Spurge / euphorbia

Refers to the family of euphorbia.

General description: Molochai are succulent plants of very diverse shapes and sizes. A universal sign is the milky juice of snow-white color, poisonous, which causes burns of mucous membranes, which stands out on slices or sections of stems and leaves.

Usually in the room conditions the following species are bred:

  • Euphorbia milii (splendens) (Milk Mile or Euphorbia shining) is a small bush with stiff erect stems covered with sharp and long spines. Leaves are oblong, bright green. His flowers are small, yellow, but bracts are very bright (color: scarlet, yellow, salmon), they are usually taken for real flowers. A fairly unpretentious plant;
  • Euphorbia tirucalli (Euphorbia tirucalli) is also a bush, but has no leaves or spines. Its shape is shaped by very peculiar stems, similar to small, fleshy sticks;

  • Euphorbia obesa (Euphorbia obesa) also does not own thorns, its stalk is spherical, like a cactus. On it are visible ribs with warty formations;
  • Euphorbia pulcherrima (Euphorbia or Poinsettia) . This species in the Catholic countries is a symbol of Christmas, at this time it is very beautiful blossoms. Large red, snow-white or pink leaves appear under fairly small inflorescences. This species is considered one-year, it is difficult to provide a comfortable wintering;
  • Euphorbia polygona (Euphorbia polygona) has fleshy round-ribbed stems. Ribs have warty upbringings and thorns. It flowers with small yellowish inflorescences.

Recommendations for caring for the plant Spurge:

Illumination : Photophilous, prefer southern windows, but in the spring should be carefully accustomed to direct sunlight, in order to avoid burns.

Irrigation mode : Moderate, by the measure of drying of the soil. In the winter, outlandish. To water with warm soft water.

Humidity of air : Periodic warm spraying is desirable, but the spurge is not exacting to the humidity of the atmosphere.

Temperature regime : In summer, the temperature should be moderate 20-25 ° C., In the winter cool 10-16 ° C.

Soil : Drainage is mandatory. You can add charcoal and brick chips.

Recommended soil mix: 1 share of sod, 1 share of leaf, 1 share of peat land and 1 share of sand.

During the growth period, it needs fertilizing once every 2 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers (for flowering or succulents, depending on the species).

Breeding : Dried cuttings on the atmosphere.

Transplant : Young plants are transplanted annually, mature, older than three years are transplanted after a couple of years.

Pests : Euphorbia is affected by aphids (form sticky excretions on the shoots apexes, buds), whiteflies (whitish or yellowish spots appear on the underside of the leaves), mealybugs (covered with snow-white cotton wool).

With a slight infection, the plant is allowed to help finish with a soap solution and a warm wash.

In case of severe damage, spraying with an insecticide solution is recommended.

Euphorbia pulcherrima Euphorbia pulcherrima

Milk Mile - Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia Euphorbia grandicornis

Euphorbia - euphorbia obesa

Spurge of the large-horned euphorbia grandicornis

Euphorbia beautiful - euphorbia pulcherrima

Spurge of a mile - euphorbia milii