Echinopsis / echinopsis

It belongs to the family of cacti.

General description: Echinopsis - very common cactus. Stalk him, at first spherical, gradually extended and is cylindrical. A characteristic feature - the education of many children. Blossoms impressive tubular flowers during adulthood, about 5 years old. Flowers usually appear on the side opposite the sun, turn the pot does not follow.

Usually in the room throw the following conditions:

Echinopsis eyriesii (Echinopsis Eyrieza) owns a small ball-shaped stem columnar ribbed dark green, covered with short brown spines. Flowers large, white, on pubescent peduncle, very fragrant.

Echinopsis rhodotricha (Echinopsis krasnovolosisty) has long, sharp spines on the reddish ribbed cylindrical stem. Flowers odorless.

Echinopsis oxigona (Echinopsis Oxygona) owns a large globular stalk, whitish spines. The flowers are pink or red.

Echinopsis ancistrophora (Echinopsis antsistrofa) compact cactus with flattened-spherical stem, on the edges well defined lumps, from which grow hooked thorns. Flowers are large, snow white

Recommendations for the care of a plant Echinopsis:

Lighting: light-requiring, prefers the southern windows, but in the spring should be carefully accustomed to direct sunlight, to avoid burns.

Irrigation mode: Moderate in the growing season, a bizarre winter, especially if the plant is kept in the cool.

Humidity: Periodic spraying desirable from the petty spray gun, but Echinopsis not picky about the humidity of the atmosphere. In the summer a better place to fresh atmosphere (in the park or on the balcony). In winter you need to dry substance.

Temperature: Moderate, in the winter period of inactivity at a temperature of 5-10 ° C.

Soil: Draining required. You can add charcoal and brick chips.

Recommended soil mishmash 2 elements of the turf, 1 a proportion of leaf, 1 share of humus, 1 share of peat lands, 1 share of sand.

In the period of growth needs a dressing 1 every moon fertilizer for cacti and succulents.

Breeding: Babe and seeds (the children easier, but of seed plants is better).

Transplanting: In the spring, young plants every year, once a mature couple years.

Pests: amazed scarlet spider mites (in dry atmosphere, leaves and stems braided webs), scale insects (on leaves and stems appear brown patches, leaving a sticky discharge), mealybug (covered with white cotton-like fluff).

The plant allowed to help finish a soap solution, and washing the warm spray aktellik (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Echinopsis - Echinopsis

Echinopsis eyrieza - echinopsis eyriesii

Echinopsis - echinopsis