Harmful habits, which we in vain consider useful

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The habit is the established way of behavior, the realization of which in a certain situation acquires the character of the need for the individual, which "prompts him to perform any actions, actions." In the formation of a habit, an action is repeatedly performed, the pleasant emotional tone caused by the very implementation of this action is extremely important, since it is "learned ... that has become automatic and is done effortlessly."

Bad habits - the established way of unhealthy or incorrect behavior, the implementation of which in a particular situation acquires for the individual the nature of the need, which "prompts to perform any actions, deeds.

Each of us knows about the dangers of cigarettes and vodka and about the benefits of exercising, sports and proper nutrition. But there are habits that we do on the machine every day and do not even think about whether there is any usefulness in them. We decided to understand in which cases our ideas about healthy habits can be mistaken.

The mechanism of habit formation: points of view

Psychological aspect: The habit is formed in the process of repeated execution of the action at the stage of its development, when, when it is performed, the c.-l. Difficulties of strong-willed or cognitive nature. Here we are talking about habituation - the cessation or reduction of the acuteness of reaction to the stimulus still acting, which causes emotionally positive states during the period of realization of the habit and, on the contrary, gives rise to negative experiences in circumstances that hinder its implementation. Once worked out, the habit often continues and after the elimination of the causal factors that led to its development. Behavioral psychotherapy is based on the belief that some habits can be replaced by others.

Physiological aspect: The habit is nothing more than the formation in the brain structures of stable nervous connections, characterized by an increased readiness for functioning. The system of such neural connections serves as the basis for more or less complex forms of behavioral acts, which IP Pavlov called dynamic stereotypes. In the complex of nerve structures that provide a habitual mode of action, as a rule, the mechanisms of emotional response are included, which is already a psychological aspect of habit formation.


To maintain health, you need to sleep evenly

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Specialists from the University of Pittsburgh conducted research that proved that in order to stay healthy, you need to sleep evenly. Violation of the rhythm of natural watches leads to the development of heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Scientists went further and measured the body mass index and waist circumference in unevenly sleeping people. Alas, the results did not satisfy the subjects: both indicators exceeded the norm.


Healthy home food, fruit, juices can give the right amount of nutrients

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Healthy home foods, fruits, juices are quite capable of giving the body the right amount of nutrients. And in the case of diseases or, for example, pregnancy, only a doctor can determine which vitamin or microelement the body needs.


Most of us very often wash

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A dermatologist from the Cranley Clinic in London, Nick Lowe, who conducted the research, is sure that most of us very often wash. This seemingly useful habit is bad for our health. Hot water combined with shower gels deprive the skin of the protective layer, which leads to dryness, peeling and cracking. This can provoke infection.

If you like to wash yourself every day, give preference to cool water and do not use detergents. They are needed in places of sweat secretion.


Do not be with the sick person in the same room

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If there is a possibility not to be with the sick person in the same room - fine. But to hold your breath if the neighbor at the workplace coughed up - it's silly. Pathogenic molecules emerge from the human respiratory tract when coughing or sneezing at a speed of almost 5 meters per second, and the number of them in one "serving" is such that, if they were evenly distributed across the atmosphere, each inhabitant of our planet would have 2 molecules each.


Do not brush your teeth after each meal

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Often one can hear a recommendation to brush your teeth after each meal. In reality, it is by no means possible. Especially right after they ate something sour or sweet. Because the acid-softened enamel is easily damaged by the active abrasive substances of the toothpaste.

After a snack, rinse your mouth with a rinse aid or plain water. If you want to brush your teeth with paste, wait at least half an hour.


Sweet sleep after a hearty meal can have disappointing consequences

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There seems to be nothing better than a sweet dream after a hearty dinner. However, after-dinner sleep can have disappointing consequences, especially if there is excess weight. When a person goes to bed, his body starts to save calories in reserve instead of burning them. Thus, sleep after a hearty meal eventually lead to a set of excess weight.

Do not relax right after a tight meal. If you want to take a nap for lunch, before you go to a 20-minute walk, so that calories can be spent.


Do not try to turn your home into a sterile area

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Our immune system needs "training". When foreign bacteria enter the body, antibodies are produced that are designed to destroy the infection. If a person lives in a sanitation environment, the antibodies produced have nothing to fight with. In addition, the use of household chemicals can also harm the body. For example, some air fresheners can cause chronic bronchitis.

Do not try to turn your house into a sterile zone, especially if there are children. In children who grow up in complete purity, the likelihood of developing allergies is greatly increased. Try to minimize the use of household chemicals, especially aggressive drugs, which should be used in gloves.


Microwave helps save more nutrients

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Scientists at Harvard University believe that, unlike other ways of heating food, microwave helps save more nutrients. Food in it warms up faster, and therefore vitamin C and other useful elements do not have time to completely decompose.

When warming up, cover the food with a lid and add a little water, so that it quickly cooks, but it does not overheat.

In addition, for people who maintain a balanced diet, even the loss of certain substances due to heating in the microwave oven will be negligible and will not affect the amount of vitamins and minerals that their body will end up with.


Duration of sleep for an adult should be about 8 hours

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Many people believe that the more we sleep, the better rest our body. In fact, the spillage can be as harmful as lack of sleep. Employee of the British Center for Sleep Research, a professor at the University of Loughborough, Jim Horn believes that sleep longer than 8 hours causes disruptions in the brain. As a result, a person feels sluggish and thinks slowly.

The duration of sleep for an adult should be about 8 hours: it is during this time that the body has time to recover. If you want to sleep more, you need to undergo a test, because drowsiness can be a sign of a chronic illness.


The consequences of rapid awakening can become not only a violation of the biological clock, but also harm to the heart

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A study conducted in Japan shows that the consequence of a rapid awakening can be not only a violation of the biological clock, but also harm to the heart. When you wake up on the alarm clock, blood pressure rises, and you instantly find yourself in a "state of alert", which is not good for the body.

If you really need to wake up early, and early to go to bed for some reason is impossible, then to maintain good health it is more useful to find a way to wake up gradually.


Incorrect wearing of a backpack can lead to chronic back problems even at a young age

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Incorrect wearing of a backpack can lead to chronic back problems even at a young age.

The ideal position of the backpack is five centimeters above the waist, and all belts should be tightened properly. In addition, children are recommended to put in the backpack only what is really necessary so as not to carry excess weight.


Cheap glasses from ultraviolet radiation do not protect

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Ophthalmologists believe that cheap eyewear from ultraviolet radiation does not protect - with the same success they can not be worn at all.

Typically, when you look at a bright light, your eyes squint to protect yourself, and if you are wearing glasses, your eyes open and let the light act on them. Cheap glasses do not have a normal protective coating, which means they not only do not protect themselves from sunlight, but also allow them to unobstructedly affect the eyes.

Via AdMe.ru (illustrator Leonid Khan)