° C.

Soil: Draining required. You can add charcoal and brick chips.

Recommended soil mishmash: 1 proportion of leaf, 1 share of humus, 1 share of sod land and sand 1 items.

In the period of growth needs a dressing 1 every two weeks fertilizer for flowering plants.

Cultivation: Seed under soil heating in the late summer and the crushing of the tuber.

Transplanting: When the first germs of the end of summer the tubers are transplanted into fresh soil. Tuber forced to be recessed into the ground is only half. Later transplant watering limited, you need to make shade.

Pests: amazed tsiklamenovym mites (appears when excessive moisture, looks like a layer of dust particle on the bottom surface of the sheet) and thrips (the leaves appear grayish dots).

The plant allowed to help finish a soap solution, and washing the warm spray aktellik (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Cyclamen (Dryakva) - Cyclamen

Cyclamen (dryakva) - cyclamen