Laurel / laurus

Refers to the family of laurels. Fatherland - the Mediterranean.

General description: Laurel is known as if a houseplant from the times of Ancient Rome. This is an evergreen log with hard and fragrant leaves. In order that it does not grow more than 1.5 m, its crown is formed by pruning. Laurel grows well in the room, in addition, his leaves are used as if a culinary spice.

Recommendations for the care of the plant Laurel:

Illumination : photophilous, shading is needed only in the summer noon.

Irrigation regime : Abundant during growth, moderate in winter.

Humidity : Requires regular spraying and washing under the shower.

For the summer it is better to place on a fresh atmosphere (in the park or on the balcony).

In winter it is more often to ventilate a place, laurel in any way is not afraid of drafts.

Temperature regime : In summer, the temperature should be moderate, in the winter cool 12-15 ° C, minimum + 1 ° C.

Soil : Proper benign drainage is required. You can add small gravel or expanded clay.

Recommended soil mix: 2 elements of a turf ground, 1 share of humus, 1 share of a leaf ground and 1/2 elements of sand.

During the growth period, it needs regular fertilizing watering.

Breeding : by stem cuttings in spring and autumn, by layers, by crushing during transplantation, by seeds.

Transplantation : Usually, the laurel is planted in small wooden tubs and transplanted, at what time the old tub starts to rot, i.e. Once every few years.

Pests : Most often it is affected by scabs (brown leaves, leaving sticky discharge appear on the leaves and stems), spider mites (in a dry atmosphere, leaves and stems are braided with cobwebs), in summer, in a fresh atmosphere, if not regularly washed in the shower, .

The plant is allowed to help finish with a soap solution, warm washing and spraying with an actinic (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Laurel - Laurus

Laurel - laurus