Miltonia / miltonia

It belongs to the family of orchids.

General description: Miltonia - orchid, blooming velvety, like violets, flowers 5-10 cm in diameter. Painting of pink petals, yellow at the base. It is not so capricious, like other kinds of orchids, but to grow it indoors, it is necessary to ensure a constant temperature mode.

Recommendations for the care of a plant Milton

Lighting: light-requiring, only need to make shade in the summer afternoon.

Irrigation mode: Abundant in the growth period, bizarre winter, especially if the plant is kept in the cool.

Humidity: Requires frequent spraying, especially in warm rooms.

Humidity similar support, placing the pots on the tray with pebbles or expanded clay, which incessantly moistened.

Temperature: In summer, the temperature must be warm to about 20 ° C, cool winter, 12-15 ° C, for at least 8 ° C Miltonia hybrids.. Does not tolerate drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Soil: Requires dobrokachestvenny drainage. You can add charcoal or expanded clay.

The recommended soil mix: 1 proportion of peat, 1 share of chopped pine bark. Suitable for a hodgepodge of orchids.

During the growth needs regular dressing fertilizer for orchids or conventional in the half of this portioned packaging.

Breeding: Crushing for the transplant. In each of the elements should remain no less than three of germs.

Transplanting: Milton transplant at which time the pot is close (the roots begin to grow through the drainage holes).

Transplant brings bad.

Pests: affected scale insects (on leaves and stems appear brown patches, leaving a sticky discharge), thrips (the leaves appear grayish dots), whiteflies (on the underside of leaves appear whitish or yellowish spots).

The plant allowed to help finish a soap solution, and washing the warm spray aktellik (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Miltonia - Miltonia

Miltonia - miltonia